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I know now the cyclic seizures I began having are from fluoride

toxicity. At the time when these started I asked my neuralogist

if fluoride could be the cause, only to be told, " Fluoride! That's

in toothpaste--it's no problem " . I also have discovered my near

death experience during a minor surgery which did reguire general

anesthesia was most liekly from the fluoirde in the general. I

heard about 98 percent of the gases used to put you under are driven

by fluoride.

Almost 100% of what illnesses, conditions and diseases I currently

have are directly linked to this fluoirde toxicity. Even my

recently discovered gluten intolerance is strongly linked to the

wrecked and ruined metabolitic damage caused by this most highly

electon negative toxin which has a proclivity for ALL carbon based

matter. That is why it is used with abandon in pharmacuetical,

pesticides, fertilizers, OTC meds, and just about everything you can

think of without the FDA requiring it to be listed or even reported

as used. I used to wonder why I would get so ill and sick to my

stomach when I entered areas with new carpeting--ScotchGuard!!!

When I asked a FDA official to send me a list of everything with

fluoirde in it he literally choked laughing saying, " You must be

kidding lady--it's in everthing! " For more on how this tolerance

and blind eye being turned about fluoride you can read Chris

Bryson's " Fluoride Deception " .

It seems the same Mellon institue in Washington which ok-ed the use

of lead in pipes and asbestos in insulation also gave the thumbs up

to fluoirde in water. Grand Rapids, Mich., the first U.S. city to

put fluoride in their city's water took it out several months ago.

They said there was overwhelming proof of fluorides harmfulness not

only to those exposed but to their offspring since it has been shown

to effect newborn and probably the actual DNA. To my knowledge

the ADA(American Dental Association) has yet to respond with a


It would be interesting to discover the coorelation of thryoidism in

cities and counties which do and do not have manditory fluoridation

added to the waters. Interestingly thse areas where fluoride or

cyolite is mined and the employees who do so, are horrandously

effected. What also would be a great stat to know how many hip and

spine fractures come from fluoride making bone brittle and caulky


Make sure you and your family and freinds visit that site and become

vocal and active with their demands to have fluoirde removed and

also required to be listed and labeled. Jan was speaking about

perhaps making our group politically active--I vote this issue to be

one directly relating to Thyroidism.

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