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Beautiful Family - Many Prayer & Healing Requests This Time, If U Will, Pls?

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Greetings Family & Friends!It is with sadness I report we have several additions to our present healing and prayer requests this day. I have no doubt whatsoever in the miracle which true unconditional love and prayer - not to mention healing energies - can do, and this is why these vulnerable, strong, amazing souls are brought to your attention. YOU are ALL miraculous in your abilities to Love and to Give without thought of Self. Bless you all for that! *huge hugs of gratitude and loving friendship to those who would accept them*And now, the requests....(which I ask please remain solely within this group and do NOT make their way to any other venue; these people are entrusting us with their personal information and I know we all can respect that a great deal! Thank you!! )For the sake of privacy I removed last names, but entrust the Divine to know exactly of whom we speak since all these souls are also now a part of the HH Grids of Healing and Prayer...For and her loved ones and her unborn child; it was just discovered that has tested positive that her child may have Downs Syndrome. Blessed may they be.For Marlane who is amazing at self-healing and needs but a "boost" in this process that she may again heal fully and be free to live wholly. She suffers from an autoimmune disease (Hashimoto's Disease) which has caused her body to nearly literally kill her thyroid thus culminating in mood swings and horrific headaches. She dreams of being able to ride her beloved horse again. Let us help her in her time of need, please?For Lori, who presently requires assistance in releasing fear and aid in balancing herself out again to ease off the anxiety she feels.For Diane, who is encountering issues which cause her to experience increased weakness and pain in her hands and arms and has a most unique and highly unpleasant pressure in her right side of her head. Bring her peace and relief, please?For , who has challenges with MS and new medications. Please send her loving healing energies and prayers for peace and restoration to health and balance.For , who has asked to be "lifted up" by our prayers right now in a time where she faces false accusations regarding an incident at work. She remains positive, but also greatly desires an easing of anxiety for she cannot afford to lose her job. (No one can these days.) She is about to embark on a new leg of her journey through marriage and asks we help her to keep her job and raise her spirits. Blessed be.And that, for now, Beloved Family is it for the list I have...Thank you one and all for your Love and Prayers and Healing. Never forget how amazing EACH ONE of you are or underestimate the power you possess in just by loving unconditionally and taking one moment of your day to focus that love upon someone else. (Not preaching, just hoping you all know how miraculous you are!)Peace & Joy, Love & Light, Blessings & Unity,~Ali~

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