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The Beaten Heart - Domestic Violence (New HH Vid & a Prayer)

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----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------

From: ♥RaK ♥

Date: Oct 24, 2007 8:04 AM

In Honor and Recognition of the month of October representing Domestic Violence Awareness, Humanity Healing is proud to release our new video and our originally created prayer specifically for this social imperative to share with all. The video is entitled, "The Beaten Heart" and the prayer is known as "The Prayer of The Beaten Heart: A Tribute to Domestic Violence Victims into Survivors"."Victory attained by violence is tantamount to a defeat, for it is momentary." ~M. Ghandi~ We invite you, our beautiful and amazing friends and family to join with us in spreading the awareness of what has occasionally been referred to as "The Silent Crime". The time is NOW to stop the madness and extend ourselves freely and fully unto all innocents and those who feel victimized that they may find within themselves their power to heal and be free to live wholly again.We honor each and every soul. Thank you!With Love Light, Peace Joy, Unity Harmony to every living being on our beloved and very alive earth. :: deep bow of respect :: ~The Humanity Healing Foundation Copyright 2007~Prayer for the Beaten-Hearted….Beloved Benevolent Beings and Most Holy One…We pray for our beloved kin; our family, our friends, our children, our neighbors.In all of our times of greatest need, when pain threatens to overwhelm us and feels as vast and unknowable as the oceans themselves, We ask you to please protect those who suffer silently; ashamed needlessly.Please release their pain and dry their quiet hidden tears.We ask you to take their suffering, let it be released harmlessly and recycled into positive energy that all may know the freedom of the truly enlightened soul. If one of us is injured or remains unhealed through the keeping of secrets or the disguising of fears, we all remain unhealed therefore restricted without sacred freedom required to soar unto our rightful Ascension. As Divine Children we are perfectly imperfect in all our glorious humanity.We forgive those who perpetrate cruelties and crimes against us even as we plead for no one to turn a blind eye or a stone cold heart to the truth of violence, hatred and shame and all it brings to us in its unique way. Please, Beautiful "Parent", help our beloveds; heal their pain that they may again be whole and free.Let them see that they are, in truth, equal in every way to one another in the eyes of the Divine and Sacred Universe. We plead now for an end to violence and abuse on every level, in every way, against all your children.May the purposeful instigators of trauma receive the much needed help that they may bring an end, a healing, to whatever drives their mad imbalanced behavior. May this simple healing result in sparing those who in the future who may have become their victims, bringing unbearable suffering to the innocent.May the victims who willingly chose the way of staying in a traumatic situation, for whatever reasons, learn to forgive themselves, and realize they hold the sacred key of release of their pain. Let none sit in judgment of humankind, for unto all we were born with lessons to learn, goals to achieve, karma to settle and more.Let us now recognize that if one of us is still wounded then we all remain wounded, too. If one is unforgiving of themselves, they know not the truth of how to forgive others.Let the Love of the Divine fill all your "broken" children to overflowing that they may serve as models to teach others the truth of this crime against nature, self, each other and thus You. Let us remember that through ignore-ance we imply acceptance of the imbalance and the inequities which exist today in this world.Help show all your beloved children that we are all born with the inherent right of equal Respect and Love as we are viewed through the eyes of the most Sacred and Holy. May we in truth learn to accept all as our true kin; protect and give safe harbor to our injured, our sorrowful, our neglected and violated, the helpless, the pure and the innocent for they are our past, present and hoped-for changed future. Blessed may we be…eternally, equally and infinitely.Amen. Om. Aum. Shanti. Blessed Be.~The Humanity Healing Foundation Copyright 2007~Please sign our Pledge of Unity on Care2:http://www.thepetitionsite.com/petition/202804911Click to join Group alt="Click here to join ">Click to join Please sign our Pledge of Unity on Care2:Humanity Healing Pledge of Unity www..netHumanity Healing BlogZaadzHumanity Healing ZaadzCare2 Humanity Healing SiteCare2 PledgeYouTube GroupMySpace Humanity HealingPlease do NOT remove these links when reposting or forwarding this bulletin and/or blog. Thank you!

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