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Has this happened to any one else.... it's like sixth sense!!

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Hi before I write my weird story I have just found out today that

's speech therpist has gone back to the UK he now has no

therapist until they employ a new one. That could be the end of the

term 5-6 weeks away. I am so annoyed that I wasn't told he hasn't

seen a therapist for the last month. The CSW has nothing to go on

with either so we are in a bind really I have asked the head speech

therapist to go in and give her and me some verbal drills to do. Is

that what I should be doing??

Anyway this is like a horror movie. as you know has limited

language. Well a few weeks ago I was at my friends and was

looking out the window " woo woo mummy dost " (look look mummy ghost) I

said where? " there look " he started pointing " up up up " it was

really eerie. Then on Sunday we went to the airport to meet my

husband. We were sitting in the car and goes " woo dost

deedee " (look ghost e) my daughter says " where I don't see

anything " " yes woo dere " (yes look there) so e continues " what

does it look like? " puts his hand on his head and strokes

downwards " air " e " long hair " " yep " he replies " diss derde "

e responds " Miss Versey " " yes " says " hi Dadul " (hi )

Miss Versey was his teacher who died last year from Cancer. e

continued the interagation. " Who else do you see? " " pampas

mum " (Grandpas mum) my Gran died in Marh this year. " You know the

ghost you saw at Stella's? " " who was that? " replied " don

know " " well what did it look like? " " at o " (hat on). Is this

unusual or is it something that children with limited vocabularly are

like? I have spoken to Crystal about it but has any one else had

similar experiences? Do I leave it? Or get him tested or

something? He's not afraid. The only thing he won't do is go to any

room that hasn't got the light on. So even if there is a light

shining into the room if the room has the light off he won't go in.

He has to go to sleep with the light on but I can now turn it off

when I go to bed. If he wakes up he turns it on again. HELP!


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