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Re: Re: Heart, DMSO, Cayenne, Hawthorne and Aluminum Rods

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Read Dr. Batman's book, 'Your Body's Many Cries for Water.'

It talks about salt and water balance. You could take some salt daily

without guilt.


I had

awful heart problems which finally turned out to be mostly low sodium. I was

on the edge of having no salt in my body because I was trying to go low

sodium. The MMS runs sent me over the edge. I can assure one and all that

THAT mistake has not been made again. So maybe all it was this time was a

lack of enough carbohydrates? Gotta study this one some more.


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Sorry, no, this is something very new that was discovered by some fellowswho are working on "Joe Cells

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------What are "JOE CELLS"? Please give me more info. Ed.Get trade secrets for amazing burgers. Watch "Cooking with Tyler Florence" on AOL Food.

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Joyce,Are you using Hawthorne?maraWhat is a "Stirwand"? How does it work? I too, (at 74),am tryingvarious protocols with my congestive heart failure and energy levels,etc. ATP, hormones, iodine, thyroid, etc. and thought I was comingalong great increasing energy etc. but have recently realized eithersomething in my "program" is going astray, OR the old age is gainingfaster than the increase! Am very tired the last while again. Thenagain, I have been working and doing harder physical again as withgardening, and stress levels up, (yes, Warrioresses can die "young"too and learned in another program years ago that I must ceasefighting anyone or anything and had a hard time reconciling that witha lawyer lifestyle ... till I finally realized that the REALLYimportant advances to human dignity, love, peace, unity, etc. DON'Tcome about because of victories in the courtrooms of adversary vs.adversary turning out mortal enemies, but rather in the "co"'s, (e.g.,co-ordinate, co-operate, communicate, conciliate,), of the worldmaking "Cradles for Humanity" looking for "better ways" to do thingstogether .. reconcile and solve "challenges", (not problems) with eachother and our situations.) So now I try to reduce stress, accentuatethe positive, and check out new helpful protocols. The lugol solutionwas one of my biggies, the water cure of Dr. B., Dr. s with common sense on salt, hormones, etc., DMSO ...definitely !!!! Joyce>> >Read Dr. Batman's book, 'Your Body's Many Cries for Water.'> It talks about salt and water balance. You could take some salt daily> without guilt.<> > - yes, read that many years ago and constantly try to keep mywater up> and now have found that a Stirwand is very beneficial for that. The salt> deficiency happened last year because of something I read and decided to> try. It turned out to be a very bad move. > Daddybob>

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With congestive heart failure (cardiomyopathy), Co-Enzyme Q10 at large doses

is a must, and also extra magnesium. Magnesium is also indicated strongly

with angina type pain. Cayenne alone will not rebuild the heart muscle as

that fellow that wrote the book LEFT FOR DEAD (?) found out.


As for congestive heart problems, the first order is cayenne. There are many

other good things to do but cayenne is first in my book. I always urge

people to start with the less hot 30,000 SHU organic cayenne from Frontier

Co-op. Just yesterday I overworked my heart out in the heat to the point of

angina, not severe but bothersome, and relieved it thoroughly with cayenne

and water.


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Go to the library and get a 's guide to wild edible plants of your area--this will absolutely id the plants. Most all junipers are safe to eat--but wait till the berries have turned blue before harvesting. All edible guides also have a poisonous plant section, so this will tell you for sure if the tree hemlock berries are safe to eat or not.

I know there are hemlock trees, but I don't think their berries are poisonous. As we don't have any in our area I've never paid attention to this in the field guides--but are you sure you are not mixing up the idea of their berries being poisonous with the VERY poisonous hemlock PLANT? The Poison Hemlock is a small, carrot type plant. It's flowers look the same as a carrot's flower, but the root doesn't smell of carrot, whereas a wild carrot plant's root does smell exactly like garden carrots. This poison hemlock, along with the water hemlock, will kill you if you eat any thing from it. The hemlock TREE is not poisonous as far as I know.

Good for you for making your own medicine. Anything you make will be far stronger than what you can buy. And if you learn enough about wild medicinals you will also be learning about wild foods. This may certainly supplement your grocery store budget. :-) Just get a couple different wild flower books, and wild food guides, as the flowers will help you id many wild plants that have great medicinal value, and the photos in the flower books are usually better than the flower/plant id photos in the edible guides. I usually carry 3 different books to check out plants, because one book cannot list them all. Sooner or later, if you use just one book, you will run across plants not listed in it, that could be of value to you.

Good luck.

-------Original Message-------

Greetings and thanks to all the good advice. I've been hearing about

hawthorne and juniper and magnesium all mentioned here in group for


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