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Celia Fenn: 10:10 : The Diamond Doorway Opens : Are you Ready to Pass Through ?

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Celia Fenn: 10:10 : The Diamond Doorway Opens : Are you Ready to Pass Through ?

The Grand Finale !.. | 10 Oktober 2007 | 20:08:25

Archangel through Celia Fenn

And so it is, dearest Lightworkers, that you stand today at the

threshold of the Diamond Doorway. You are about to pass through into

the radiant Diamond Light of Infinite Love. Are you Ready? You may not

feel so - but we can say that you are indeed! All humanity has made the

Collective decision, and so you begin the process.

Dearest Lightworkers - you are the ones who are the pioneers, you

take the first steps in consciousness so that All may follow. And so it

is that you are now courageously accepting the changes in body, mind

and emotions, as you integrate with your I Am presence and become the

Human Angel that you are. As you step across the threshold, you allow

the manifestation of the Being within you that has been seeking to

emerge in the last years of this transformation process.

And, we will say, dearest ones, that you are not simply returning

in time to reclaim some lost part of yourself. That work is already

complete. You are taking a step forward into the consciousness of

Present Infinity, the Now moment, where Past and Present and Future

merge as One.

And then, you experience the "Becoming"

moment, as you Become a New Creation, something that the Earth has not

seen before. This is the unfolding of all Past and Present Potential

into the Full Presence of Who You Are now. As we experience this

"birthing" moment with you, we celebrate Who You Are Now. And we see

you in this way.

You are no longer a Third-dimensional physical being only. You are

a glorious Multi-dimensional being of radiant light. You are no longer

a lesser and sinful being separated from God, but you are a spark of

the Divine Flame of God Source in a human body. Dearest Ones, can you

see how your consciousness has expanded to embrace who you really are?

You have spent thousands of years believing that you were separate from

the Source or Creator Power, and so you created that separation. And

you created also separation from the planet, and from others, and in

this distortion of your glorious light you created much violence, and

the result was a deep sadness and grief in the Planetary Heart. As many

of you return to now to full God or Source Consciousness, you feel the

sadness and the grief of your long separation. All humanity mourns its

separation and its broken heart! But know, dearest ones, that you were

never shut out of Paradise except by your own choice. For the Source,

the "God Love", lives within each one of you, and it will never cut you

off and abandon you. It was indeed your choice to create this

experience, and now it is your choice to end this illusion and return

to a full consciousness of your God self.

What did you gain by this choice? We see that you have developed

individual mental and emotional consciousness, and that the individual

consciousness can be aligned with the greater consciousness of Who You

Are. Is this not indeed something to celebrate. You are, in the eyes of

Spirit, a myriad of perfect Crystal Beings, each one a reflection of

the radiance of the Source, each one made in God's "image" of

perfection, and each one containing an awareness of itself and its


And so, as this new creation, a Human Angelic being aware of the

God Source within and aware as an individual self-consciousness, you

are indeed a "New Creation". But, dearest ones, it is only when you

fully embrace your Power as a Creator, and when you embrace your

responsibilities as a "Co-Creator" with Spirit and with Others on the

Planet, that you will fully enter into your new being as a Human Angel.

We ask you - What will you Create in your new state of Being? Will

you seek personal wealth and love only, or will you seek to move into

your High Heart and begin to work to create abundance for All and the

awareness of Unconditional Love for All? For we say to you, dearest

ones, that Abundance is there for All, and that Love is always present.

These are the very fabric of Existence and Creation. The extent to

which you experience these individually and as a group is determined by

your ability to give yourself permission to open your awareness to the

blessings of love that surround you at each moment of every day.

In your new state of Multi-dimensional consciousness, you must

choose what you will see and what you will create. For, the most

important skill of a Human Angel is the exercise of CHOICE in the

service of the Light. You are offered choices at every moment, and how

you choose will determine the quality of your creations and how you

experience them. When you pass through the Diamond Doorway into a

Multi-dimensional consciousness, you have agreed to create only from

Love. Your choices will be made from and through Love.

This means, dearest souls, that you will live your lives in a new

creative paradigm. You will make choices in a new way. You will,

perhaps, ask yourself these questions as you create:

Am I creating from and through Unconditional Love for myself and others?

Will my creation bring the highest good for myself and others and the planet?

Am I reacting to others and their creations from individual and

personal emotional or mental patterns, or am I responding as a channel

for the Love of Source?

Am I ready to surrender to the flow of Love from Spirit and to

Trust that my creation will manifest in perfection at the right time?

Am I creating from my Heart in a balanced and loving way?

Dearest ones, if you can keep asking yourselves these questions as

you step across the portal into the Diamond Light, you will begin to

relax into this new energy and you will begin to find the flow of

creative joy in your new Multi-dimensional Being.

And so, we will say to you, that the key to this process of

shifting through the doorway, is the Heart. If you can hold your energy

in your Heart in a balanced and powerful way, you will have no

difficulty in moving into your full potential as a Creator.

For, your Heart is the Creative Matrix for the New Earth. It is

from and through your Heart that you will create. It is in co-operation

with all the other Hearts on the grid of Love that you will create all

that you desire together.

So, we ask you to remember two things. Firstly, that in this new

place of the Heart, you will be aware that All is Connected and

Inter-connected. You will truly feel and understand that you are all

One in the Unconditional Creative Love of Source. You will see others

as manifestations of your own self, of your dreams and desires, and you

will truly understand how you create together. You will learn to look

at the mirror of your creations and to respond with joy and gratitude,

for all that you create will be in balance and will fill your Heart

with Joy and Gratitude. And, as you create the New Earth together, you

will feel such Joy and Gratitude for the Creative Power that lies

within your Beloved Heart.

And, secondly, we ask you to remember that you are Infinite and

Eternal. You are an Angelic Being of Light and you will never die. You

will continue eternally in a process of "Becoming". Becoming All that

your "I Am" can be in a process of expressing your full potential as a

Being of Light and Love.

So, we say again, what will you create? For, it is only through

your creations that you will know yourself. And, as you see what you

have created, both as an individual and with others, you can make new

choices so that your creations can become richer and more beautiful and

more dynamic, and more filled with the radiant beauty of the Diamond

Light of Spirit.

And so, you will gain experience and skill as a Creator. And so

you will "Become" ever more radiant and beautiful and ever more a

reflection of the Divine Light of Source on the Material Plane.

And so, we leave you on this special day, wishing you love and beauty on your Creative Adventure.

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