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2 weeks on EFA's and blabbing away!

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Father to 4, 2 w/speech issues(no DX). Started my almost 5 yr old boy

on Complete EFA from GNC 2 weeks ago. Made a believer out of my

skeptical wife, which isn't easy. She's the one who's been hauling

the 2 kids around to different speech sessions for the last few

years.Couple of loose stools in the first few days, and a bit more

hyper than usual but I think the added hyperness is due to his neural

connections finally being made. What a joy it has been to get

conversation from my son for the first time! Phrases, humor,

sentences, feelings, all of it started pouring out after maybe 5 days

on the EFA's. He's pronouncing very difficult words at 2 wks. What's

astonishing is the amount of vocabulary he has obviously had for some

time, but just couldn't use it. Putting together very complex

sentences, and my wife says he talks non-stop now when riding in the

car. This morning, when given a shirt to put on, he said " I'm not

wearing that shirt, it's too weird... " . Prior to the EFA's he

would've just started making whining noises that bore no resemblance

to words. My wife is now taking EFA's, she's exclusively nursing our

new addition, Olivia at 3 months. My son has been getting speech from

a few different sources for 2 years now and has made more progress in

the past 2 weeks. One of his speech doctors has been out with the

flu for a couple of weeks and I must say when he sees again he

is absolutely going to flip! BTW, This doctor is in Caldwell, NJ and

has a

Chinese associate MD who specializes in chinese medicine including

accupuncture. He has told me that with more severe cases including

autism, acupuncture has produced some startling results! Accupuncture

for children DOES NOT involve needles, they use gentle pressure

points. Anyway, I'm on the EFA bandwagon for sure now. Planning on

bring my son to his next IEP at school, looks like he'll be

mainstream by sept.


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How wonderful!! It doesn't seem that long ago we spoke.

And Damien just think if PBS decided to go with the before and after

ProEFA for children with apraxia like we originally planned as well

as the children with the well documented by professionals after

success stories that they ended up filming alone - everyone could

have seen your 2 boy's changes in speech and all in the Fall too. Do

you have before and after footage yourself? (which is not a bad idea

for anyone since the changes are that quick) If I remember right -

don't you have the ability to videotape your children live or

download stuff to watch right off a computer? If you can and you

want to (and I can figure out how to) I'll add the before and after

links to the CHERAB site. It would be great for you to video tape

your children right now if you haven't since it's only 2 weeks -I'm

sure you have before footage based on the way you talked about your

computer and video ability -if I remember correctly (and hey I take

fish oil now too-so you've got to let me know!)

For the rest of you who chose not to wait I totally understand. For

those of you still waiting, I do know the next two producers still

want to do the before and after and the one may have more time to

document a number of families which would be really great -the more

the better. It drives me nuts what we see here and that the average

person out there with a late talker child has no clue about this. And

for those that don't know what I'm talking about -it has to do with

some media attention we are getting based on the results we are

seeing and it's up on the CHERAB website.


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Congratulation Damian! Isnt it awesome to get those kind of dramatic

results? I too had a VERY skeptical spouse, but the proof is in the

pudding and you hear what you hear, eh?! YEA!!

Vivian, mom to DJ(5yrs old, verbal apraxia only)

Hot'ole Phoenix

> Father to 4, 2 w/speech issues(no DX). Started my almost 5 yr old


> on Complete EFA from GNC 2 weeks ago. Made a believer out of my

> skeptical wife, which isn't easy. She's the one who's been hauling

> the 2 kids around to different speech sessions for the last few

> years.Couple of loose stools in the first few days, and a bit more

> hyper than usual but I think the added hyperness is due to his


> connections finally being made. What a joy it has been to get

> conversation from my son for the first time! Phrases, humor,

> sentences, feelings, all of it started pouring out after maybe 5


> on the EFA's. He's pronouncing very difficult words at 2 wks.


> astonishing is the amount of vocabulary he has obviously had for


> time, but just couldn't use it. Putting together very complex

> sentences, and my wife says he talks non-stop now when riding in


> car. This morning, when given a shirt to put on, he said " I'm not

> wearing that shirt, it's too weird... " . Prior to the EFA's he

> would've just started making whining noises that bore no


> to words. My wife is now taking EFA's, she's exclusively nursing


> new addition, Olivia at 3 months. My son has been getting speech


> a few different sources for 2 years now and has made more progress


> the past 2 weeks. One of his speech doctors has been out with the

> flu for a couple of weeks and I must say when he sees again he

> is absolutely going to flip! BTW, This doctor is in Caldwell, NJ


> has a

> Chinese associate MD who specializes in chinese medicine including

> accupuncture. He has told me that with more severe cases including

> autism, acupuncture has produced some startling results!


> for children DOES NOT involve needles, they use gentle pressure

> points. Anyway, I'm on the EFA bandwagon for sure now. Planning on

> bring my son to his next IEP at school, looks like he'll be

> mainstream by sept.

> Damian

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