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FWD: Today's Positive Thought

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From: Peace Child

Date: Oct 22, 2007 2:26 PM

Today's Positive Thought:

You can choose to grow with joy and heal

with grace.

Today's Positive Affirmation

I choose joy and grace in my life.

Today's Positive Visualization

I take a slow and even breath and reflect on

the power of choice. I understand that only

I can choose how I will view the world. From

this powerful place of choice, I choose to

release the struggle in my life. In my mind's

eye I imagine my life as I learn lessons and

grow with joy. I see myself gracefully healing

all the places within me that are less than

perfect. I imagine myself easily and joyously

releasing all the things that limit me. I

combine these images with the feelings of joy

and let them go, knowing that they will create

the good things I am visualizing and thinking.

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