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Hi I am new to the list. I have a 2-1/2 year old

daughter who was diagnosed with verbal apraxia about a

year ago. She is adopted and her birthmother also had

serious speech delays. I have just started reading

alot of your e-mails regarding Nordic Naturals Pro Efa

and am interested in trying it, in addition to

continuing with our regular speech therapy. Can

someone tell me where to get it? I just looked for it

on-line at the Nordic Naturals site and could find it.

Thanks for any help!

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Welcome ! I buy the proefa and the proepa both and I buy them at a link

found at the www.apraxia.cc site. Go to www.apraxia.cc and then scroll down

at the first page and click on " duckie index. " Then you will get to another

page with pictures of ducks and click on the 9th duck which will lead you to

the proefa with no problem.

If you have any difficulties, let me know. good luck, Carolyn

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Caroline you are too funny, and so fun!!!

This almost reminds me of Pan explaining to how to find

Neverland by counting 5 stars to the right or something. (Or sssh -you

can also take the short cut to EFA resources by just going here

http://www.shop-in-service.com/efa_basics.htm )

Also for those that asked, you can find carnosine at http://www.carn-aware.com

and one of the moms that I spoke with today that is active

in Cure Autism Now (Rosemarie) said that she knows a few people that

buy pure carnosine from http://www.beyond-a-century.com and it's

supposed to be cheaper than Carn-aware. My

advice is to start with the carn-aware brand since that's what Dr.

Chez recommends. If you are seeing good results after the first

bottle or two of carn-aware, but want to save money on the carnosine,

than switch at some point and see if there is a regression, or progress. That's

what I used to do with fish oil to figure out what worked the best

for Tanner. For the person that brought up the drug store brand for

example -that should be OK -but if it's just Omega 3 (DHA and EPA)

and doesn't have the Omega 6 (GLA) that may be why it's not working.

Check the dosage of each bottle and compare to ProEFA -and leaning

towards a higher EPA is OK too.


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Ok, after seeing the results of the ProEFA, I'm open to trying

carnosine but would like to have more information about dosages and

the need to further supplement them with trace minerals - anyone have

an idea where I can get this info? I'm interested for both my sons,

but mainly my 2.5 year old (33lbs) who, while he's making progress,

is still not interacting like he should.

Thanks so much -


> Caroline you are too funny, and so fun!!!


> This almost reminds me of Pan explaining to how to find

> Neverland by counting 5 stars to the right or something. (Or sssh -


> can also take the short cut to EFA resources by just going here

> http://www.shop-in-service.com/efa_basics.htm )


> Also for those that asked, you can find carnosine at

http://www.carn-aware.com and one of the moms that I spoke with today

that is active

> in Cure Autism Now (Rosemarie) said that she knows a few people


> buy pure carnosine from http://www.beyond-a-century.com and it's

> supposed to be cheaper than Carn-aware. My

> advice is to start with the carn-aware brand since that's what Dr.

> Chez recommends. If you are seeing good results after the first

> bottle or two of carn-aware, but want to save money on the


> than switch at some point and see if there is a regression, or

progress. That's

> what I used to do with fish oil to figure out what worked the best

> for Tanner. For the person that brought up the drug store brand


> example -that should be OK -but if it's just Omega 3 (DHA and EPA)

> and doesn't have the Omega 6 (GLA) that may be why it's not


> Check the dosage of each bottle and compare to ProEFA -and leaning

> towards a higher EPA is OK too.


> =====


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Hi Marina!

To know which and exact amounts of trace minerals, you are getting complicated

with blood analysis. I'm not curious about it myself.

I'm not saying I don't believe in the blood analysis -lets just say

that I have my doubts about its efficiency for letting us know

everything -and going crazy about adding additional minerals,

etc. I like to keep things simple -the less the better -and I believe the proof

is in the pudding and only fix if it's

broken. I mean if your moody, nonverbal, aloof child is all of a

sudden happier, talking, and engaged -why would I change or add anything?

That's why adding carnosine to Tanner was not easy for me -I'm not adding

anything else for now.

I'm curious to hear from those who work with Dr. Chez for example,

how does he monitor your child's levels of carnosine? Is it through

observation or through blood analysis?

In theory -blood analysis sounds like a great idea -and perhaps it is

for those few who do it (I personally only know less than a handful

of parents that did the blood work, most with autistic children - out

of the hundreds and hundreds of parents of apraxic, late talker, CP,

autistic, PDD, etc. children -that just supplemented and went by

observation and common sense.)

