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new member needing info...sorry if this posted twice. i forgot to join

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Hello everyone. I am hoping to find some advice or information

regarding my son and his speech delay. He is 2 1/2 and he says some

words, but does not say more than one word at a time. He has

developed his own form of sign language. he is very intelligent and

well behaved. he can point out colors and body parts. I took him to

the doctor this am out ofconcern. I know it's not good to compare,

but my now 9 yr old daughter talked sentences at 1 yr old. They did

a test on a tympanometer(i think is what it was called). he has fluid

behind his ear drum. the result paper showed a flat line. He was put

on antibiotics. If, in 10 days the fluid is still there, they will

drain it with a needle. I am wanting all your opinions. Could the

fluid behind his ear drum be the reason for his speech delay? Once

the fluid is removed, should his speech improve? She is starting him

in the early intervention program, and i wonder if this is the case,

if most likely that will help him get caught up? Or, would it most

likely not be the cause of a speech delay? what's the chances of his

delay not being related to the fluid? If the delay is most likely

related to the fluid, can anyone tell me how that fluid being back

there affcts his speech? would it be consanants that are afected,

hearing words clearly, or what? Please, if anyone can shed some

light, please email me at tayeli@... my id is

tayeli7 thank you all so much, Mott motehr of daniel 2 1/2

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Dear ,

Absolutley fluid in the ear can definately affect

speech. If that is the case it would sound for your

son like muffeled sounds when you speak to him.

Depending on how severe it is. It is hard to say if it

is from the fluid or if it is more of an issue, but

know that you are doing everything right for him.

You can't compare children ever I know how hard it is

but children even in the same family are truly so

different, even personalities. Our society is obsessed

with comparing children, sometimes it is nessesary

when for example they are clueless about when their

child does have a severe delay in speech and just does

not do anything about it until they see their child

with other children their age and then they say, " Wait

something is not right " and then go get their child

help. THat is when it is helpful, but for the most

part your son may not have Apraxia but you are taking

the right steps to find out what the problem is and

that is the most important thing.

hope this helps.


--- tayeli7 <tayeli@...> wrote:

> Hello everyone. I am hoping to find some advice or

> information

> regarding my son and his speech delay. He is 2 1/2

> and he says some

> words, but does not say more than one word at a

> time. He has

> developed his own form of sign language. he is very

> intelligent and

> well behaved. he can point out colors and body

> parts. I took him to

> the doctor this am out ofconcern. I know it's not

> good to compare,

> but my now 9 yr old daughter talked sentences at 1

> yr old. They did

> a test on a tympanometer(i think is what it was

> called). he has fluid

> behind his ear drum. the result paper showed a flat

> line. He was put

> on antibiotics. If, in 10 days the fluid is still

> there, they will

> drain it with a needle. I am wanting all your

> opinions. Could the

> fluid behind his ear drum be the reason for his

> speech delay? Once

> the fluid is removed, should his speech improve?

> She is starting him

> in the early intervention program, and i wonder if

> this is the case,

> if most likely that will help him get caught up? Or,

> would it most

> likely not be the cause of a speech delay? what's

> the chances of his

> delay not being related to the fluid? If the delay

> is most likely

> related to the fluid, can anyone tell me how that

> fluid being back

> there affcts his speech? would it be consanants that

> are afected,

> hearing words clearly, or what? Please, if anyone

> can shed some

> light, please email me at tayeli@...

> my id is

> tayeli7 thank you all so much, Mott motehr

> of daniel 2 1/2





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