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Klaus Joehle Talk - From Living On Love Author

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Full mp3 audio record of Klaus Joehle message to the Talk Board (13 MB)Klaus Joehle -- A Message to the Talk Board January 10, 2006. This recording is for the Talk board. A few people mention that I don't show up at the talkboards and the main issue is that I can't. I cannot write, so it's impossible for me to sit there and type out an answer to a question. It would take me an hour just simply to write 10 lines. So it's not something that's ever gonna happen. But I do go to the talkboard and read what's been written, what people are saying, and the questions, and the issues that come up – mainly because I care. I do all this because I wanted to help people. It has nothing to do with money. I do this because I enjoy it. So my coming to the talkboard and being there and discussing things and answering questions – it's just never gonna happen. But I've read through all the talks – or whatever you wanna call them, and I'll answer some of the questions that come up. Because although you ask the questions different ways, it's really the same questions. So I wanna explain something to you about sending love. There are really stages to it. And I don't like to call them stages, because then we label things too much and it's really not ideal when it comes to sending love. But I'm gonna do it this time just to explain some more details about it. When you first begin sending love... When you first send love, depending on what stage in life you are at… Let's say, your life is not very good and most of the time you are feeling pain, discomfort and basically not feeling much love in your life. You wanna change your life for the better – so you read about sending love and you say "OK, I can do that!" And you consciously mentally sit down to send love. Most likely you are not going to feel anything – because, at the stage where your life is at, you are just not going to. And for someone else to come along and say: "Send love, really get the feeling of it. When you really feel the love going out and you feel that love and that wonderful feeling – then you know what's happening." If you say that to someone – that's the end of it for that person, because they are not gonna feel it. They are gonna get discouraged and go away from it. The actual fact is – you don't need to feel it. On the second stage you will begin to feel it and it will become more powerful for you and will be able to direct it more, because you are feeling it. But the first stage of it is – you just have to do it consciously. Once you do that, all the things that are required, all the circumstances that are necessary will start to come about – even if your concentration level is very poor at the beginning. Most people, when they are at very rough part of their life, maybe something bad has happened to them, and they are just in pain – their concentration level is not going to be very good. So if they sit down for 20 minutes… Out of 20 minutes they may only have 4 minutes of actual focusing on sending love, or radiating love, or opening the flow – and that's all that's required. Because what you've done – is consciously, willingly engaged it. Even though you can't feel it – it's going to happen. And your life is going to change. It may start slowly, some things may come very quickly. But the process has started, and as you keep going through with that – your life will get better. And some of that negative hurtful stuff will leave your life, and things will improve, and your feelings will increase. In other words you will have more days with more good feelings, than negative feelings. And everything will just increase, and you will move up the ladder. And your life will get better, your feelings will get better, you'll feel better, will have more energy, and in turn you will have more focus, your willpower will increase, your confidence will increase and everything sort of increases. And as that moves upwards, all of a sudden, you start to feel something. And that's when you come about and you go: "Hey, the other day I was sending love and all of a sudden I could feel it!" That's the very first stage of it, and it grows and becomes more and more and more – as you keep going. As long, as you don't stop somewhere along the line and get discouraged. Most people start this process and then stop after a few weeks. The fact is that when you start this there is a bit of a lag time. When you start this, the good stuff doesn't come necessarily for a couple of weeks. There may be some things that come right away, but mostly the stuff takes a little time. By that time most people have gotten discouraged and quit. Or the good stuff starts to come and then we slack off the sending love part. So that's basically how it, sort of, comes about. As you keep going, your feelings will increase and your ability to actually feel it will increase. About "Money is Love" book Now, this new book, that's out – it will actually be 3 books because it's too long – I've heard some people say they were a little disappointed because they thought it was going to be about sending love. And I'm gonna tell you little secret – it is. It is exactly the same thing as sending love. There is only one room, in this room is where all your power to create anything in this life is. And there is a door, it says "Sending love", but there is another door and it says "Creating". Whether you go through the "Sending love" door or through the "Creating" door, you will come to the same place. And as you go through the books… I know they are not finished yet… Very quickly, the first one, which will be 40 chapters, it will be re-written by me so that it'll make more sense and it'll work for you. It will work. And I'll explain a little bit more how it's come about and why it works and will work for you. But the point is it's actually the same thing as sending