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Let The Universe Take Care of The Details + Believe

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From the book " Living On Love" - "Money Is Love" - Unedited Version - Light Revisions By : KnightsIntentChapter 27

The Universe Will Take Care of the Details so Shut up and Drive

Now, I know I will create the financial abundance there is no doubt. Still, I get these thoughts. "Well, what if it doesn't work?" I know the answer to that, after a certain time if it hasn't shown up then you switch because if you try something too hard, it actually begins to block you by trying too hard. So what you do is for certain period of time (however lengths that is – might be a month, might be six months a year) my period of time for this 3.6 million will probably be 3 months to one year something like that. That's when I will stop and switch to something different.

See, by switching to something different… I've done the creating, I've sent the energy out and now I'm totally letting go, forgetting all about it and switching to something else, which means the resistance, will totally let go. Any resistance that I had while creating this will be released by switching to something else. Then while I'm creating something else, the 3.6 million will show up, in some manner if it didn't before. If it doesn't that means there is some resistance and I'm sure I will find this resistance. If we are joyfully focusing on it with good feelings, with joyous feelings and if it is not showing up we are blocking it. That's the only reason it is not showing up. What happens when it doesn't come together? You relax and after a time you switch to totally something different, something totally out of place. I don't care what, create a swimming pool! You are saying, "I don't have a place to put a pool…" So what? Would you like a swimming pool? Then create one!

Pretend you are swimming in your swimming pool, look at pictures of swimming pools, and see what shows up – you'll be surprised! Some times when we are trying to create, we are trying to rationalize it, we are saying, "Well, this doesn't make sense! OK, I need a car but –

yeah, you know, 1950 Chevy rebuilt – oh, that would be a nice car! Doesn't make sense, I don't have a proper garage, I don't have this…" Too freaking bad! Just create it anyway that's what you really want, so focus on that never mind the rest. You'll be surprised what that energy creates and what the whole Universe is capable of. You might just find your going to get that car and the guy says "Listen, huh, I'm living right behind you; till you get a garage, park it right here, in this garage I'll charge you 25 bucks a month." See, you walk out of the back door from your apartment and step into that garage!

Anyway, that's just an example. The whole point is not to concern yourself with the details. Do it for a while, then switch. Not a different car – oh, you can if you change your mind, sure, I mean, you can switch, but ideally switch to something else. How are you going to feel when you are in that '57 Chevy? (Pretty cool, ha? It's a classic!)

So, when you shift to another car, it's probably because you've been working on that feeling and you decided to adjust it somewhat. But the other car will probably give you a similar feeling, so as long you stay in line with the feeling of the experience of having, that car will come along fairly easy. And you can make the changes as you go along. It won't really affect the Universe any, because the Universe is timeless and all you have to do is open up and let it create.

The universe will take care of the details so "shut up and drive".

Now some times when we start creating stuff like the 3.6 mil things can go the opposite way, as in for a time you end up with less money then when you started and that happens because we have bin focusing on the lack of money thinking we where focusing on the abundance of it. If that happens realize you are creating something and that's good, now you know you can do it and just need to find the feeling of having with out looking to see if it is coming. Things do take a little practice some times just like riding a bike. How many times did you fall off your bike before you learned to ride it?

Yes there are books that say "3 easy steps to wealth."

I say 3 books and a year. There are a lot of wonderful things that will come over that year.

Chapter 28

I Believe

Yesterday I went to the store. And because we are trying to reduce the amount of meat in our diet I walked around looking for different food. We still drink milk and eat cheese, because I love that stuff, and fruits, and vegetables. But if you take the meat section away, there is a big chunk of the diet removed. So a while back I got some protein powder to substitute. Walking around the store I couldn't find anything I wanted to eat and finally I picked up this little package of meat, put it back down, picked it up again, put it back down, went around, picked it up again, took it home. So, we just cooked it in a slow cooker, and cooked the crap out of it, and we ate it that way.

This morning I felt a little off, I can tell when something is not right with food and I already knew it in the store. I should have left it I wasn't following my instincts. That's the problem with getting overtired. You know, you do too much and then you are just not sensitive to that inner guidance anymore. But I knew, I just wasn't listening.

