Guest guest Posted May 19, 2002 Report Share Posted May 19, 2002 Hi and Dr. Kane! ( -thanks for passing this on to Dr. Kane for me) Hi Dr. Kane, I remember the meeting you spoke at for Children's Apraxia Network (- almost 2 years ago now? before we were CHERAB) It was that icy windy snowy day and you were such a trooper to drive up all the way from the South on a Monday night, and Dr. Agin came in from NYC as well to meet with you and see your presentation -which was incredible (I'm sure people would want to see you again since due to the weather there were only about 50 people at that meeting) It was also one of the meetings we were passing out the DHA Jr. and ProEFA samples for the feedback trials to compare the two because anecdotally I found and was seeing that the formula's that were fish oil alone like DHA Jr. were not working for our children with communication impairments overall for some reason, while the Efalex was -and Michele who I was bugging about this -introduced ProEFA to me as " their version of Efalex " I know you like Primrose Oil more than Borage Oil -however it was you that raised the anti inflammatory properties of the Borage Oil to me - and it's either the Borage Oil or the higher EPA in the ProEFA vs the Efalex that is so helping just about any child put on that particular Nordic Naturals formula -even though I wish now the EPA was a bit higher in the ProEFA as I discussed with the owner Michele. Michele knew you would not be happy with the borage oil -but they believed it better than Primrose Oil from their studies. I'm pretty loyal to what helps my kids as most would be. I will be the first to admit Efalex is a pretty stinky formula -and tasted disgusting (two days to get that taste out of my mouth -yuck) -but thank you God that it was the first one that I tried for Tanner - because if I tried any of the ones I tried after (the " reject " fish oils I called them-the ones that didn't work for Tanner -and that included the " pure " DHA Jr.) I probably would have given up on the whole fish oil thing and figured it didn't work. It never would have occurred to me back then that " Oh -maybe there's not enough EPA " Or " I better check to see if there is a small amount of GLA in here or this probably won't work " They were all stinky fish oil to me - and yet I also never at that point was aware that some brands could be rancid -or worse as you first pointed out to me. About Dr. AJR and Efalex comments, I really can not post all I know, talked about and heard in each message. As you know things can be taken out of context on a grouplist. Efalex is again a formula that has literally changed the life of so many children -my son is one of them. (Thank you Efalex!!) I don't think it's fair to put down Efalex even if not every PhD loves it -it was the only EFA formula out there three years ago -with or without EPA that I heard was helping a few other apraxic children -not huge amounts of talk going on back then because as you recall it was [OFF TOPIC] at another apraxia list so after I posted so much about it they told us to start another list which is how speechdiet list started. Efalex helped my son Tanner, dramatically, as it states in Dr. Stordy and Malcolm Nicholl's book The LCP Solution (except in the book it says three weeks but in going over old posts it was actually two!) And by the way -Dr. Stordy says Efalex does have EPA -but not near as high as ProEFA. And speaking of Dr. Stordy -I'm not sure of the exact relationship between Dr. and Dr. Stordy -but I do know there is/was some type of professional relationship. Dr. Stordy who as you know is behind the Efalex, has been nice enough to answer many of our questions so that's another reason in addition I won't allow Efalex to be put down here unless one has proof of something negative. Dr. Stordy states the Efalex formula now that is made by Nutricia is the same as that made in the UK by Efamal -I'm not testing it to know - and ProEFA works better for my son now anyway. I still will stand by and recommend Efalex as a formula that works based on what I see and hear. I put it up there with ProEFA and Eye Q based on anecdotal reports as one of the top three. Good thing for anecdotal reports because it'll be years till the truth is out to the public from the research and the nonverbal preschoolers today may be teenagers by then. Also - I didn't write every word of the conversation -but Dr. was very aware what the question was when we were talking about supplementation of ProEFA before or after blood analysis. You know me -not terribly well but enough to know I'm not shy with getting my point across - the question was " would you give your child ProEFA -or would you do the blood analysis first " My question was not " should you feed your child a healthy diet that's high in EFAs? " (!!) If you have a chance -ask her direct - Dr. also seems the type not to be timid in her views. I again am not questioning the validity of blood analysis for those who do it, and there are children such as those prone to seizures -or those few who Omega 3/6 EFAs don't seem to help, where I suggest the blood analysis, even then not all do it as you know. For whatever the reason -out of our group very few do take their child for blood analysis before or during supplementation -and yet in spite of the now huge amount of medical conditions involved in our group - almost all communication impaired children appear to do well on the ProEFA for some reason -even though again I think it would be good if the EPA was a bit higher from what I'm now finding. In some cases the new parents in our group are not even getting a diagnosis -they " try " supplementation -and if it works (which it typically does as we now know) they never find out the diagnosis at times -no less go for blood work. There is a University Hospital in NJ who called me to do a presentation to the neuro-sciences department over what we are seeing in our group -and again, there is much more to that than I can post here other than that there is interest as you know in research in this area to learn why what we are seeing (and hearing) is happening. Again, as much as we know about how the body works -and you are amazing at explaining so much about this -we do not yet completely understand every aspect of the human brain, and with the pitiful amount of research done on the speech and language area of the brain - or apraxia (what's apraxia?) we are just now learning more and more each day -so we of course do not know for a fact what is happening to help stimulate speech in so many children -not just apraxic. Dr. Kane -we would all love to hear your theory as to why it's helping however! ===== Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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