love. The method we use for creating – you are just coming through a different door. But the end result is – your heart center will open up and you are direct it more to what you want, rather than just saying "I just want things to be better. Make everything better." Both systems work well, you just need to choose, which one you want. Or maybe you want to play in both? To creating a little bit – and to sending love a little bit. But both are the same thing and do exactly the same thing. Consciously, you are going to a place, and one person is taking a car and another person is taking a train – you are still going to end up in that same spot. Now, the way this works, the way it was set up, it actually took 4 years of intense work on my part to be able to create this. Time doesn't exist, it is something we make here for ourselves, so it does exist in our reality, but in All of Everything it, in a sense, doesn't really exist. So when I create these tapes and I walk in the woods, it's actually not just me, it's all of us, everyone, that's involved in this, everyone who reads the books, listens to the tapes – was actually there. And it was set up as a community thing. And, yes, if you listen to tape – you only hear my voice, if you read the book, you only sorta hear me, because we can't put the million people on the tape recorder. But in that time, I mean the woods, special places, those places filled with the energy, and there are vortexes there… Everything was set up exactly where I am living, the island, everything was played out and set up to perfection. It took 4 years to set this up, to put myself in a proper place. I even put myself in a place of needing money. Everything was played out to the up most! So that I'm working through the entire stage, walking through it with you, hand-by-hand. We both, all of us – are going together during those times. And going through a creating process together as a community. And that's where, in part, the power comes from. Even if a person 10 years from now reads the book, instantly they have still have been there. I know, this sounds kinda strange and "How is that possible?" Well, we live in a 3-dimentional world, where time follows behind each other, like little pages in a book, so everything seems like it happened yesterday or tomorrow or now, but in a reality all things happen at once. So all there going through it, and what I write out is exactly what I'm going through. What I'm feeling, my down moods, my up moods, why I am down, the amount of energy it takes to make the changes, how it all comes about? What you feel? The stages you go through… See, it's not a 1-2-3 book, it's not a book off the shelf, that says "3 easy steps to wealth". Well, you know what? If you can believe that, it will work for you. If you can believe – absolutely believe in that, you can pick up a book like that, read it, and make it work you. But if the belief system isn't there – no, it will not work. So in all of these tapes and in all of the books it's gonna be – the 3 books, probably a 1000 pages or very close to it – not only we go through the stage of creating, we go through the stage of creating the belief system that is required to make it work. See, even the sending love part won't engage, until you believe it will. So, as a person begins to send love, even if they don't feel anything, even if their attention span is very poor – if they have the belief system, that says: "You know, I think this is gonna work. This will work, yes! I believe in that I have the power to make changes in my life, even though my life is a mess right now, it's painful, hurtful… Whatever created all this, gave me the ability to make the changes." As soon, as you have that, belief system, built-in, the whole thing will engage. The same thing goes with creating. And so we have these 3.6 million dollars, but we need to build the belief to go with it. So everything comes in stages, and I'm there with you, building the belief in it – exactly the way it should be. So we are all there together building that. Rather than someone "being there and preaching it" – we are walking together. So when you listen to it, it may sound a little corny, because I'm in the woods. There, with you. We, sort of, all talking together and I'm saying my piece. If you were to listen really carefully inside of yourself, you will hear your comments during that time. You'd have to get very quiet and, again, you'd have to believe it. When you believe it – a door opens. That is a key, believing is a key. See, each time when you on a talk board and you say "Does this work?" – or you ask a question "Will this work?", you are really asking to have your confidence in it to build. "Someone please say `Yes', so that I can believe, and then it will work." What is really necessarily for you (and for me, and for everyone else) to believe – in whatever it is we want to believe in. And in part that's why the book is called what it's called – because it's important to believe. It's important to believe in yourself. So, no matter what religious belief you have, if you believe in Christianity, if you believe in Buddhism – whatever it is – as long as this belief allows you to have an extra belief, that says that the God, you believe in, gave you the power to create a beautiful world – if you have that belief, than you will have the power, because that door opens up. And that's how it works. Experiencing all things in life The books, also, have to be real. They have to be about real feelings, real emotions, real fears, real *anxieties* – I mean, when you are depressed, you are depressed. See, the thing is: life is an experience and we have all these experiences, but we never learn how to experience them. So, when we overtired and we are down, and we are depressed – it's not necessarily a bad experience. It's just an experience. And we allow just to experience that. And when we say "it's just an experience and we allow it, sorta, rather than fight it" – we