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Re: Carnosine repost and info

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, is the EPA you're giving your son called " ProEPA " like the

ProEFA we give our sons? Also, where can I purchase it? Is it Nordic

Naturlas brand? We get the EFA from the CHERUB website currently.


Vivian in Hot 'ole Phoenix!

Mom to DJ, 5, moderate verbal apraxia, and thats it!

> surge with that, the addition of EPA to the regular EFA that we

> started first about three or four months ago and alone and saw a

> surge with that too -or the carnosine we started about a week ago -

or maybe it's a great combo -observation wise I'd say so...>>>

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Could someone please tell me what Carnosine is and

what the benefits are?


--- kiddietalk <kiddietalk@...> wrote:

> Hi Lori and all!


> I just received an email from Cathleen Buchanan PHD,

> who is the

> Research Coordinator to Dr. Chez, Pediatric

> Neurologist, (Dr.

> Chez has been very involved with research in autism

> and epilepsy,

> aphasia and auto immunity) and they may be helping

> to answer our

> questions here, and are " happy to learn of the

> interest " in our

> group -which has is focused on communication

> disorders like apraxia

> and " know that this holds much promise for your

> list-serve

> members..... "


> I believe so too! So all (three -four?) of you that

> are patients of

> Dr. Chez in our group -please keep sharing with us

> since most of us

> are curious and interested in hearing more -not just

> Lori!!


> Speaking of which, -I don't believe that

> , who has a son

> that is diagnosed with a seizure disorder and has

> been taking

> carnosine for about six months now that... " started

> with 200mgs. 2x a

> day and is now up to 1,200 mgs. 2x a day, all under

> the supervision

> of his neurologist, Dr. Chez " who found the

> 'three'(!) blood analysis

> results unreliable for her own child, mentioned

> anything about

> children with ALD. She stressed " caution " to the

> rest of us -and

> since this is not an ALD list I guess she assumed

> most of us have

> children that like her own, do not have ALD, an

> assumption that I'm

> probably guilty of too. Her post was based on her

> own personal

> results, which she found varied and conflicting.

> Perhaps if Dr. Kane

> did them this wouldn't have happened -or perhaps,

> just perhaps -blood

> analysis is not always the only answer for every

> single child in

> every situation.


> My son Tanner is on 400 mg of carnosine once a day

> and all I can say is I

> have to update his talking page right away so you

> guys can hear him

> ( Bilker you out there?

> http://www.debtsmart.com/talk ) You

> should have heard Tanner, who will be six next

> month, tell everyone

> about how the tooth fairy will come-and how he got a

> loose tooth, a

> whole story about it...I'm not sure if (out of the

> newer therapies we have added) it's the cranial

> sacral

> therapy which is pretty new in the past two months

> since we did see a

> surge with that, the addition of EPA to the regular

> EFA that we

> started first about three or four months ago and

> alone and saw a

> surge with that too -or the carnosine we started

> about a week ago -or

> maybe it's a great combo -observation wise I'd say

> so -and I'll have

> Tanner say so too on 's page soon -so you can

> all hear him! Maybe it's all clicking from the

> karate and swimming -who knows but I'm not stopping

> anything.

> (Thanks Sallie, and Rosemarie, for sharing this

> information with us!!)


> Here is the repost:



> From: " kiddietalk " <kiddietalk@...>

> Date: Thu May 16, 2002 2:09 pm

> Subject: It is carnosine not carnitine/first fish

> -now red meat and

> chicken?!!



> Hi everyone!


> I wish I knew more too - I've had a crazy day with

> my horse and pony

> (for real -especially Coco the loco pony!!) however

> I'm hoping we'll

> hear

> back from the two people that do know more from our

> group (anyone

> else?) and I sent my last post to Dr. Chez and his

> assistant so maybe

> they will be nice enough to answer right away. I

> have the info they

> sent to me below.


