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Oh no! Not another diet post! (Just a fun food and bubble one -oral motor?)

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I don't know about you guys -but I've been buying lots of those foods

in tubes they have now in the dairy section like Yoplait cotton candy

yogurt tubes, Hershey chocolate pudding tubes, Motts apple sauce ( " squeeze and

slurp " )tubes, and even Jell-

O tubes. They are not only easy to throw in the lunch bags or travel bags

because you don't need a spoon -but I also thought they would be

good for oral motor strengthening if the child uses their mouth to

get the food out vs using their fingers and squeezing -or am I just

being hopeful? If that is just hopeful -couldn't we just carry those

stir straws, you know the real thin ones, and pierce the side of the

tube like we do with the juice packages which forces our child to

have to work to get the food out- but they'll see it as fun? My boys

love to eat them like this too.

And speaking of oral motor -have all of you seen the candy bubbles

the child can blow and eat out of the air, and the new Catch-A-

Bubbles -that the child can blow and then

catch? http://www.spinmaster.com -lots of articles about it at this site under

press or go direct to

http://www.spinmaster.com/index.cfm?location=SpinMaster & centertemplate=SpinMaste\

r/articledetails.cfm & articleid=57 & lefttemplate=gLtNv.cfm & righttemplate=gRtNv.cfm

You can find both at Toys R Us and they are both so fun. If

you use them outside everyone gets involved in trying to catch them

to eat them, or just hold them from what I've found, depending on

which you are using -even passing strangers! So my only advise of

course - don't us them both together, and use them outside!

Anyone else have experience with these or other things that are out

there that are fun but may help our kids with speech issues? (not

just oral motor either!)


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Myra's OT said the applesauce and the jello in the tube (she's allergic to

the yogurt) is good exercise for lip closure. I think it's also good motor

coordination squeezing the tube, the inferior pincer grip gets a good work



[ ] Oh no! Not another diet post! (Just a fun

food and bubble one -oral motor?)

> I don't know about you guys -but I've been buying lots of those foods

> in tubes they have now in the dairy section like Yoplait cotton candy

> yogurt tubes, Hershey chocolate pudding tubes, Motts apple sauce ( " squeeze

and slurp " )tubes, and even Jell-

> O tubes. They are not only easy to throw in the lunch bags or travel bags

> because you don't need a spoon -but I also thought they would be

> good for oral motor strengthening if the child uses their mouth to

> get the food out vs using their fingers and squeezing -or am I just

> being hopeful? If that is just hopeful -couldn't we just carry those

> stir straws, you know the real thin ones, and pierce the side of the

> tube like we do with the juice packages which forces our child to

> have to work to get the food out- but they'll see it as fun? My boys

> love to eat them like this too.


> And speaking of oral motor -have all of you seen the candy bubbles

> the child can blow and eat out of the air, and the new Catch-A-

> Bubbles -that the child can blow and then

> catch? http://www.spinmaster.com -lots of articles about it at this site

under press or go direct to


aster/articledetails.cfm & articleid=57 & lefttemplate=gLtNv.cfm & righttemplate=g

RtNv.cfm You can find both at Toys R Us and they are both so fun. If

> you use them outside everyone gets involved in trying to catch them

> to eat them, or just hold them from what I've found, depending on

> which you are using -even passing strangers! So my only advise of

> course - don't us them both together, and use them outside!


> Anyone else have experience with these or other things that are out

> there that are fun but may help our kids with speech issues? (not

> just oral motor either!)


> =====


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