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Re: Starseeds

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> Starseeds


> The term Starseed means that many on Earth are from other star systems,

> galaxies, even other universes.


> A Starseed is a starborn mortal, a human being with alien DNA. Starseeds

> have been coming since the beginning of earth's history, getting


> in being human and learning many lessons, reincarnating over and

over again,

> until they were ready for an " awakening " in the Age of Aquarius and the

> Ascension which happens in 2012. No, the world is not going end, nor is

> there going to be a second coming of Christ, like the Christian church

> teaches in the end times. But there will be a change, a new world...


> A starseed is a person whose origin is from another planet. I've known

> since I was 10 that I was this. It was confirmed with my soul

reading and

> I have actually learned where I came from...the Orion system and then I

> was in Sirius as well as Pleadies. I've always had visions of a sky

in the

> shades of lavender with two orbs in the sky.. but I didn't know if they

> were moons or suns.


> I've just learned that Orion is a binary star, so it would show up on a

> planet as two suns. I have had thousands of past life since my origin,

> many of them on Atlantis.


> When the starseeds started coming to earth, Atlantis was the first place

> they went to. It had everything that needed... a variety of climates,

> natural resources like fresh water, minerals, crops, animals. Tim and I

> were some of the first energies to go there. Humans slowly evolved and

> we had many lives on Atlantis.


> All people have many past lives but everyone has to have an origin. The

> origin can be from the angelic realm, elemental (fairies), starborn, or

> earth born. The majority of people are, of course, earth born. But a

> high number of people are what are called Starseeds, who are starborn

> humans.


> This is going back 50,000 years or more. Most starseeds came to earth as

> energy and evolved into human beings on Atlantis... supposedly the very

> first continent inhabited on earth. It is believed by most Starseeds,

> Lightworkers, and Indigos that there is a Higher Power, a Creator,


> God or Goddess by most of them, and that the Higher Power oversees not

> just earth, but all planets and the entire universe. This is about faith

> not about religion. And that when you reincarnate, you can incarnate to

> not just earth, but other planets as well.


> Starseeds are individuals who feel excitement and longing upon learning

> that they might have originated from another world. They experience the

> aloneness and separateness that is the human condition, but also have

> the sense of being foreigners on this planet. They find the behavior

> and motives of our society puzzling and illogical. Starseeds are often

> most reluctant to become involved in the institutions of society, e.g.

> political, economic, health care, etc. Even at an early age, they tend

> to discern the hidden agendas of such conventions with unusual clarity. "


> The Starseeds of Light agreed to forget who they are when born as


> Many come with special missions to serve humanity in some way. They are

> now awakening to who they really are and sense that something


> will happen soon. They too are here to help us awaken.


> Do you think you are a Starseed?

> Here are a few of the characteristics you may recognize.


> These are from Brad Steiger's book StarPeople:


> Compelling eyes.

> Lower than normal body temperature.

> Was an unexpected child.

> Chronic sinusitis.

> Hypersensitivity to electricity or electro-magnetic force fields.

> Experience buzzing or audio tone prior to a psychic-spiritual event or

> warning of

> danger.

> Have " flying " dreams.

> Children and animals are attracted to you.

> Felt Earth mother/father not real parents.

> Had unseen companions as a child.


> Also:


> The frustrations levels and the 'need to know now' levels - run high.

> Their eyes have an extremely compelling quality

> They have great magnetism and personal charisma

> They are very sensitive to electricity and electromagnetic fields

> 88-92% have lower body temperature than the norm

> At an early age they had some kind of extraterrestrial, religious or

> mystical

> experience

> 92% feel a tremendous sense of urgency to fulfill their missions

> 65% are female: 35% are male

> 90% have experienced a sense of oneness with the universe

> 83-94% have chronic sinusitis

> 32-34% have extra or transitional vertebra

> 97% have hypersensitivity to sound, light, odors

> 70-87% have swollen or painful joints

> 93% have pain in the back of the neck

> 84% adversely affected by high humidity

> 71% have difficulty dealing with/or expressing emotions

> 74% report out of body experiences

> 57% perceive auras

> 63% have experienced a white light during meditation

> 50% believe that they receive some form of communication from a higher

> source

> 50% have accomplished dramatic healings on themselves and others

> 38% practice automatic writing

> 60% have perceived spirit guides

> 75% have experienced clairvoyance, clairaudience

> 57% have made prophetic statements or experienced prophetic dreams or

> visions

> that have come to pass

> 38% have been visited by an angel

> 37% reveal the manifestation of a Light Being

> 35% feel that they have been blessed by the appearance of a holy figure

> 50% are convinced that they have a spirit guide or angel

> 40% admit to having had an invisible playmate as a child

> 20% once spotted an elf or " wee person "

> 14% have witnessed the activities of the " fairies "

> 34% are certain that they have encountered alien entities of an

> extraterrestrial

> or multidimensional level

> 55% report an intense religious experience

> 72% claim an illumination experience

> 90% have experienced telepathic communication with another entity,


> or

> non-physical from another realm.

> 48% have seen a ghost

> 42% have connected with a deceased loved one

> 76% believe in reincarnation and have past life memories

> 37% have survived a life-threatening illness

> 34% have been involved in a severe accident or trauma

> 55% have had near death experiences

> 78% believe that have lived on another planet and can tell you about it

> Some are aware of parallel existence at this time in other worlds

> 86% believe in miracles

> Most believe in a God or creator energy source

> All believe in life on other planets


> Take the starseed quiz:

> http://home.earthlink.net/~pleiadesx/starquiz.htm


> Generally....

> Lightworkers are children of starseeds...

> Indigos are children of lightworkers

> Crystals are children of Indigos


> But you can " carry " more than one " title " ; I'm a starseed (meaning

my DNA is

> starborn), I'm a lightworker (daughter of a starseed, birth mother


> as I

> am also a walk-in), I'm an Indigo. I know that my purpose is to help


> awaken

> (my lightworker status) and go towards their own ascension (my Indigo

> status).

> Since I'm in Indigo, it makes perfect sense that would be a

> crystal.

> There are also rainbow children and diamonds, and about a dozen

other kinds

> and

> levels of starborn children...


> Books:

> Star People by Brad Steiger

> Other Worlds, Other Lives: Discover Your True Cosmic Origins by Brad


> Starpeople: The Sirian Redemption by Tuck- (I'm reading


> now,

> it's very good)

> Earth Angels by Doreen Virtue

> No More Secrets, No More Lies: A Handbook To Starseed Awakening by

> Cori

> Welcome to Planet Earth by Hannah Beaconsfield

> The Starseed Transmissions by Ken Carey

> The American Indian Ufo Starseed Connection by Green Beckley

> The Seed (The Star People Series) by Brad Steiger

> Starborn by Brad Steiger, Sherry Hansen Steiger


> Webpages:


> http://www.lightworkerway.com/ints.html#starseeds

> http://www.mahatma.co.uk/p355.html

> http://www.paoweb.com/starwhat.htm

> http://www.homestead.com/_allaboutlife/Starsees.html

> http://www.fromthestars.com/page79.html

> http://www.geocities.com/RainForest/1616/

> http://www.consciousliving.net/kennedy.htm

> http://www.ronan.net/~starunltd/thunder.htm

> http://www.fromthestars.com/page3.html

> http://www.lightanchorproject.com/planetaryorigin/planetaryorigin.html


> Written and Compiled by Cindi Wafstet

> © August 2002

> Permission to share freely as long as credit is given.


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