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World Premier Mutant Mold Outer Space~Correction~Not Disney Studios

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Received this message from a friend:

"The studio is not a Disney studio. It is called Downey Studios and is really just a lot for film production. Disney Studios is in Burbank, California and they also have environmental concerns there. Downey Studios is a bunch of sound stages converted from airplane hangers and manufacturing buildings and outdoor lots. Studios such as Disney or Paramount will send their crews to that location for filming. Disney will be offended if we misstate that they are officially located on that property.Mold and fungi is attracted to toxins and former NASA/military sites have a lot of toxins. This particular studio has a decades long history of mold settlements with employees that became ill from the contamination going back to the early years of World War II. On this same property they had also experimented with the genetically modified, antibiotic resistant fungi used to clean the soils. Unfortunately, there was never any indication that they kept that product wet down, and with the winds there it probably blew all over the place.Bellflower Kaiser Hospital, about one mile from Downey studios and the Downey Kaiser Hospital also has the mold contamination. Before the main building was shut down at Bellflower Kaiser is where xxxx used to work.....I guess they just keep playing off of people's lack of education on the area in the hopes that eventually the property will be cleaned up before everyone catches on."



Looks informative and entertaining. I did know that about concerns of fungi that are out of this world nasty. As I understand it, NASA used to bring all pieces of space crafts to Downey, California after they returned to earth. After they shut the site down, it was determined to be a superfund/ brownfield.

Under the premise that it had been cleaned, a Kaiser Hospital and a Disney Studios movie lot were built on the site. Many working there while construction was being completed became very ill. Some with fungal diseases. Some died unexpectantly (never determined by the LA coronor that it was from the site). They call it "The Downey Syndrome"

LA Times article on the Downey Syndrome : http://articles.latimes.com/2009/aug/02/business/fi-ct-downey2

Website detailing the matter, thousands of legal and government documents, etc. : http://downey.kaiserpapers.info/

I am going to be discussing a bit about the Downey Syndrome and how it relates to my situation with the CA courts on Vicki Hour tomorrow afternoon at 5PM PST.


I participated in a press conference with the Downey injured workers back in 2009 discussing how ACOEM and politics have played into them not being able to get medical help or workers comp benefits in CA.


I swear this issue just gets weirder and weirder! Sometimes I feel like I am living in the middle of a novel co-written by Grisham, Tom Clancey and King!

Sharon Kramer

Did you know that Russia and NASA have been concerned mutant mold since the early 1960s?Did you know that Apollo 16 had problems with Chaetonium growing in the astronaut space suits?Did you know that over 107 different species of mold have been found in various space craft?Did you know that mold mutates attacks the structural materials of space craft?We have pictures from Russia documenting mold growing on aluminum, glass and even Titanium!

If you want to attend the Premier send an email to : OEHCS

6 pm to 9 pm. March 4, 2012 Las Vegas!

The trailer for the new video documentary on Mutant Mold in Outer Space has now been put on youtube. Here is the link. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PS-9NvJWxFk

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