> Below is the clinical trial information and

> information about

> carnosine from Dr. Chez -and part of my message from

> Tue May 14,

> 2002 9:51 pm -and this is just the first week I've

> started giving

> Tanner the carnosine at 200 mg a day which is one

> capsule. Since

> then I've increased Tanner to 2 capsules a day (400

> mg) and this is

> what happened just now (I posted earlier how Glenn

> commented on how

> Tanner's speech improved on my last post) I just put

> Tanner on the

> phone

> with Jeannie Buesser who runs the Apraxia group of

> North Jersey and

> Tanner told her what he told me -that he went to the

> zoo on a bus and

> that him and his best friend Tyree were playing and

> had a little

> fight and that Tyree punched him in the stomach and

> then he punched

> Tyree in the stomach and then Tyree scratched his

> face but it doesn't

> really hurt and they are still friends. (!!!!) Ok

> -not that I'm not

> upset that my five year old has a scratch on his

> cheek from obvious 2

> finger marks from another child who is his best

> friend -and that they

> are punching each other in the stomach and he says

> nobody noticed

> (they went to the Turtle Back Zoo today) but that is

> overshadowed

> by...he was able to express all those complex

> thoughts without

> stopping and saying " I forget mommy " like he

> sometimes does if it's

> too much to say.


> So I'm very excited about putting the carnosine

> together with the

> ProEFA from just what I've seen so far even though

> it's probably too

> soon to tell (where did we hear that before?) I'm

> just wondering if I

> can go over to the local health food store and buy

> carnosine instead

> since the bottle I bought online at

> http://www.carn-aware.com only

> has 60 capsules in it at 200 mg each? Is there any

> difference -do we

> need to worry about purity like we do with fish oil?



> I looked up carnosine online and there are some

> studies going on in

> the UK with it for anti aging (and so I may want to

> try it too) Not

> sure

> how reputable and about others and don't have much

> time to look into

> it today

> -so here

> is the link

> http://www.med4u.co.uk/BM_HT_completherpy_supp.htm

> and I

> did read this same anti aging info about it

> elsewhere too. I also

> read at med4U " As mentioned earlier, this is a new

> supplement and our

> experience in using it is limited. However, we do

> not expect any side

> effects or dangerous long-term problems, as this is

> a naturally-

> occurring product, found in our muscles and brain.

> If you do not like

> taking tablets, you may want to get your extra

> supplies of carnosine

> from red meat or chicken. "


> Here is the info from my last post -including the

> info sent to me

> from Dr. Chez again!:


> OK the good news about carnosine is that it's easy

> to give. It

> doesn't have a taste or smell really so you just

> pull the capsule

> apart and then add it to water. For some reason

> -Tanner seems to

> mind it more than the fish oil however because the

> powder

=== message truncated ===


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Vivian, I'm not , but I know the answer to this question is that yes, she

gives her child proepa which like the proefa is made by Nordic Naturals. I

also give my child both and get them from the same site whose link is found

at the cherab http://www.apraxia.cc site. Carolyn aigjr@...

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Your post isn't to me but I can answer it. ProEPA is different than ProEFA. My

son who has autism is amazing me with his results on ProEPA. My daughter who

has dyspraxia and other gross motor issues is taking EFA and is also doing some

amazing things now. I get mine from Kirkman Labs because it is local to me. It

is the Nordic Naturals brand. If you want to look them up they are at

www.kirkmanlabs.com I think or type in Kirkman Labs and search.


[ ] Re: Carnosine repost and info

, is the EPA you're giving your son called " ProEPA " like the

ProEFA we give our sons? Also, where can I purchase it? Is it Nordic

Naturlas brand? We get the EFA from the CHERUB website currently.


Vivian in Hot 'ole Phoenix!

Mom to DJ, 5, moderate verbal apraxia, and thats it!

> surge with that, the addition of EPA to the regular EFA that we

> started first about three or four months ago and alone and saw a

> surge with that too -or the carnosine we started about a week ago -

or maybe it's a great combo -observation wise I'd say so...>>>

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Hi Vivian!

tells me that she believes awhile back you were thinking of

starting a support group for Phoenix? Is that true? If so let me

know -and I'll add you to the support page at the CHERAB site -

speaking of which: Congratulations to Cherab of Ohio

http://www.cherabofohio.org !! -I heard you had an awesome meeting!

We are in the process of updating the entire CHERAB site

professionally -which hopefully will be done soon and then it will be

much easier to get around than the one there now that I built.