can also change it very quickly. The Art of Sending Love Sending love, in that sense, is an art. And everyone is going to do it a little differently – and that's the beautiful part about it. It's also very nice when people talk about it and say "I've been doing it this way and I'm really like it: I've been pretending that I have a big garden hose in my hand, and love is just pouring out of it, and it's *squirming* everywhere, and I get it on myself, and it's all around me." If that works for you – great! It works for you because you believe it. Ha-ha-ha – and so it works for you. And it's wonderful, that's all it needs be! All it's doing is engaging what you want, it's opening that valve; the exact method you use is really up to you. And it should be playful, because if you enjoy doing it, that's telling you – you are doing it in a right way. If it's making it in a right way for you. So all of it becomes down to stages. We start somewhere… See, this is why I don't like stages – because someone who… Let's say go back to how my life was 15 years ago, I was in so much pain, that if you came to me and say "Send love! And really get a feeling for it!" I'd say "You are an idiot! I can not possibly feel that. It's absolutely impossible at that point of my life! But I can consciously sit down and imagine myself sending love in some manner or other." And my method at that point may be to… huh – I don't know… use a gun to send it out. Bullets, let bullets of love… It doesn't really matter! All that matters is that I'm engaging the system that basically creates our life around us. Once I engage it, everything else will start to fall into place. Some things take time. Now, when it comes to creating, it's again comes back really to sending love – it's really what you'll be doing. When you go through it and you really think about it, you will notice that your heart center starts to open up, you are really engaging the feelings more than anything else. Because you've got to feel at that point with the creating part, you've got to feel it to really make it work. But at the beginning for a long period of time you'll probably won't feel much. When I started with the 3.6 million, I couldn't get a feeling with the 3.6 million. I've no idea, what that feels like – absolutely none. There is nothing to compare to. So you have to look for it. So you spend all this time searching for it. And that's the same thing you do, when you first start sending love. You have no idea what this feels like, no concept of it. So you start searching around for it. It's like you are looking inside. It's like a box, you are digging around and find all kinds of stuff. When you do that, there are all kinds of things happening – when you are gigging around – because when you are digging around and *set* yourself looking for a feeling, guess what you are doing? You are digging around, so you gonna find all kinds of stuff, that had been stuffed in a corner and hidden away… Huh, this is part of the clearing, because as you do all this clearing around, you are digging stuff out, looking at it and you go "OK, it's time to get rid of this." Sometimes just by acknowledging it was there, it will take on on its own. And that removes a lot of resistance. Sending love to the past A couple emails or whatever you call it in a talk board (K: messages), mentioned sending love in the past, to your past self. All these things are mentioned to you as a possibility. It's not necessary for you to do it, unless it feels right to you to do it. For some people it's better for the past to be left and to move on. They are at a point where they can move on. I had things in my past so incredibly painful, that I couldn't move on – I had to move back. And I had to send love and feel those moments with love and thereby actually changing them. Something happens when you go back, and you do it unemotionally and just fill it with love. It's almost like it erases it, it changes it. When I think back now, I wonder, if that really happened. Or there is a double feeling, like there is 2 things that happened – a really ugly, bad thing happened that day, and a really good thing happened that day – and I can focus on either one of them. But with that I was able to let go of it. It sort of almost… It's unexplainable really what happens. I don't think, you can really put it into words, and I think it will be different for everybody. But you have to realize that I have to mention it for you – and then you have to decide for yourself whether you need to do it, or whether it's not necessary. And maybe no it's not necessary and in 5 years from now, all of sudden, something happens and you go "I think I'm gonna do that – just with this one thing." Or you may never do it. But the possibility for you to do it is there, and it will work. But I have to tell you, honestly it's not necessarily easy. Some things go quite easy, other things didn't go quite that easy. They took a few times and then they somehow… I wish I had the words, but it's sort of… It's like that ugliness let go of me. It's almost like it had its *hold* [22:51 tell me if you caught this word] on me, and wherever I went, no matter how fast I ran – it was always there. And when I did the going in the past and filling it with love – it, sort of, let go. And it seems like it just vanished. And now it doesn't have a hold on me anymore. There are things from my past that still come up continuously, new things. Oh, that are hard to explain – I have so much from my past, that I don't know if it ever really totally clears. Ha-ha-ha! It's ridiculous, almost. You know, sometimes I go "What the hell?" But that's just… it's small stuff, and I see it in other people. Things I have to work through. And I just casually work though it and let go of it, but the big stuff is all gone. A lot of stuff gets worked through in the creating process of creating the 3.6 million dollars – because it's not the money we are creating, we are working through