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Re: Some tips for...

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I have the same problem with my son being constipated. He has had

test after test after test and they cannot find any physical reason he

should be so constipated but he just literally does not go. If I didn't

give him some type of medication, he would probably go 10 days without going

until he became impacted and I would have to give him an enema. I know what

you're saying about how heartbreaking it is because I've been there more

times then I'd like to remember with . There are two things I wanted

to tell you about. First of all, you mentioned that once he was having such

a hard time going that you felt like going to the hospital. When I've

gotten that desperate what I've done (on the advice of my

gastroenterologist) is buy Fleet Babylax. They are basically very small

enemas. A liquid glycerin supposatory is what it really is. Supposatories

take too long to melt and vaseline is too hard to get in. It's just a

little bit of liquid that comes in a plastic dispenser that is prelubricated

and once I put that in him, it always gets it out shortly after. I'm sorry

to be so graphic but those of us with children who have chronic constipation

can understand. :)

Second, there is a company who makes this wonderful juice that comes in a

juice box. Each juice box contains 10 grams of fiber in it. My son's

gastro. recommends I give him a minimum of 1 and to try to do 2 a day as a

preventative maintenance thing. It does help him and it's very easy to get

it in him. Certainly check with your son's doctor but it's an easy way to

get fiber into your son to help prevent him from getting to the point of no

return like you've been describing. They have a website and it is

http://www.fiberjuice.com It comes in Apple, Grape and Orange juice. I have


admit, I don't recommend the orange juice because it is kind of bitter but

the apple and grape are fine. My son can't even tell the difference with

the apple juice. The grape, he realizes a difference but isn't quite sure

what it is. The other thing that they make (that is really yummy) is fiber

cookies. I recommend the chocolate chip ones. They really taste good, you

can't even tell they have extra fiber in them. These items are a little bit

on the high side in price. I forget what the exact cost is because I order

a few cases at a time to save on shipping so I havn't ordered in a while.

If you're as desperate as I've been though, I know I'll pay anything to not

have him get impacted again.

I hope my info helps you.

in NJ


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My son has had problems with constipation. This is my major constin]

pation tip. Apricot nectar is a laxative like prune juice. I

routinely give my son apricot nectar, and he loves it. It is much

healthier than just about any other juice, and it works great.

Many years ago, my doctor told me about apricot nectar, and I swear

by it. If a kid is already constipated, it doesn't help. It's just

a maintenance drink for us.

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Ok, I've got to throw in my $.02...my youngest son refuses to eat

veggies OR fruit so we have a similar problem. I've COMPLETELY

solved it by giving him 3 frosted shredded wheat a day - he thinks

they're cookies and loves the crunch. A good alternative if your

child doesn't like the metamucil cookies - or if you'd rather not

give them psyllium (which I wouldn't).


--- In @y..., " luckygmstwife " <suzi_knowles@p...>


> My son has had problems with constipation. This is my major


> pation tip. Apricot nectar is a laxative like prune juice. I

> routinely give my son apricot nectar, and he loves it. It is much

> healthier than just about any other juice, and it works great.


> Many years ago, my doctor told me about apricot nectar, and I swear

> by it. If a kid is already constipated, it doesn't help. It's


> a maintenance drink for us.

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