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Re: question about omega-3 and vit.c and e

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There is vitamin E in ProEFA (just reading the back label)...it says

it has 8 I.U. of it (does the book say how much is needed). I would

suspect that your children's multi-vitamin would have some of these

as well. I do give extra-C in the winter as well...I guess I will

continue. :-)


> I was skimming Dr. Stoll's book (again, after reading it) and was

reading the

> need to add Vit. C and E when taking omega-3 supplements....pg

223.. and that

> it is essential to have antioxidants in your body when taking

> these...antioxidants capture free radicals which are dangerous to

the omega-3

> essential fatty acids...Does anyone give their children vit c or

vit e along

> with a prescription vitamin from say the pediatrician??? I add in

Vit. C but

> usually only in the winter-when we are swamped with colds,

bronchitis, ear

> infections, etc, but have never given my kids Vit. E....and after

all of

> these questions perhaps this does not even pertain to what I give

my sons...I

> give them 1-2 ProEFA daily........thanks for any feedback....Kathy




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All these e-mails are really confusing me. I am giving my daughter 4 ProEFA

a day as per her pediatric developmentalist (since Saturday). I have asked

numerous doctors about giving her fish oil supplements and they all say the

same thing, it will not hurt her. I made sure I spoke to her doctor before

giving it to her. I am sure that we as mothers would never do anything to

hurt our children and if we felt we should do a blood analysis or if our ped

expressed to us that it was necessary to get one we would.

I am also looking into getting the carnosine for Aliyah but need to find out

from her ped dev if it is ok and how much to give her. Also if I should be

giving her vitamins C and E.


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Hi Again,

I seem to be getting more and more confused as I

continue to read these e-mails. Could someone pls

tell me again what the dosage of Pro Efa is for a

2-1/2 yr old who weighs approximately 32 lbs? She was

diagnosed with severe verbal apraxia. Also, do I need

to be giving her a child's multi-vitamin to ensure

adequate amounts of vitamins E & C are being met? I

am wondering if 2 capsules could in any way be toxic

to a 2-1/2 yr old, or if those of you who are doing

this have gotten a doctor's " O.K. " . Have the most

dramatic results come from 2 Pro Efa's a day?


--- wrote:

> Message: 3

> Date: Mon, 20 May 2002 03:47:46 -0000

> From: " bargainmomof2 " <Momof2girls@...>

> Subject: Re: question about omega-3 and vit.c and e


> There is vitamin E in ProEFA (just reading the back

> label)...it says

> it has 8 I.U. of it (does the book say how much is

> needed). I would

> suspect that your children's multi-vitamin would

> have some of these

> as well. I do give extra-C in the winter as

> well...I guess I will

> continue. :-)


> Jill



> > I was skimming Dr. Stoll's book (again, after

> reading it) and was

> reading the

> > need to add Vit. C and E when taking omega-3

> supplements....pg

> 223.. and that

> > it is essential to have antioxidants in your body

> when taking

> > these...antioxidants capture free radicals which

> are dangerous to

> the omega-3

> > essential fatty acids...Does anyone give their

> children vit c or

> vit e along

> > with a prescription vitamin from say the

> pediatrician??? I add in

> Vit. C but

> > usually only in the winter-when we are swamped

> with colds,

> bronchitis, ear

> > infections, etc, but have never given my kids Vit.

> E....and after

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My youngest son - also 32lbs - (largely non-verbal) is taking the

ProEFA. He gets 1 a day in the AM. I've seen great results with

just 1. I think giving him 2 a day (at least this early in the game)

would be excessive. Just my opinion...


> Hi Again,


> I seem to be getting more and more confused as I

> continue to read these e-mails. Could someone pls

> tell me again what the dosage of Pro Efa is for a

> 2-1/2 yr old who weighs approximately 32 lbs? She was

> diagnosed with severe verbal apraxia. Also, do I need

> to be giving her a child's multi-vitamin to ensure

> adequate amounts of vitamins E & C are being met? I

> am wondering if 2 capsules could in any way be toxic

> to a 2-1/2 yr old, or if those of you who are doing

> this have gotten a doctor's " O.K. " . Have the most

> dramatic results come from 2 Pro Efa's a day?

> J

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Hi ,

This is exactly why I reacted the way I did to the recent messages

the way I did. What most of you unfortunately have been exposed to

here I've dealt with for awhile and it's not always nice and at times

worse. Scientific words are tossed around and if you don't know what

they mean it's intimidating and some believe " well they must know

what they are talking about -sounds impressive " However please know

that I've already privately received emails from others who disagree

with some of what was posted here who will not post to the list.