Yes the ProEPA that I give Tanner is also from Nordic Naturals like

the ProEFA -and again -I don't add much -maybe like a half a

capsule. The page you found the ProEFA at is listed under " EFA

Resources " at the CHERAB site, and it has links to various companies

that sell ProEFA and ProEPA, as well as Efalex, Eye Q and Coromega

and more at http://www.shop-in-service.com/efa_basics.htm

I purchased the carnosine for Tanner at http://www.carn-aware.com and

I heard from one of the parents who is very involved with Cure Autism

Now that she knows many people that buy pure carnosine from

http://www.beyond-a-centur.com because it's cheaper but she has not

tried it yet either from there. I don't know about GNC either -but

that does sound easier. I did hear however that just like fish oil

you need to make sure that the carnosine is pure.

I actually had purchased the ProEPA to up the EPA for my son Dakota

who has been diagnosed by every neuro doctor and teacher since

preschool with ADHD and we are avoiding meds still because he is

excelling in school since we started the fish oils - we have been

trying various formula's of the EFAs to find the best for him to help

his attention still which the fish oils still don't help as much -

however for some reason, he too does better with an Omega 3/6 combo

formula which we didn't know until this year. Dakota was given all

the many bottles of fish oil that didn't work for Tanner when I

thought they were all the same -not realizing back then that most

were just DHA and EPA alone. This year I started to give Dakota the

higher EPA Omega 3/6 mix based on the stuff I read at

http://www.equazen.com before I just found out that the research on

ADHD was with Efalex -I thought it was with EyeQ and the higher EPA.

So I started giving Dakota a ProEFA/ProEPA mix -not Tanner.

Anyway, not knowing, my husband started to give the ProEFA and ProEPA

mix to Tanner as well when Glenn and the boys went to Boston to visit

my new niece for the weekend when I couldn't go this past January. When they


home, Glenn was saying how my relatives were all commenting on how

well Tanner was talking, and in just that one weekend I too noticed

he was talking a bit faster and more clear. Once I found out that

Glenn gave the mixture to both I kept it up, shared it with Dr. Agin,

and watched, and keep in mind that Tanner was not in any private

therapy at that time. What we saw was a surge in about a week in

speed, recall and great improvement on syntax -he was no

longer " talking like a baby " and mixing up past and present and

leaving out the little words. I was very quiet here about because I

wanted to see if this was just unique to Tanner. So I told a few

other parents and the doctors about it, let them hear Tanner over the

phone I was so proud of him, and I again shared this news with Rhonda

to share with the ECHO Canadian group (can't wait to see you guys -

and no it's not bean-o I'm bringing for you!!) and I waited to see if

others also saw a surge -which it's OK now -you guys can start

posting what you saw.

I still think it's best to start with just the one ProEFA capsule a

day. Increase to two only after the surge isn't that great anymore.

Than after you hit the second plateau again sometime after a few

months-that's when it's good to try upping the EPA a bit by squeezing

a bit in to the mix. If you do it gradual like this then you can see

what is working best for your child.

Oh -and I have something funny to tell you guys (and Dr. Laveman)

Remember when Dr. Laveman posted that if they start marketing healthy

food the way they do junk food kids will want to eat that or

something? Well I was just at our local food store PathMark and they

had Dole Tropical Fruit in Sea Creatures Fun Shapes!!! And here are

some fun recipes that can make for all of us right before she

moves from New Mexico to Oregon


So Dr. Laveman someone upstairs (at Dole) heard you!!


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Hey thanks Carolyn and on that info. I am going to order some of

the EPA tonight and hopefully we will see even more results combining

the EPA/EFAs. I am really excited to see what we will hear next!

, I would love to get an Apraxia group started here in Phoenix! I

will go to the site and see what I can do or you can email me with

any info if it's necessary!

Vivian, in Hot ole Phoenix

Mom to DJ(5yrs old, moderate verbal dyspraxia and that's it)

> Vivian, I'm not , but I know the answer to this question is

that yes, she

> gives her child proepa which like the proefa is made by Nordic

Naturals. I

> also give my child both and get them from the same site whose link

is found

> at the cherab http://www.apraxia.cc site. Carolyn aigjr@a...

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