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Forwarded Message:

Subj: FW: Call for FIELD READERS for the Community Technology Centers (CTC)

Please respond and/or share with those who might be interested in

serving in this important capacity.

Jane Browning

Executive Director

Learning Disabilities Assocation of America - LDAA

4156 Library Road, Suite 1

Pittsburgh, PA 15234-1349


FAX: 412-344-0224


Come visit our web site at http://www.ldaamerica.org

LDA - Leading the way for people with learning disabilities and their


> -----Original Message-----

> Dear Ms. Browning,

> Enclosed is an announcement concerning our search for field readers

> for the Community Technology Centers grants competition in


> the US Department of Education. We would be pleased if you would

> disseminate this announcement to interested individuals on your

> mailing list. If you have any questions, please contact me at (202)

> 205-5716.


> Sincerely,

> Diane DeMaio



> The Department of Education's Office of Vocational and Adult Education

> is seeking applications from individuals interested in serving as

> Field Readers for its FY2002 Community Technology Centers (CTC) Grants

> Competition. The projected period of time during which Field Readers

> would need to be available is from July 8 to August 9, 2002. Selected

> applicants will be notified of the exact dates after the CTC grant

> application announcement is published in the Federal Register.


> The purpose of the CTC Program is to create or expand community

> technology centers that will provide disadvantaged residents of

> economically distressed urban and rural communities with access to

> information technology and related training; and to provide technical

> assistance and support to community technology centers (No Child Left

> Behind Act of 2002, subpart II, Sec.5511). Additional details about

> the CTC Program may be located on its website at:


> <<http://www.ed.gov/offices/OVAE/AdultEd/CTC/index.html>>.


> Field Reader Qualifications: The Department is seeking experienced

> professionals who are knowledgeable about information and

> instructional technology. They should be familiar with strategies for

> establishing and expanding community technology centers and the use

> and integration of technology as a learning tool in adult, preschool,

> elementary or secondary education programs. Other field reader

> selection considerations will include an applicant's understanding of

> the principals of adult learning programs as they relate to

> assessment, curriculum, instruction, and research and evaluation.

> Knowledge and/or experience with the use of technology as a management

> resource for community development and outreach would be beneficial.


> Application Review and Submission Options: Field Readers may choose

> one of two options for application review and submission of comments

> and ratings: paper reviews or electronic reviews. The E-Reader

> process is in accordance with the Department's Electronic Field

> Reading Initiative. Through this approach, Field Readers

> electronically enter comments and scores for those applications that

> they have reviewed. The data entered is saved in the Grant Accounting

> and Payment System (GAPS). Departmental representatives will

> monitor the progress of the Field Readers as information submission

> process takes place via the E-Reader website. E-Readers will be

> required to have unrestricted access to a computer with Internet

> accessibility and a printer. An E-Reader should also be able to

> navigate the World Wide Web browser to complete and submit on-line

> forms, and to send and receive e-mail. Individuals desiring to be

> E-Readers should indicate your interest on the attached Prospective

> Field Reader Response Form.


> Conflict of Interest: Interested persons may not serve as a reviewer

> if any of the following conditions exist: (1) they or their spouse

> plan to submit a grant application under the program in Fiscal Year

> (FY) 2002 and they will be paid by the grant if awarded, (2) they or

> their spouse have a financial interest in the outcome of the FY 2002

> grant competition, and (3) any other situation that may impair their

> ability to be objective in reviewing the applications.


> Compensation for Field Readers: Each selected Field Reader will

> receive an honorarium for their full participation in the application

> review. This honorarium will only be disbursed after verification

> that the Field Reader has met all the required responsibilities of the

> contract.


> Next Steps: If you are interested in serving as a Field Reader,

> please mail, fax or e-mail an updated resume and the Prospective Field

> Reader Response Form to the address listed below and indicate that you

> are interested in serving as a Field Reader for the FY2002 CTC Program

> Competition. Current resumes are required from ALL readers, should not

> exceed two pages, and should include an e-mail address. If you are

> interested in being an E-reader, an additional form will be sent to

> you by email for completion.


> FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Community Technology Centers Program,

> Division of Adult Education and Literacy, Office of Vocational and

> Adult Education, U.S. Department of Education, Washington, DC

> 20202-7240. Resumes and inquiries may be e-mailed to Will Saunders at

> CTC@... <<mailto:CTC@...>> or by Fax to: (202) 205-8973. Direct

> inquiries may also be made to Diane DeMaio by phone to (202) 205-5716.

> Individuals who use a telecommunication device for the deaf (TDD), may

> call the Federal Information Relay Service (FIRS) at 1-800-877-8339,

> between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m., Eastern Standard Time (EST), Monday through

> Friday.


> Individuals with disabilities may obtain this document in an

> alternative format (e.g., Braille, large print, audio tape, or

> computer diskette) upon request to the contact person listed in the

> preceding paragraph.





Community Technology Centers (CTC) Program, CFDA 84.341A

q Estimated Field Reader Training: Week of July 8 q Estimated Review Date:

Mid-July to Early August (Dates are tentative and subject to change.)

Check only applicable items below:

YES, I am willing to serve as a field reader for the Community Technology

Centers grant application review. I am not aware that my institution is

submitting an application in this competition. (PLEASE ENCLOSE AN UPDATED


YES, I am willing to serve as an electronic field reader for the Community

Technology Centers grant application review. I am not aware that my

institution is submitting an application in this competition. (PLEASE


NO, I cannot read for this competition. Please keep my name in the database

for future consideration.

NO, I do not want to serve as a field reader in the future. Please remove my

name from the Field Reader System database.

I do ( ) I do not ( ) have unlimited access to a computer with

internet capabilities, internet browser and a printer.

On a scale of 1-10, ten being the highest I possess the skills necessary to

access and navigate a web page on the internet at a _______

Full Name: ______________________________________SS Number:


Home Address (No box number or rural route address, please):



Home Telephone:___________________________Fax Telephone


Institution, Campus Name, and State:________________________________________


Office Telephone:___________________________Fax


Internet E-mail Address:__________________________________

> <<CTC Reader Response Form1.doc>>

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