And I have a story for you of course. Out of the three parents I

know that did the blood analysis - one parent who's child was doing

amazing on first Efalex and then ProEFA -who went from completely

nonverbal at five years old to talking non stop in months in

sentences (but started like most to talk words within weeks) -well

she was talked into doing the (very expensive) blood analysis for her child by

one of

the PhD's that does it. The blood analysis told her that her child had too

much DHA in the blood, so the ProEFA needed to be stopped and then

there was instead -a long chemist list of other supplements like

trace minerals, etc. and Omega 6 alone that she needed to give this child. This


was telling Dr. all about this at the First Apraxia

Conference that we hosted. (I loved Dr. -she's great)

Anyway -being that my view is the proof is in the pudding - I stood

there politely and listened and then turned to Dr. in

front of this parent and said " OK -I have a question for you now that

you have heard this " I asked her if it was her child -would she just

supplement -or would she do blood analysis to show the trace mineral,

fatty acid, etc. levels in the blood. made a face like " get

real " and asked " if this wasn't for research? " and I said " No -not

for research -just for your child " She said very strongly " I would

just give them the fish oil!! "

Ready for the end of the story -this parent -in spite of what the

blood work said -her child stopped progressing on all this list of

stuff her blood work said she needed. So the mother without telling

anyone put her child back on the ProEFA -and guess what -the child

had another surge in speech!! So my point is that just because it's

in the blood doesn't mean it's getting where it needs to be in the

tiny vessels of the brain. Nobody -and I mean nobody -PhD or MD

included in this, really fully understands exactly why the fish oils

are doing what they are doing to stimulate the speech in our

children. There are some extremely knowledgeable people that I

greatly respect -all of which were speakers at the First Apraxia

Conference -and I know there are excellent theories as to what is

happening. Even my theory about the myelin and the remyelinating

properties of the EFAs -it's just a theory until it's clinically

proven to work -and clinically proven as to why it works. As your

child's parent, we are still a bit in the dark -you need to do what

you believe is right and not let others lead you into doing something

just on a remark you read here -question and question -and search

yourself for answers too -that's what I did for my children, and

still do.

One other thing is that if you have your child on one ProEFA a day

and notice a plateau (still increasing but not as quick) -increase to

two capsules a day. If you again notice a plateau, instead of going

to three -switch one capsule to ProEPA and try that instead -or

squeeze a bit of one ProEPA in with two capsules of ProEFA (just a

few drops to raise the EPA level) This is what I'm doing with Tanner

and Dakota and so are a few others in this group. I'm letting you

all know because so far all of us are very happy with what we are


So I believe KIS (keep it simple) try it in small amounts if it is

something your child's pediatrician OK's. Observe your child, and

increase or decrease dosage as you go. I wouldn't go into all the

trace mineral stuff personally unless my children were not

progressing. I highly recommend the certain Omega 3 and 6 formulas

because time after time I personally see it work -and in short

amounts of time. The carnosine I don't have much experience with so

I'm not going to recommend it -but Dr. Chez does -and like the rest

of you, I'm very interested and curious about the clinical trials and

testimonies we all read. I questioned it and checked it out -and I

decided to try it for Tanner and I'm happy I did!

Anyone who has a different view on this -I'm open to listen!


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Is having high levels of DHA in the blood a problem? Why would they have

wanted the child off of ProEFA if not? That seemed a little wierd.


>From: " kiddietalk " <kiddietalk@...>



>Subject: [ ] Re: Hi I am new to the list.

>Date: Sat, 18 May 2002 03:40:35 -0000


>Caroline you are too funny, and so fun!!!


>This almost reminds me of Pan explaining to how to find

>Neverland by counting 5 stars to the right or something. (Or sssh -you

>can also take the short cut to EFA resources by just going here

>http://www.shop-in-service.com/efa_basics.htm )


>Also for those that asked, you can find carnosine at

>http://www.carn-aware.com and one of the moms that I spoke with today that

>is active

>in Cure Autism Now (Rosemarie) said that she knows a few people that

>buy pure carnosine from http://www.beyond-a-century.com and it's

>supposed to be cheaper than Carn-aware. My

>advice is to start with the carn-aware brand since that's what Dr.

>Chez recommends. If you are seeing good results after the first

>bottle or two of carn-aware, but want to save money on the carnosine,

>than switch at some point and see if there is a regression, or progress.


>what I used to do with fish oil to figure out what worked the best

>for Tanner. For the person that brought up the drug store brand for

>example -that should be OK -but if it's just Omega 3 (DHA and EPA)

>and doesn't have the Omega 6 (GLA) that may be why it's not working.

>Check the dosage of each bottle and compare to ProEFA -and leaning

>towards a higher EPA is OK too.


> =====


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