I can pull from one of the emails that summed it up very well. Just

be aware that " the world of scientists and academics is more

political than the U.S. Congress. Everyone has their own personal ax

to grind as they are all so vested in their own research and

beliefs. "

As far as attacks on any product -CHERAB opens all so of course there

will be those who are on opposing sides at times. For example the

one email put down Efalex -a formula which anecdotally we all know

has helped many of our apraxic children through the years -and

children with other conditions too if you read THE LCP SOLUTION by

Dr. Stordy and Malcolm Nicholl or go to http://www.drstordy.com .

About Dr. AJ 's recent clinical studies which we in this

group are of course all aware of... " It should also be remembered

that 's studies showing that LCP supplementation

helped ADHD/dyslexic children used Efalex but from everything she


people think she used EyeQ... (she) " revealed " the amount of EPA used

in her last published study but didn't say the formula was Efalex "

" AJ, Puri BK. A randomized double-blind, placebo-

controlled study

on the effects of supplementation with highly unsaturated fatty acids


ADHD-related symptoms in children with specific learning


Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry 2002;

26:233-9...FYI..in this study she used Efalex. And, although she

didn't name the

product, she gives the daily intake as 186 mg EPA and 480 mg DHA "

And here is an article that quotes both Dr. and Dr. Stordy


And what about the breath test vs the blood test? Since I know that

in speaking with Dr. and Dr. Stordy neither find that

blood analysis is needed outside of research reasons by most

families. I know that for a fact and ask them if any of you don't

believe me -I did. Here is information about the breath test


I find the word " toxic " in relation to the word ProEFA, Efalex -or

any other fish oil that we are finding to help our children -if

that's what the past few emails have brought us to in addition to

fear and guilt, to be outrageous and sad. I'm not mentioning names -

those from NJ know who I'm talking about -but again there is out of

the few parents (three I believe) from our local group who had blood

analysis done for their apraxic child -one who found that by doing

the opposite of what the lab results said is what created the surge

in speech for her child. The blood showed the child didn't need the

DHA -just the GLA or something and yet when the child was put on

ProEFA after not progressing on the " you need to be a home chemist

list of stuff to give your child " the child had a surge on ProEFA

alone. This raised the possibility to the point that just because

the DHA is in the blood does not mean it's able to get into the tiny

vessels of the brain where needed and that perhaps you need the anti

inflammatory properties of the GLA for some reason. After all -why

then do the same children who respond to the Omega 3 and Omega 6

formulas not respond to the Omega 3 alone or Omega 6 alone formulas in most


Please post if your child was doing amazing on ProEFA and then did

even better after blood analysis on just pure DHA, or anything else.

Please -because I'm being honest here and I know most others will

just lurk on this topic. As parents we should not be afraid to say

what we are seeing in our own children since until clinical work is

done we don't have any facts -just theories -some better than others.

Yes please consult with your child's pediatrician before

supplementation, however please know that most of us are not

nutritionists, nor do I believe we all need to be in order to be good

parents. I do not have my child on any special diet (obviously if

you read my last post) nor do I give my children any medications

(other than occasional cold medicine or Tylenol, etc.) or any other

supplements other than what I've disclosed to all of you here which

is ProEFA with a bit of ProEPA, polyflor multi vitamins which are

multi vitamins with fluoride through prescription from the

pediatrician -who also happens to be a pediatric neurologist, and

acerola cherry vitamin C every day. I just started Tanner on the

carnosine from http://www.carn-aware.com and that's it.

I'm more worried of the long term side effects of not supplementing

my children with EFAs -like not being able to speak, or be

mainstreamed in school -you know -little things like that for now -or

the fact that heart disease (and I guess celiac disease) runs in my

family that they are at risk for which fish oil can help to prevent.

After and if you decide to supplement with some type of EFA from a reputable

company -we recommend giving the EFAs (any of them ProEFA included)

in the morning because I've been told they can create more vibrant

dreams if you take it right before you go to bed -try it yourself, I

did and they did for me. However I do know those that give one in the morning

and one in the evening with no night issues.

And not that the dreams will be bad, but for a child that typically

doesn't have a vibrant dream it could scare them. The only example I know of

night issues is from one case,

Rothweiler's son -who first was on Efalex for 4 or 5 months that

worked wonderful on behavior -but not on speech (he regressed when taken off or

the dosage reduced) was switched to just one capsule of

ProEFA and for week 3 to week 5 he woke up each night crying -but

didn't stop even though we all told her to -including Dr. Agin

her child's developmental pediatrician -and after five weeks of supplementation

-the two last weeks with night crying.. -the " night

crying " stopped and then this nonverbal oral and verbal apraxic with other

issues child just started talking -and he's still

doing amazing and talking now in full complete sentences and will probably

mainstream for Kindergarten. her son is still on only one ProEFA capsule


day by the way. All is in the archives -and maybe can clarify again.

