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Proper Digestion - A Necessary Ingredient for Good Health

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Proper Digestion - A Necessary Ingredient for Good HealthDo you have all of these signs that indicate that your digestion of food is working properly?* Bright eyes * Pleasant body odor and breath * Clear, straw-colored urine * Normal feces without strong smell * No discomfort after eating * No belching of gas * Enthusiasm for life and work * Cheerfulness * Abundant energy * Strong resistance to disease * Hunger before your next regular mealIf you don't have these signs, then there are probably things that you can do to improve your digestion. Proper digestion is very important for improving and maintaining good health and a vibrant appearance.Here are simple actions you can take to improve your digestion: * eat fresh, nutritious foods (preferably fruits and vegetables, in season) * eat moderate portions at meals (about two handfuls) * chew well * properly spice foods * stimulate your appetite with a small amount of bitter herbs before meals.Actions which disrupt proper digestion include: * overeating * improper nourishment * eating at inappropriate times (late at night, etc.) * eating too fast * eating when upset * eating poor food combinations * inattention to act of eating (watching TV, etc while eating) * drinking iced drinks * drinking excessive liquids during a meal * drinking coffee with or after meals * eating stale foods * eating microwaved foods (destroys life force) * excessive sleep * extreme climates * anger, rage, and immoral actions.When you have good digestion, the enzymes and acids in your stomach and intestines do a thorough job of breaking down and metabolizing the foods you eat so that they can provide proper nourishment for your cells and tissues to function and replenish themselves. This also destroys harmful bacteria, microorganisms, and toxins in your digestive tract.This information was found in the holistic computer program, Ayurveda Almanac. <http://www.mindxpansion.com/ayurveda/aa.htm>

Exercises developed by Tibetan Monks to increase energy and improve your mood.http://www.mindxpansion.com/cb/tibetan.asp

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