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Re: Re: NCH PC Tone Generator sqwvs (free)

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Hello Klaus!

The pcrife#3 was designed to form a square wave signal and to amplify it

for use of treatment.

Be aware that the soundcard output is a stereo jack and the pcrife#3 a mono


Therefore you must solder an adapter cable.

In order to get the right output voltage for your soundcard, you must

adjust the Master Out and Wave of the Windows Mixer to the desired


In the Windows Setup all Windows-Sounds must be turned off. Otherwise the

Windows sounds overlay the sound produced by the NCH generator.

It is very unpleasantly if you run a smooth Rife Frequency and the Windows

asterix sound shoots you in outer space!

The Windows Power Management especially used by Laptops should be turned

off, because when Windows goes to Power Save Mode it interrupts

the wave from the NCH for 1-2 seconds.


Every Rife-user should have an oscilloscope because you are responsible for

the waves, you shoot in your body.

From Voltcraft, Fluke, Radio Shack, Conrad electronic, ELV you can buy

inexpensive digital measure instruments with scope functions.

Otherwise you never can see if the waveform has the desired shape and


I, for example, use the Voltcraft DSCOPE 707, a very handsome cheap measure

instrument with true-rms measurement capability of AC.

And I never let an unmeasured waveform in my body!

P.S. for the NCH tone generator version © 1998, 1999 NCH Swift Sound v


I have programmed a script program in order to do automatic rife sessions

in a german and english version.

I will try to upload it to \Rife\files.


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In a message dated 2/5/02 8:39:09 AM Pacific Standard Time,

delcrow@... writes:

> -Thanks to khepri (three cheers).......I recommend that everyone have

> a good look at that http you posted, khepri.

Shucks, I ran into it on accident...: ) But it certainly caught my eye!

> interpolate......first, the internal speaker has to work

> to produce

> sound......and it has to be programmed or 'set' to " square wave " to

> produce sound......prerequisite then: make sure the speaker

> wil " beep " at you. I feel much better now, thanks, I was

> feeling " under attack " if you know what I mean. It appears then, we

> do not require addition of any more gadgets or programs.

Is the power output of the PC speaker sufficient? Or would one need to boost

it somehow?

> The " Poormans " (Holman setup) square wave as drawn on his diagram can

> be in all liklihood drawn from the motherboard speaker wires

> presuming the speaker was functioning (disconnect the speaker or it

> becomes a 'short circuit' of what you are trying to do)


BTW, where would I find a copy of that diagram at? I can't seen to locate it

in any of my searches... Thanks

Oh, is a virus too large to take advantage of electroporation?


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In a message dated 2/5/02 9:28:58 AM Pacific Standard Time,

fivevalve@... writes:

> Hi guys,


> You should read a couple things about pc sound generation at

> http://home.att.net/~ralph.hartwell/rifeindx.htm

> Click on the " Using MP3 Audio Files to Control Rife/Bare Systems "

> and/or " WaveShaper 2 " links. Even if you're " electronically

> illiterate " I think you'll get the idea. (Well, the basic idea is that

> pc speakers or sound cards are simply incapable of generating a

> half-decent square wave- they were never intended to do so.)


Yeah that's true I guess..I think I've been to that page...but, I think what

Del was asking was... " is the wave square *enough* to do a reasonable job?

So I guess what the question should be is *how* square does a wave have to be

to do the job?

Acknowledging that the " squarer " the better, of course...: )

> The NCH software is fine for what it is, but you should look at the

> freqgen software at

> http://healthalternative.freeyellow.com/

> It can run files of frequency sets generated from the CAFL; these files

> are included in the freqgen113.exe installation program. Freqgen can

> even make the sound card do its best to generate a square wave,

> although, as we keep saying, it won't be very square.


Hmmm, I'll have to look at that again....thanks.



> Keep asking... keep searching!



Always..: )


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Nachricht geschrieben von INTERNET:Rife


Hello Ariella!

I have bought an used voltcraft dscope 707 at ebay.com. (ebay.de)

The price was 100 Euro.

But I think the voltcraft dscope 707 is out of stock and will not be

longer manufactured.

A new osci is the voltcraft Graphical Display Meter 703.

Price by conrad electronic about 150 Euro!


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