All of us that use ProEFA start on just one capsule a day -and the only reason

most of us go to two is

because at some point we notice a plateau and then the additional

supplement creates another surge in speech. And from what I've heard

from everyone outside of one, two capsules of ProEFA is not high.

And keep in mind that others will not post openly to a public list

their disagreements -but that doesn't mean that those that do are

100% correct. This includes me -so tell me what I said that's wrong if I did.


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Dear ,

I give my son 2 a day he is just 3 on Wednesday and is

44lbs and 41 " . I started out with 1 a day and when I

decided on 2 it was months later but after he sort of

plataued and when the second started got another


At this point, when I started him on Efa's I did speak

to his ped. about it prior and did not get alot of

support, and surprisingly from anyone in the medical

or therapy field. At this point the pro-efa have given

my son a voice and that is the only test I need. I do

not rely on many medical people as they are not quite

into the alternative stuff, just my opinion. I know

the dr.s here support the efa issues and they are the

only ones I've heard that actually do, and I have had

my share of Dr's, therapist etc. Start your daughter

on 1 a day in the morning with breakfast then give it


To be honest as far as getting a Dr's ok about these,

hey if I listened to every dr. to get an ok for

everything, my son would be completly non-verbal,

non-social and be diagnosed with autisim. But I also

knew my son had no medical issues like seizures etc. I

also read the LCP solution before starting. So talk to

your ped. Maybe he/she will be supportive and help you

along the way.

good luck,


--- marina3029 <philipmary@...> wrote:

> -

> My youngest son - also 32lbs - (largely non-verbal)

> is taking the

> ProEFA. He gets 1 a day in the AM. I've seen great

> results with

> just 1. I think giving him 2 a day (at least this

> early in the game)

> would be excessive. Just my opinion...

> marina



> > Hi Again,

> >

> > I seem to be getting more and more confused as I

> > continue to read these e-mails. Could someone pls

> > tell me again what the dosage of Pro Efa is for a

> > 2-1/2 yr old who weighs approximately 32 lbs? She

> was

> > diagnosed with severe verbal apraxia. Also, do I

> need

> > to be giving her a child's multi-vitamin to ensure

> > adequate amounts of vitamins E & C are being met?

> I

> > am wondering if 2 capsules could in any way be

> toxic

> > to a 2-1/2 yr old, or if those of you who are

> doing

> > this have gotten a doctor's " O.K. " . Have the most

> > dramatic results come from 2 Pro Efa's a day?

> > J




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We have had just about every blood test under the sun done for my daughter.

Everything comes back within the normal limits. We are going to have the

A-carnitine free and total blood test done next. I believe it is important

to do the blood test even if I do supplement my child with ProEfa and see

improvement. I agree the proof is in the pudding but perhaps the pudding

could be more refined. When we see amazing results if we know the chemistry

mix not just of the supplements but of the supplemented, we will have a much

better understanding. We just finished the first bottle of ProEfa and I am

impressed with the dramatic increase in her receptive language. She is

still non-verbal but the SLP said on Friday that we have to start with some

augmentive form of communication because she believes she is very smart and

the frustration will come if we can't get her communicating. She had one

bottle of DHA Jr. and I didn't see much change. Unfortunately, there are

other chemical concerns that we have to deal with because of the potential

for seizure activity. So when I hear that Primrose oil is a no no with

seizures from one source and then another says borage oil is a problem I

became very concerned. Because I believe that the borage oil and the GLA is

what must make the difference. So, if she goies on seizure meds then she'll

have trouble with her liver, and if I continue with succeessful EFA

supplements she'll have liver trouble. I think it is very important to find

the proper mix and I know my child is special. We had a lipid panel done.

It wasn't done by Ann Moser but all was within normal limits. Dr. Kane said

it is important to give cream, milk and butter with the EFA supplements. My

child is highly allergic to all dairy. I would like to introduce the

carnosine. It sounds like just what Myra needs, first Essential Fatty

Acid's and now Essential Amino Acid, and why this amino acid and not

carnitine? Who can argue the Intelligent Design theory of creation now

really!! Just what is the correct mix for good brain chemistry?


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-so tell me what I said that's wrong if I did.

, I don't think you said anything that was wrong. I think it is

all very confusing. I know I have spent the last two years practically

reading everything I can find on fatty acids, and I still think it is

a very complex subject matter. I don't see where the field

is competitive, but it does seem that few have wanted to pursue

this area of research. The way that I describe fatty acids, is

like a ball of string, if you pull on one fatty acid, by adding

that to the diet, you deplete other essential fats. You just

pull knots, and sometimes it takes going from another direction

to accomplish what needs to be done to untangle the mess.

The fatty acid tests, they are like a map, and if you don't

like Dr.Kane's recommendations, you can certainly take those

test results to someone that you think might can help you.

But I betch ya will come back to Dr.Kane's way of thinking!

<smile> Best,

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