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Re: ID tag High Tech tracking system for children

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Wow!!! This is SO COOL!!! What do the police think about this do you

know? Can you hide it on the child somehow so the child wouldn't pull

it off -and a possible kidnapper wouldn't know to take it off? (LoJack for your

kids) http://www.wherify.com/prod_watches.htm

I had thought about this years ago after I learned about Lojack and

thought it would be cool if we could implant something into

children's bodies to track them if they are kidnapped or lost that could be

put anywhere in the body and that was safe, and that was about ten

years ago and everyone laughed at me. (I work with some big

inventors in the toy industry that also laughed at me when I thought

of shoes and slippers that looked like cars that had tail lights that

lit up when you walked with " each step you took " and the one inventor

said " Nah -that's not good because the stores won't know where to put

them -in the shoe isle or the toy isle? " So we dropped it and

then...light up sneakers?!! Ever see them less than about a million

times all over the place? And I hear " OK so I was wrong about that

one " )

Anyway I heard a few years ago they began implanting tracking devices

into birds and cats and dogs and stuff -and I have to think if it's

being done for little birds and all -they will one day do it for

children down the road -so you keep laughing too if you want. I just

think it needs to be able to be implanted anywhere in the body so

that people won't know where it is for reasons I've also thought of

that you don't want to know. This is why it doesn't bother me when

people laugh at me if I suggest Omega 3/6 fish oil now to help your

child talk.

Could you activate this for short periods of time -like say when you

are on vacation in another state? Are there any limitations do you

know as far as locations where it can be used? How reliable?

Where did you find this and do you know anyone that uses it? Just looked and

found out they are putting the tracking stuff into people now (well surprise

surprise) -this site spins it bad though -



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