the resistance of all things. As we are doing that, we are working through the resistance of creating all things that we want in life: better relationships… things… I can't think of the variables right now, but all things in life. The most important thing is to stop looking for it, just be in a having of it. And the same thing goes really for sending love: just be in the sending love. Not so much questioning whether it's actually working. It is working. Some things just take a little bit more time. * * * So if you feel you are a part of the talk board, and I not there… My wife goes there and she writes little things – I'm still part of it and I'm still listening and I am adjusting what I do and what I write and how I write things – according to what I see and hear you say. Because this is all for us, to improve our lives. Not just for me, because if I did it just for me, I'd got to stop all this other stuff – it would be… it would make my life so much simpler. But I really enjoy seeing and hearing other people improve their lives, and I know somewhere along the line that will feedback to me. And will probably improve my life. Somewhere along the line, you know, as thing are going, these books will be published, maybe it then will bring in some income, instead of costing enormous amount of money. Because over the years, since the first book, the cost is probably being… Over $40,000 has gone into it. Not to mention the income I don't make, because the amount of time and effort I spend on this stuff… As today, it's already 2 o'clock now – I've been at it since 8 o'clock this morning. There is no money that comes in from it, there is no income. So all income I get I have to, sort of, create, in a sense. And somewhere along the line it will come – probably from the books, which would be nice. My belief The point is… Which you have to realize, and I want you to realize this because it helps create the belief system. I've seen so much positive stuff from this, so much change, that I give 3 quarters of my life to this and I just would not do it if I didn't believe in it that much. And for me to believe in it that much it takes a lot. Because I just wouldn't do it on the possibility of it. So I know it'll change your life. The book, the new ones, the way they are on the tapes – it's complicated. Because the tapes are there and so much stuff on it that's just lapped out …. raw the book will be a little bit refined and a little clearer so you have two options afterwards. You can both read the book through and if there's a section you want you can listen to the tape and remember. It's a community thing Realize that you were there this was a community thing. It was not an individual thing. If it were an individual thing it'd have been written differently. It would have been done differently. Actually I'd not have bothered to do it all. Because I can just sit there and put that time into creating more stuff for myself or whatever else that I want. Instead the whole thing is set up as a community thing so each time a person looks at it or does it they're joining hands with everyone else and doing it together. That's a very important thing because you know we sit there at home sometimes or wherever we are by ourselves and we feel alone with the sending love. We got this really by ourselves. But with the creating part you are not -- you are right there in the woods with all of us. We're going through the whole process together. We're feeling the down-days, the up-days, the days when we're not sure, the days when we're afraid if it's not working and what if we put all this time into it and if it really doesn't work and all the stuff we go through all these feelings. We feel them together. Power in believing That's where the magic is. There's enormous power in believing. Everything that you've ever done from walking, riding a bike, driving a car, putting on your close, even tying your shoelaces you can do absolutely nothing until you believe that you can. You cannot learn anything to do until you believe you can do it. And if you think back, when someone was encouraging you to do something what did they say? "You can do it - yes - you can do it. Look you can do it. Take one step you'll see you can do it." What were they doing? They were actually not teaching you how to do it but they're convincing you that you can do it. Once you believe you can do anything. I don't care how long you trained to climb Mount Everest, if you do not absolutely believe that you can make it to the top, you'll not make it. You can be in the best shape, the most powerful men or woman on this planet you'll not make it. I don't care what it is, until you believe you'll not achieve even tying your shoelaces. This goes with absolutely everything. Even if you're ill and you're trying to heal yourself, until you believe in something, absolutely believe in it, nothing will work. The reason certain pills work is because we believe, absolutely believe in them. If we don't believe in them, they'll not work, absolutely zero, they'll not work. Believing is everything. So it's not just knowing how to do something, but it's believe we can. That's why the book will be three books. That's why it's so long. Because we've to build the belief we can create everything including 3.6 million to such a high degree that we can. Each time you practice you're really building the belief. So when you sit down to do your creating build the belief at the same time. Work on building the belief in it. That's where all the power sits. That's the key to everything. Hypnosis changes our beliefs If you hypnotize someone... I love watching shows or even watching it in person -- watching someone gets hypnotised! I've had experience with it myself, not myself being hypnotized but watching someone I know being hypnotized. The hypnotist convinced them that they'd play a guitar. My friend couldn't play a musical note if you put a gun to his head. In less than a minute this guy was playing