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Re: Hulda s open gate/ zappers/CLO &DMSO mixed??

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I can only assume with the milk, as I do not know her personal take

on this. But drinking raw cow milk that is acidic (grain fed) can

harbor pathogens, just like us the immune system will not function

as it should and that allows pathogens in. I believe the raw grass

fed milk, (alkaline) available during her time, wss oblivious to

her. That would be my assumption anyway.

The zappers work, and intrestingly enough I came here today to find

the list if it is still online, that had the best information on

zappers. My computer crashed back when I was a member of that group

and by the time I was up and running again, I just never hooked back

up with them.

Does anyone here know if they are still online?

CONGRADULATIONS on your kefir grains and exploring Dom's site. Now

the cod liver oil. That stuff has done some pretty miraculous

things. The second thing I came here for today, was to ask if anyone

has ever thought about using cod liver oil with DMSO on specific

skin problems or in the eye. All that vitamin A might just cure

night blindness! Does anyone have experience with mixing the two?

> > >> > > And Hulda 's books advise 1/2 tsp. of DMSO in half a

> glass of

> > >> > > water, taken orally, removes wheel bearing grease and


> oil that

> > >> > > are found in the systems of ALL cancer patients. This

makes me

> > >> > > think that possible diluted oral DMSO dosing for pet


> would be

> > >> > > beneficial as well?

> > >> > >

> > >> > > Thanks,

> > >> > >

> > >> > >

> > >> > >

> > >> > >

> > >> >

> > >> >

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Thanks both & for their explanations on why the DMSO

might work differently than the other gate-opening solvents and why

Hulda was probably so concerned re. the pasteurization & not analyzing

the acidic/grain and grass-fed alkaline connections for the milk.

We are so thrilled with again having a source of raw Jersey milk ...

ORGANIC yet and grass-fed. The lady who does the milking has 2

different doctor clients, one who travels about 300 miles across

Nebraska fairly regularly about every 5 wks. or so, to pick up about

50 gal. at a time which they take back, make butter and then kefirs

and freeze the skim milk or low fat for the interim. The other doc

travels a lesser distance but does about the same routine.

My first kefir batches with the commercial mix are " good " but I am

hoping to get some " traditional " grains soon as Dominic from Australia

warns that the quality of the commercial is not comparable for

probiotic and other effects and only lasts about 7 recycles whereas

traditional can go on forever! The lady who milks the cows is going

to get some from one of the docs when they come again and until then I

believe I have a source in Minn. who has said they'll send some USPS

for $4.75 postage.

Question: Can I then just mix it in with the remainder of the

commercial grains I then have? I am having one dickens of a time

trying to " strain " the grains out. First I tried a little bamboo tea

strainer I had and it took FOREVER for the 3/4 of qt. AND somehow a

couple tiny slivers of either the bamboo weavings OR more likely

unseen slivers from the last pao de arco? (spelling) tea I made came

off so I had to fish them out as best I could, (peering eerily over my

OWN shoulder wondering if " contamination " would result at the


I guess I'm hoping that even though its the commercial grains that the

" powers " of the kefir will overwhelm any " contamination " .. if not,

that batch is doomed! Oh woe is me!

After getting fresh milk home tonight and starting a new batch, I

whipped up a smoothie of the kefir milk, 2 peaches, frozen orange

concentrate, touch of cinnamon and ginger and beet root powder, honey

to sweeten a tad. YUMMY!

Thanks again for the contributions to our knowledge. Joyce

> > > >> > > And Hulda 's books advise 1/2 tsp. of DMSO in half a

> > glass of

> > > >> > > water, taken orally, removes wheel bearing grease and

> motor

> > oil that

> > > >> > > are found in the systems of ALL cancer patients. This

> makes me

> > > >> > > think that possible diluted oral DMSO dosing for pet

> cancer

> > would be

> > > >> > > beneficial as well?

> > > >> > >

> > > >> > > Thanks,

> > > >> > >

> > > >> > >

> > > >> > >

> > > >> > >

> > > >> >

> > > >> >

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i wouldn't shoot cod liver oil IV so i wouldn't use it mixed with DMSO

either. scary idea.

> Re: Hulda s " open gate " / zappers/CLO & DMSO mixed??



> Joyce,

> I can only assume with the milk, as I do not know her personal take

> on this. But drinking raw cow milk that is acidic (grain fed) can

> harbor pathogens, just like us the immune system will not function

> as it should and that allows pathogens in. I believe the raw grass

> fed milk, (alkaline) available during her time, wss oblivious to

> her. That would be my assumption anyway.

> The zappers work, and intrestingly enough I came here today to find

> the list if it is still online, that had the best information on

> zappers. My computer crashed back when I was a member of that group

> and by the time I was up and running again, I just never hooked back

> up with them.

> Does anyone here know if they are still online?

> CONGRADULATIONS on your kefir grains and exploring Dom's site. Now

> the cod liver oil. That stuff has done some pretty miraculous

> things. The second thing I came here for today, was to ask if anyone

> has ever thought about using cod liver oil with DMSO on specific

> skin problems or in the eye. All that vitamin A might just cure

> night blindness! Does anyone have experience with mixing the two?


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Thank you for this smitty.



> > > The zappers work, and intrestingly enough I came here today

to find

> > > the list if it is still online. . . .

> > > Does anyone here know if they are still online?


> If this is the one, go to Yahoo groups =

> HuldaEnthusiasts


> OR. . . . one of these =


> http://tinyurl.com/3vlxlt


> Smitty


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You are too kind. I am glad though that my scattered thoughts are of

help. <g>

It does not matter where you get grains, like I said you can get

them for free from the lists I posted. There are folks in the kefir

lady's files that give grains away also. Somebody there from Ohio

just offered to do so for locals.

But people do feel kefir grains are a gift and they " keep it going "

and the fact that kefir is one of those gifts that keeps on giving

it makes it easy. :)

You are leaps ahead of me as far as understanding working with raw

milk, so I hope we can share recipes. :) Even parmesan cheese is

replicated raw with kefir. You use the potatoe masher and make

fingers from a thickened kefir and then dry them on a cookie sheet,

and I shred them.

We desperately need ferments to be able to assimilate calcium (ect.)

I am on the master cleasne so all this talk of food is making me

hungry. :) For some reason it has been tough staying on this flush.

I am blessed that I could help Joyce.

> > > > > >> > > And Hulda 's books advise 1/2 tsp. of DMSO


> half a

> > > > glass of

> > > > > >> > > water, taken orally, removes wheel bearing grease


> > > motor

> > > > oil that

> > > > > >> > > are found in the systems of ALL cancer patients.

> This

> > > makes me

> > > > > >> > > think that possible diluted oral DMSO dosing for


> > > cancer

> > > > would be

> > > > > >> > > beneficial as well?

> > > > > >> > >

> > > > > >> > > Thanks,

> > > > > >> > >

> > > > > >> > >

> > > > > >> > >

> > > > > >> > >

> > > > > >> >

> > > > > >> >

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