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ophiuchus 13th sign

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thank you for posting this, I watched the show and tried to get the name of this sign but never did accomplish...when I googled and tried to spell it, I was scratching my head even more... thank you, thank you for sending this to the group... :)

many blessings, mary in mn :)

In a message dated 11/11/2007 6:27:49 A.M. Central Standard Time, writes:

Ophiuchus - the 13th Sign

Posted by: "Liane Legey" butterflygris@... lianeqrz_legey

Sat Nov 10, 2007 4:10 pm (PST)

Ophiuchus - the 13th SignAs some might recall, the recent History Channel program "The Lost Book ofNostradamus" discussed the importance of Ophiuchus and the propheciesconcerning the Sun's crossing through the Galactic Center.For those interested in some further understanding of the Constellation"Ophiuchus" (a.k.a. Serpentarius), the Serpent-Holder (Great Healer) andit's meaning as part of the Zodiac not commonly considered by WesternAstrology, here is an interesting link:http://www.geocities.com/astrologyconstellations/ophiuchus.htmThis site, while covering a lot of the basics, doesn't delve too much intothe 2012 prophecy however.For that, as the Nostradamus, Maya, Hopi and other prophecies indicate, itis a Solar/Galactic Alignment which occurs every 26,000 Earth years. It isthe time when the Solar Cross (the means by which we measure TIME, i.e., theseasons and solar cycles), and the Galactic Cross (the means by which wemeasure SPACE) form an Eight-Spoked wheel (when the two crosses connect andoverlap), and render what we typically understand the as the Tarot Card ofthe Wheel of Fortune. TIME & SPACE are in complete alignment, and the NEWAGE officially begins. The Circle that forms the wheel is also viewed asthe Ouroboros (Uroborus) - an ancient alchemical symbol depicting a snake ordragon [DNA] swallowing its own tail, constantly creating itself and forminga circle. The serpent or Ouroboros is being held by the Divine Healer,Asklepius (Ophiuchus), who is "the Son of the Sun" (Apollo). Asklepius isthus another form of Jesus Christ, making this symbolic of "his Return" toimportance (something the Christians have created into a dogma called "TheSecond Coming", but clearly it is NOT just a second time this cycle hasoccurred). As the Great Healer, the energies of this Alignment will createall things new! DNA, Earth, etc.The serpent being held up upon a staff is called the Caduceus and is thesymbol of healing.This timing has great symbolic meaning.http://www.crystalinks.com/2012.htmlThere are many other connected sources of information for this timing aswell.Enjoy and be blessed!Namaste,Pholus*Pholus Aquula Xephyr**"SUNBOWS" -Shift Happens! GET INTUIT!**"We are not human beings on a Spiritual Journey,but rather spiritual beings on a Human Journey"*.-- "THE ONLY THING NEEDED FOR EVIL TO TRIUMPH IS FOR GOOD MEN TO DO NOTHING"EDMUND BURKE ..

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