Oh, there goes a deer! Look at that! Little bugger I was so busy talking, I walked right past him.

Anyway, this morning I get up, 6 in the morning, walk Roody, I come back, I make a cappuccino. Usually a has her cappuccino in bed, so she tries to sit up to drink a cappuccino and almost passes out. Here is a story – a while back almost 2 months ago a friend of mine, , who is my helper for tiling she got ill and nobody, knows what it is but she has no blood pressure. As soon as she even puts her foot over her bedside she passes out. She was in a hospital for 4 weeks, they couldn't figure out what it is. Nobody could figure out what it is!

Finally the only solution they had was to give her pills to increase her blood pressure and that took them a week to figure out how much to give her. That still doesn't solve the problem; it just got her out of a hospital. She can't go any further, can't even walk around the back yard. Strange, huh? And no answer to what it is. Anyway, that's what a has this morning.

I told her to sit up a little at a time and fight it now and to push herself. It worked. Because it changed here focus to one of getting up instead of focusing on what's happening. This is the short version.

Follow your inner guidance that's the moral of this story.

Sometimes when you are creating stuff… (I know, it sounds like I'm getting side tracked, but I'm not. I'm going to come back full circle.) Sometimes when you are creating, you are just opening the flow and things come, all kinds of things. Some of them you have to say "No" even though at one time you kind of created them unknowing with fear and in other ways. And now they've come and now you don't want them anymore.

Oh, we just stopped here for a minute because we've tracked along behind a deer. We are just behind them, right now 40 feet away from 2 of them looking at us.

Anyway my point was if I over work myself, I kept on working and going along till I get overtired. Of course, like anything else, you get overtired, you stop doing the creating and pretty soon you close off and you are just running around. And then, you know, things – little things, life happens, right? And you take it to heart and then you start looking at negative stuff and you start to spiral down and I noticed that I was doing just that, so I had to stop and what happens then, is I go back into creating and of course I thought about what to create and started with the 3.6 million and played with that for a little bit. Because that's how I sort of work out what I want I play with it, adjust it. You know, I started with a hundred grand and then I went "No, this is not a good number!" A million – I didn't like that, didn't like how it felt. Anyway, I just… It takes a few weeks and then I worked it out to 3.6 – I just like it, it feels right, and that's what I chose. But during that time I'm creating and I'm opening the flow.

Now, over that period where I had overworked myself I had some bizarre things happen. My vehicle I never lock my vehicle, the keys are always in it but this time I decided to lock it. For some reason, I don't know why. But anyway, I locked it.

It got stolen. All the tools, of course, got stolen, but we've got the vehicle back with very little damage, hardly noticeable. Not enough to really care about. So I lost some tools, I just replaced them, bought some new ones most of them needed replacement anyway. So I wasn't really upset about it; which is good, because when you get upset about it then you attract more of the similar stuff. Not necessarily the same stuff, but stuff, that gives you the same reaction same feelings. Listen to that last word very carefully. I wasn't upset about it, it's no big deal, and everybody's got to make a living. They choose theirs and I by my thoughts and my "you know", instead of continuing on with sending love and flowing that energy, I allowed myself to flow in the other direction. So, it's basically my responsibility.

I just can't remember what else happened and it doesn't really matter, but quite a few things, a little package of things happened.

Now, I know this happens sometimes when a person starts creating. And I don't know exactly all the reason, but I've heard reports from people who started sending love after reading my first book and they said "Hey, for short time all hell broke loose! I wasn't sure if I was doing it right or not!" You know, some people go and they get immediate good results, fantastic results others go through this little thing where the crap seems to happen all at once, and then it clears up if they keep going and then wonderful things start to happening.

So, because of my back-and-forth stuff, playing around, you know, with creating and doing different things, stopping, then restarting and stopping, and restarting then doing it differently and stopping. I'm more playing with this like research rather than a steady process, when we begin creating with sending love and so forth, an opening is created and there seems to be what I called originally a flushing, and all this crap seems to come, but it's not always, only sometimes. And like I said, some people never experience that.

