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New Member in need of Advice

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Hello, I'm glad to be a part of this group. I have been looking for

new friends that I can be open with. The area that I'm from is quite

closed minded on I guess you would say " New Age " stuff. I have felt

for awhile that something big is happening to our Universe but I'm

very confused on what to do and where to go to learn about this


Also I have been sick for a year now with digestive problems. The

doctors are telling me I have IBS and that my gallbladder isn't

functioning like it should. They aren't going to do anything about

the gallbladder at this time. My body is so sensitive I can not take

prescription drugs and I even get a lot of side affects from natural

remedies. I am at a loss of what to do for myself. I am attuned to

Reiki, I use it on myself everyday and it hasn't brought me any relief.

I'm exhausted of going through each and everyday in discomfort. I do

my best at staying positive but it's really difficult at times.

I'm hoping that some of you may have heard of the AIM program which is

an energetic balancing program?

Any advice, love or prayers that you can send my way would be greatly


Blessings to all of you,

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