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Re: Carnosine information

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Hi !!!

Yeah!!!! Two people now who have answered about carnosine!! (even

though we hope you can answer our questions posted to you too -

I'm getting private emails on this and I don't have the answers

myself on this one)

, I hope you can answer then because we are all really, really

(!!) curious about so many things about carnosine. I know that Dr.

Chez is interested in our group of late talker children, most with

apraxia and other multifaceted communication disorders too -so maybe

I should run some of the harder to answer questions by him -he may be

one of the best for insight?

Since Tommy has a seizure disorder, his speech issues may not have

been the first priority I'm sure, however, was he ever officially

diagnosed with a speech disorder -since he was 4 and a half when he

started the carnosine and apparently had some type of speech delay?

Where was he as far as speech? Did he fit signs of apraxia? Did he

receive any one on one speech therapy or group? And if so, what


You say he's now on 1,200 mgs. 2x a day -Wow that's high. Each

capsule I have is only 200 mg. and there are only 60 capsules in the

bottle. How much do you spend a week on this -or even better -where

do you buy the carnosine to even give that much a day? And why is

the dosage on the bottle I have from Carn-Aware stated as only one to

two capsules a day -which is twice as high as what is using?

(she said 400 mg. 2x a day) Is (was) your son part of a clinical

trial? I'm giving Tanner 200 to 400 mg a day for one week and I

wondered if the 2 capsules was pushing it too high!!! (Actually

after I posted I didn't notice a difference yet, Glenn who is away on

business this week and spoke to Tanner on the phone told me that he's

never heard Tanner as clear and articulate with longer sentences as

he just did -so I'm a bit excited but still not sure -but upped to 2

capsules which I thought was on the high end!! ...1,200 mg 2x

a day? That wasn't a typo?)

OK, now here are just one or two harder ones...if you have been a

member here for awhile and read all of our posts -have you asked Dr.

Chez about also supplementing with fish oil as well since we have

members who supplement with seizures? Do you know any parents that

do supplement with both Omega 3 and Omega 6 supplements like ProEFA

or Efalex or Eye Q? (there are other Omega 3/6 out there -but these

three are the ones we consistently hear good things about, all

without flax seed oil for some reason -and the exact formula does

matter) If you didn't know anyone who supplemented with carnosine

were you at all nervous at first (probably not if you heard about it

from your child's neurologist -but I'm looking at this as another

fish oil thing because when I first gave Tanner Efalex which I

learned about off the internet -not one person I knew in real life

had any idea what it was and it was the same with this for me)

And finally, the same question I raised on my email back to if

you know...I'm really, really curious just how the natural effects of

carnosine a naturally-occurring combination of the two amino acids

alanine and histidine relates to docosahexenoic acid (DHA) and

eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and gamma-linolenic acid in the neurons

of the brain. Has there been any scan studies with carnosine before

and after? I know from past experience you just can't ask any MD

this question -so perhaps Dr. Chez may be the one for us to ask?

Thanks so much and please stay with us, this is so interesting!


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We see Dr. Chez too!!!!!! Hayden's been on the Carnaware for about 3 weeks now.

He also takes seizure meds too, do you mind me asking what dx your son has? We

have been seeing Dr. Chez for about a year now. My son will be 4 Sunday and

didn't start talking until he was put on seizure meds last April. He also takes

Pro-Efa, started that April 1 of this year.

Mark & Donna/Indiana

Carl 20, Hayden (LKS), ,Trevor 3.11,

Baby Sister-Madison 4months, New Years Day Baby

Hayden's Story : http://www.geocities.com/HotSprings/1000/kids/haydena.htm

Scrapbook Addict, to visit my album,

go to: http://www.photoalbumweb.com/tripletmom98/

" The mother of a disabled child will never take for granted a " spoken word " .

She will never consider a " step " ordinary. When her child says " momma " for the

first time,

she will be present at a miracle and know it " Erma Bombeck

[ ] Carnosine information

Hi all - My son, diagnosed with a seizure disorder, has been taking

carnosine for about six months now. He started with 200mgs. 2x a day

and is now up to 1,200 mgs. 2x a day, all under the supervision of

his neurologist, Dr. Chez, the author of the carnosine study. His

language skills have improved dramatically, he speaks in sentences,

with appropriate tenses and picks up new language quickly. I am

pretty sure carnosine was responsible (although he is on other meds

for the seizures). However, the carnosine has not helped quite as

markedly with the articulation, which remains difficult.

There have been no side effects from the carnosine. Hope this helps.

- (mom to Tommy, just turned 5)

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, when we were at Dr. Chez's a couple of weeks ago, I showed him the Pro-EFA

bottle, and he said it was fine for Hayden, it would not harm him, and if we see

good things to continue it.

Mark & Donna/Indiana

Carl 20, Hayden (LKS), ,Trevor 3.11,

Baby Sister-Madison 4months, New Years Day Baby

Hayden's Story : http://www.geocities.com/HotSprings/1000/kids/haydena.htm

Scrapbook Addict, to visit my album,

go to: http://www.photoalbumweb.com/tripletmom98/

" The mother of a disabled child will never take for granted a " spoken word " .

She will never consider a " step " ordinary. When her child says " momma " for the

first time,

she will be present at a miracle and know it " Erma Bombeck

[ ] Re: Carnosine information

Hi !!!

Yeah!!!! Two people now who have answered about carnosine!! (even

though we hope you can answer our questions posted to you too -

I'm getting private emails on this and I don't have the answers

myself on this one)

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