Also when we create, we sometimes think we are envisioning the positive, but we are still inside experiencing the negative. Money is a good example because there are only two sides to it having and not having, the experience of having and the experience of not having Experience of abundance and the lack of it. So, sometimes when you look at money, it feels like we are envisioning the abundance of it, when in reality we are envisioning "the not having it". There is a very fine line so you have to be very careful how we really think about it that we are really envisioning the abundance of it, the ease of receiving it.

That's done by noticing your feelings, because when you hold money, when you hand it out, when you pay a bill – if you have good positive feelings, you know you are actually focused on the abundance of it. If you have a negative feeling, when you are spending it, or when you are handing it over, giving it to someone, paying a bill, just counting it or whatever; then you know you are looking at the lack, you are actually focusing at that time on the lack of it.

Anyway, a has leukemia and I thought of working with love energy to try and cure it, but something in me just kept saying "No, that's not the answer!" and I don't know, why? But generally, I try to follow my guidance. Because I find if I don't follow my inner direction well you have seen the result.

Oh, those two little deer are still there! Huh, isn't that a nice thing? When I do this, when I talk like this, I know I'm vibrating at the level that's good for me, good for the environment. Because otherwise those deer would have already left, but they are settling right down, 40 feet away from me, quite comfortable and at ease. That tells me that I'm on the right track by doing exactly what I'm doing right now.

With this health issue thing we can have some disease and issues and so forth and live with them perfectly normal lives and in some cases not even know that we have them. Because they are there in our bodies anyway – we carry all the viruses in our body. There inheritably inside they are just not active, we have all that stuff there, and it's just not affecting us. That's what I keep focusing on and that seems to be my direction and that's what I tell a. I said, "Listen, you've got it, but try not allowing it to affect you!" That's really what she is doing. She is continuing with her life; although the tests in recent months have come to their maximum, in other words there are tests that are 100% at the negative.

Now before she was running at what they where calling 75%. And 100% it's getting very dire. I mean, what they are saying, it's sort of "the end is near". Anyway, here is the thing she's been looking her best, and feeling her best and people are saying, "Wow, you look good! Better then ever!"

See, that's the thing, to fight something or not to fight it? To let go of it and just channel your energy at what you want. Sometimes by focusing on the disease we are saying yes, we end up inadvertently actually focusing on the illness rather than on the solution. And what is the solution? The solution is actually living happy, joyous, and healthy! So that's where we really need to send that energy and love!

The only way we can do that is to focus on what we want as if we have it! And to find something that really makes your heart sing, that we want to get up in the morning for. A passion! Something to live for, something to believe in, anything that's worth believing in and what is worth believing in. Anything that brings you up in the morning, makes you want to get up, makes you want to live the day – is worth believing in, whatever that is. Doesn't matter if that's a religious belief, doesn't matter if it's provable or not. If it makes you feel alive – it's worth believing! If it makes you feel good, it's worth believing! If it energizes you – it's worth believing! That's all that matters!

Truth in a world that is based on illusion there is really no truth. There is none.

So the truth is, if there was any truth, would be to live true to our hearts and our hearts tell us to search for that which brings us joy. Believe in that, which brings up joy. Which excites us, which gives up passion to live. Appreciation, passion they are much the same thing. Appreciation opens the flow; passion directs it, probably more strongly than appreciation. Appreciation directs it also. It opens the flow and directs it, but passion for some things means expanding and now taking a magnifying glass and using that, focusing the energy into what we love even more. See, there are different degrees of flowing love and there is a different degree of focusing love. Makes sense, doesn't it? Worth believing in? YES!

So if there is no healing solution for let's say, the cancer a person has. All the doctors say, "There is nothing, nothing we can do for him." Then what? Yeah, then what, what you believe in? You can believe in sending love – yeah, that's wonderful! That's… if you can be passionate about it great! If you think about a disease and then send love into it, you are focusing on a disease and you are creating then at that moment the disease as much as love is trying to heal it; because we have not directed love to what we want but to what we do not want. Love will not create cancer it will heal it but by you focusing on cancer you give it energy and by the law of the universe we live it and create it, its like creating and healing at the same time.

By thinking about a disease and then sending love there we are actually doing no good at all. We are sort of balancing the two and you stay virtually exactly where you are.

