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Chiropractor in Houston familiar with hypothyroidism

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Hi all,

I went to a chiropractor for the first time today. His name is Dr.

Mack and I found him through the Houston Top Docs list from H*Texas

magazine. He uses a lot of deep tissue massage, which is great for

me because I carry all of my stress in tense neck and back muscles.

I also found out that I have mild scoliosis in my upper back/shoulder

area. Here is a link:



Aside from feeling MUCH better already(I don't know why I waited so

long to see a chiropractor?!), I had a very good conversation with

Dr. Mack about my Hashimotos. It turns out his wife is hypothyroid,

and was diagnosed about 30 years ago when she experienced

infertility. She has been on Synthroid this entire time and has been

fighting with doctors who keep wanting to decrease her meds while she

wants/needs an increase. He was familiar with Dr. Hotze and has read

his book. He agrees with some of the stuff that Dr. Hotze says, but

thinks a lot of it is " horn-tooting. " He believes there should be a

way for doctors and patients to legitimately give a hypothyroidism

diagnosis based on symptoms even if the numbers are normal, and that

not treating people who are obviously hypo but have normal results is

a form of malpractice. He was also telling me about a 6 year old

grandaughter of his that he believes to be hypothyroid and have

Celiac Disease. She has very stunted growth and severe stomach

issues. He asked if I had been tested for any other autoimmune

conditions because most people have more than one. He was amazed and

dumbfounded that DH and I travel to Lubbock to see Dr. . He

was also very knowledgable about my bilateral club feet and how they

affect my posture and gait.

I am going to see him again on Monday, and will take a list of books

to him (Dr. Broda , Shomon, etc) for him and his wife to

read. Just wanted to share his name and info if anyone was looking

for a chiro who has a decent understanding of what hypothyroidism

does to your body.


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