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Dear listmates,

Moria suggested a few months ago that I post a monthly newsletter to the

list as a way to keep in touch which I thought was a great idea. Sorry this

is so late. There have been a number of recent events that I wanted to

share with the list and ask for help on getting the word out.

#1. On March 22, The National Institute of Environmental Health, Dr.

Olden's organization, invited a handful of parents and researchers

to NIH follow up on a meeting that had been held earlier concerning the

increasing incidence of Autism Spectrum Disorders. Thus far, NIEH has been

the most responsive NIH organization to our concerns that thimerosal is the

culprit behind this epidemic and has assured us that they would be actively

pursuing research in this area.

#2 On the other hand, the CDC's National Immunization Program is also

proposing additional research based on the Vaccine Safety Datalink findings

of statistically significant associations between thimerosal exposure from

vaccines and ADD, speech delays neurodevelopmental and tics which I do not

feel as confident. They are planning to do a follow up study, which will

include neurodevelopmental testing in a population of children exposed to

thimerosal containing vaccines. Our concern is that there are a number of

flaws in the way the study has been designed which will result in no

significant associations being identified. One of our biggest concerns is

that CDC is only looking at thimerosal exposure the first 3 months of life.

Mercury neurotoxicity is cumulative in nature and only looking at exposures

the first 3 months of life is just the " tip of the iceburg " . From mercury

pharmacokinetic modeling, we know that blood levels of mercury from

thimerosal exposure do not reach their peak until 6 months of age. Also,

initial reports presented May 14, 200 at the American Academy of Pediatrics

meeting by found " Among children followed up to six years of

age, ethylmercury exposure at one and three months was not associated with

adverse neurodevelopmental outcomes " It was not until the data was taken

out to include the 6 month vaccines did statistical significant begin to

occur! If you would like more information on this study protocol or to see

our comments to CDC on this proposal, please go to www.safeminds.org or to

www.autism treatment.com (May not be up until tomorrow). Please feel free to

send your own comments to Dr. Mootrey too. We need to let these agencies

know that we are watching their work!

#3. There are a number of events over the next month of interest. The

Government Reform Committee will be holding another round of hearings on A

autism April 25th. Dr. Boyd Haley, Chairman of the Chemistry Dept. at the

University of Kentucky, will be testifying concerning his research with

thimerosal. Dr. Wakefield, Dr. Bradstreet and others will be part of the

panel as well. The next day, Unlocking Autism is holding a two day autism

conference " The Power of One " where SAFE MIND's will be one of the

organizations speaking at the Rally.

#4. On May 11 and 12 Defeat Autism Now will hold their spring conference in

Atlanta. According to the agenda, there will be a panel discussion of

mercury the afternoon of the 12th and hopefully the much awaited protocol

will be discussed. SAFE MINDs is sponsoring a Candlelight Vigil to be held

in Olympic Centennial Park on the evening of May 10th, prior to the DAN

Conference. The park is just a 10 minute walk from the hotel. The details

are still be worked out and we will be putting up additional information on

our website in the next few days. We have also put up information

concerning litigation resulting from thimerosal exposures on the SAFE MINDs

website so be sure to visit from time to time for new information. Also,

since my home based website has been down so much from exceeding its traffic

limit, my site has moved to www.autism treatment.com

#6 Please look for Autism: A Unique Type of Mercury Poisoning to be

published in the April edition of Medical Hypothesis. There will be another

article on Mercury and Thimerosal in Vitamin Research Products newsletter

this month. Other research projects are in the process of peer review and

hope to be published soon.

Last of all, I have received numerous complaints from list members

concerning posting. Please lets all get along! I understand the stress

that everyone is under who has a child with autism, but while on the list

lets try to learn and help others. If you feel the need to curse, discuss

politics, religion or other personal matters, please do so in private posts

and try to stay focused on autism, mercury and helping our children back to

health! If you need to reach me for any reason, email to

autism treatment@....

All my best to everyone on the list and thanks for all your time and



Lyn Redwood

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