a guitar that would put tears to your eyes, incredible! Amazing! After, I said to the hypnotist "Why don't you just leave him like that, why don't you just tell him and convince him and say 'You play' and this guy will be an absolute, fantastic, incredibly wealthy and well-known musician by the end of the year?" The hypnotist says to me "I can convince him for a short time. But his belief system inside him that he can't do it is so great, that over a given time within a few days the suggestion he gave him will wear down." So he'd have to reinforce it everyday for a very long period of time. "And because his…" -- it is also what he said, -- "inside there's a belief system that's been instill since birth and it's a very set-in belief system that you cannot just know something, you have to learn it." His system is so set-in that the only way we could convince them is we would have to work with them every day and at the same time teach them so that his belief system is being fed that he is learning it. Then it would build. For a very short time we can convince them of almost anything but only for a very short time. The rest then has to be built. So, when you read a book, when you go to a seminar for a very short time there's a bit of a hype and you believe and you stand up and you go: "Yeah! I can do it!" And you notice within a few days you go back to your old self. That's because that all belief system is sitting in there. It's been built up and it's very powerful and that's what we were working through very carefully and very gently convincing ourselves of the creating, that we have the ability to create. We were just going through the process and building the belief system. And we do this wantingly, knowingly and we do it with joy and excitement because we want to do it. And so it goes a lot faster. Some people could go to a hypnotist and get some help of it and if it's the person is easily hypnotized, if I was that kind of person I would probably do it. But I've tried it, hypnotizing just doesn't work for me. I am closed, absolutely closed to outside suggestion, my scull is so thick - you can send a signal around the planet in seconds but I can tell you it can take years to get through that quarter inch's scull that I have. So, it doesn't work. One of the things though that looking back now I should've done or could've done – I hate "shoulds" what have done word – what I could've done was go for therapy and some sort, find someone who I could talk with a therapist about the money to bring out my bad and negative feelings I had about money. I had a lot of, I didn't realize I had them. I blamed money for a lot of sad things in my life and other people's lives. And I blamed money for it. I didn't realize it even three months ago. I didn't realize it. The process that I was going through with the book that we are all going through with the creating the 3.3 million will bring those feelings out. The whole thing is designed to do that. But in essence I could've years back went and got help of someone who has the ability to bring out what's really going on inside. In this world it maybe taking six months of work, yes, but by bringing out those negative feelings I would've moved ahead much faster, much more easily. Of course, you know, perhaps, this book wouldn't have been written then. That's fine too. I'm just saying that that possibility is there for you if you wanna look at it maybe it's right for you, maybe it's not. Anything they get out – the resistance of money. If money is not flowing nicely, easily, effortlessly, abundantly then there is something restricting it inside. So, the whole process of those tapes, of the books is there to slowly work through it. Some of you partly listened to the tapes and then stopped. In there be reasons for it. Probably something irritated you about the tapes, you go: "This is crapped, this is not really working". There is a resistance inside and it will shut you off to go in any further. So, you can decide for yourself: you turn away from it, you keep listening, do you keep reading, do you get some help whatever. It's your choice. Absolutely your choice which way to go. Remember, when we do something, we're heading towards a direction, all of a sudden we stop. It comes from resistance inside. Something doesn't wanna to come out and it's just shutness off, it stops us of anger, frustration, it is all kinds of methods from fear. It's really a loose off thing. So, you have to sort of keep going. It's the only way it ever comes out. I'm really good of running. I've ran from the issue for years. We've built up to this and this summer we've done this process with the tapes and the tapes will be turning towards a written book. I've had to go through it and believe me there's a lot of stuff [to] came out of me I'm wanna to run away from it quite a few times. But I say it's time! It's time to get it out! It's time to move on. I don't like spending the rest of my life with my hands tide behind my back pretending everything is OK. It'll be OK. When every day I get happier and happier as long as there's an improvement every day then you know it's OK. So, I hope this helps. It's [a] long when I didn't mean for it to be this long, sometimes I just can't shut up. Good luck with it. I really wish you all the best, I hope you stay with it, hope you stay on the talk board `cause it does help me. It does help me to adjust to know what you need, you know, and… It also helps me and my path because I'm trying to learn every day, I'm trying to improve my life every day just like you are. It's not a lecture. I'm really working at it, I work at it very hard. All my best to you. Transcribed from voice recording by Kostya and Fi Retta in January-March 2006 and by Faraonova in June 2007. Listen to mp3 audio of this message Full mp3 audio record of Klaus Joehle "Message to the Talk Board" (13 MB)http://k.livingonlove.com/creating-love.shtml

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