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Re: Question Using Stones/Rocks For Healing - Reiki - BOUGHT STONES, PSYCHICS AND ANIMALS

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Ty so much Ali and Ana,

As usual I tend to fly into something new without totally preparing myself *grin*. I know nothing about Reiki nor healing but I am able to pick up on vibrations/energy. I talk to things as you mentioned Ali and I seem to be becoming better and better at that though I realize my awakening level is slow, which I might add I also need to accept. I have a tendency to push myself and hurry into things and get really down if I don't get something. I wish I had someone working with me instead of doing this all on my own. I am the type that learns better by seeing or hearing than reading. I'm still working on the love thing but having difficulty feeling it. I have been putting myself in places that I know my soul yearns for and doing things I know will nurture me.

A new psychic store opened at the mall and I've been conditioned to avoid such things. They advertise readings and today I got to thinking maybe they have things in there that could help me on many different levels. I didn't know they sold rocks and crystals they even had geodes that were not opened yet. They had plenty of raw stones but more that were polished. I read all the descriptions and held different ones to see if one might call to me more than another. I don't know if I know what I am doing but I choose about 7 different ones and came home to take a nap. After my nap I woke up in panic, fear, I didn't feel good at all. Mind you I do have a anxiety problem and that usually hits when I am feeling guilty about something or something scares me and I don't acknowledge it but supress it instead. Actually now that I think of it I started having anxiety right after I left the store. I took two stones while I was standing at the beach and kept repeating, I am love-love I am etc. I found one stone in the water that was black and was not like any other rock there. At first I thought it was asphalt but it was too hard and shined with many different colors like a rainbow. It has unique markings all over it too. I felt drawn to it and while I was finding it I noticed that minnows were swimming all about me. In between my legs hundreds of them as if they had come to greet me, I've never had that happen before. Funny too after I left there I went to Petsmart and had not planned on goin in there...I wandered in looking at cat stuff and then felt drawn to the birds. I was looking at the doves talking to them, watching them and all the sudden I felt drawn to this one bird some type of parakeet but much larger $199.00. He was all green and well he had what I felt was tremendous energy, love really. I started talking to him. I wanted to pet him but there was plastic in the way. I tried to talk to the other bird next to him because he had every color of the rainbow in his feathers but no sense connection or energy at all there. I then noticed that the bird I was talking too had climbed up above the plastic and was trying to say hello to me. I went over and petted his wings and he giggled, literally giggled. I laughed and felt joy coming from him. He loved being touched and being near me. He asked me if I would take him home and I told him that I couldn't that I had two cats and a dog. I just kept talking to him and he ate and put on a show for me but always keeping me in his sight. He crawled back up again begging for a tummy rub...he loved it, just softly sitting there giggling, not moving at all. I felt so terrible when I had to leave and I can't get him out of my mind. My husband was just sitting there watching me like I was weird or something talking to a bird. I didn't know he was standing there.

Back to the rocks that little black rock from the lake is the one I took to go take a nap with, the other rock was cactus quartz. I took this one to bed with me because the info on it said it helps release fear and is for protection as well. I don't even know my chakra points but I was laid the rock in the third eye area? Between my eyebrows or just above that. I seemed to feel that I was not to allow it to touch my skin but raise it above and move it back and forth as I meditated on chanting and releasing fear. So did my stones cause the panic and fear or was I doing something wrong or is it just plainly my own soul trying to release real fear while I move into things that my traditional church upbringing told me is idolatry?

I wish I had the attunement you all have and was certain of what I am doing and what I am feeling. They are having a psychic fair in Oct and for $25 are offering classes on learning Chakras as well as sessions on 3 past life regressions. The charge for 15 minute readings is $25 I believe and I don't know if I should do this or not. How can I tell if someone really knows what they are doing? Too many questions hehe.

Any more advice from your wise souls would help me tremendously also is it possible to help someone over the phone with Reiki?

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