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Self-Esteem Affirmations (Hay)

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"Self-Esteem Affirmations" Written by Louise L. Hay

"I am a radiant being, enjoying life to the fullest."

"I am totally adequate for all situations."

"I choose to feel good about myself. I am worthy of my own love."

"I stand on my own two feet. I accept and use my own power."

"It is safe for me to speak up for myself."

"It does not matter what other people say or do. What matters is how I choose to react and what I choose to believe about myself."

"My self-esteem is high because I honor who I am."

"I take a deep breath and allow myself to relax my entire body. My entire body calms down."

"I am loved and accepted exactly as I am, right here and now."

"I see the world through eyes of love and acceptance. All Is Well In My World."

"I willingly release any need for struggle or suffering. I deserve all that is good."

"My life gets more fabulous every day. I look forward to what each new hour brings."

"I am neither too little nor too much, and I do not have to prove myself to anyone."

"Today, no person, place, or thing can irritate or annoy me. I choose to be at peace."

"For every problem that I may create, I am confident that I can find a solution."

"Life supports me in every possible way."

"My consciousness is filled with healthy, positive, loving thoughts that reflect themselves in my experience."

"I move through life and know that I am safe -- divinely protected and guided."

"I accept others as they are; and they, in turn, accept me."

"I am wonderful, and I feel great. I am grateful for my life."

"This is the only time I get to live today. I choose to enjoy it."

"I have the self-esteem, power, and confidence to move forward in life with ease."

"The greatest gift I can give myself is unconditional love."

"I love myself exactly as I am. I no longer wait to be perfect in order to love myself."

Copyright 2004. "I CAN DO IT" -- How to Use Affirmations to Change Your Life (book) Written by Louise L. Hay, Published by Hay House Inc.

Available through: www.hayhouse.com or Hay House

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