So in that sense that's why every time I think about healing it just never made sense. And that's why my direction was never there my direction was always… I'm always being pushed for looking for something that makes you happier. See, I'm lacking the words happy, joyous not the right words for that. They are OK, just not … really the right words for that. What we need is something more than those words, something that directs you into passion, passion of living. So you are focused, all your energies are focused and that removes the energy from the disease, because the only reason this disease was there in the first place for some reason it got energized. Through the thinking and feeling process it got energized.

It's very difficult to remove it. And, you know, there are some people that probably have those abilities. There are people that have the ability to remove illnesses by temporarily changing the framework and the focus of a person and so removing the symptoms of it and partially the illness. But; if that person falls back into the same routine, then the illness tends to come back so more things are required a change of life, change of passion.

And "passion" I'm not talking about passion, love, relationships passion but something that makes you want to stay here other than fear of dying, or fear of leaving this world, of not living. See, that's fear not passion.

Sometimes we make the assumption we want something, but we are actually running from something else and we want that because of fear. We do a lot of things because we are afraid.

I also believe (this is what I believe now) I believe that the disease that a has, the leukemia, most likely will not go away, maybe some day, way down the road. But most likely it will stay. Now, I could be wrong, but this is what I choose to believe. I believe that she will live with it as if she doesn't really have it. And I really believe that it has virtually no effect on her life, other than her own thoughts about it. Mostly what she has is not symptoms of disease just symptoms of a little depression of having the disease. That's the biggest symptom. And also, probably, living with me – that's enough to kill anybody!

So, that's what I believe and so today when that thing happened I wasn't worried. Of course she gets another strange idea you know, that my lack of worry and panic is lack of caring.

I believe in something. When I believe in something – I believe it and I act according to it and that's…that. So that belief controls my emotions. See, when you really believe something, and this something you find worthwhile to believe in then your whole body will behave according to it. It will react according to it. So when something happens I won't panic, because the belief is still there. That in its self is power; because that gives you power to change the situation.

You see, when you get wrapped up in the drama, in the fear and all that happens during those moments, you can't really help. Your not really going to be sending love either you can try and hopefully you will. But you'd be too emotionally focused on the negative stuff.

You'd actually have to be focused on the positive, and have a belief in the positive, that in an hour it will cure itself, clear itself up, you will come back to normal, and actually from this pick yourself up and decide "Well, I am going to change my diet for the better. I'm going to be a little more careful about what I eat, where I eat, how I cook the products, and how I save them. And I'm going to enjoy my life a little bit more!"

Sometimes there is nothing better, then a little scare, you know it's like a little kick in an ass: "Make up your mind! You want to stay here or you don't?" An odd thing, but we do these things to ourselves sometimes. We create things ourselves to, sort of, kick ourselves in our ass. No one ever wants to really admit that! Well, I admit it; I do it to myself all the time. Because I know myself that's something I would do to myself.

These are the things I believe; the things I choose to believe, truly, fully and with joy, right to the end… So I hope whoever is reading this by that you can find some things that you can passionately believe in just because it suit you, no other reason. Because they make you feel good, make you feel safe, loved, cared for, whatever. That in its self creates and is power.

People sometimes say, "Oh, yeah, you believe in safety, but you are not really safe. And so your going to be harboring false hopes, and then…" Oh, you see,

Really believing in safety feels wonderful! And you won't hear people coming up, giving you the negative side of it, because you are not attracting it. Your belief when it's pure, when it becomes pure you will actually repel those statements from other people. The odd time, very seldom, you might hear a little tiny bit. Mostly you will hear it if you have some doubts. Not really believing in your belief then you will hear some of that stuff. But that's just there to tell you that "Hey, if you choose to continue with this and believe it, you will have to strengthen this believe. Make it more real for yourself before it actually comes through in your physical reality."

Anyway, that's it for today. source: http://k.livingonlove.com/money1of3.shtml"Money

Is Love" is an ongoing and mostly unfinished book in The "Living On

Love" Series, and is not what the name would seem to imply. It is a

fantastic read and reworked and updated regularly. Over 90 chapters to

date dealing with using love to change your life, and many related


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