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Re: My IEP Went My Way!

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I had Dylan's IEP last thursday and I was lucky enough to have his home based

special ed teacher come with me. She is really great and has been seeing

Dylan at home since February of 2000. She also knows the system both ways as

she has a child with sezure disorder and CP at the school I am going to put

Dylan into. I am mostly a lurker and get losts of info from you wonderful

moms. Thank you! Dylan was breastfed for 1.5 yrs with food and formula

supplementation. I was told to give him tubes due to lingering fluid from

his very 1st ear infection at 8 months old. I chose not to do it. In

retrospect, if I had to do it again, I would have given him the tubes-but I

cannot go back in time. Since 18mos old he has been to ENTs many times, with

normal hearing tests and 3 different ped ENT telling me he no longer needs

tubes. He currently has fluid in his left ear that will clear up but fills

up again as soon as he gets a cold. At abougt 18months I had him evaluated

for EI and although it took me many months to get a fairly decent SLP (who

diagnosed him with apraxia and suggested he get prompt therapy), he has been

getting OT2x30 and more recently PT2x30, speech in center based 4x30 and

speech with oral motor specialist (right now prompt) 2x30 at home. I was

lucky enough to retain ALL these services even though I know that NYC Board

of Ed does not dole out as much services as EI does. I am very happy and

thankful to my special ed teacher that helped me so much. He is starting to

string 4-5 easy words/syllables together and I am thankful for that. Was

giving him Coromega for maybe 6 months, but now giving him 2 EFA's daily.

Question: I noticed he is getting a little rounder in the face and getting

a little tummy lately. Can the oils in the EFA pills make my son gain weight?

Or could it just be he is eating too much?LOL He will be 3 on July 4 and is

40 pounds and quite tall.

Thank you all for reading my ramblings.


mom to Tyler 9/5/95 (my toothless wonder) and Dylan 7/4/99 my Yankee Doodle


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Question: I noticed he is getting a little rounder in the face and getting

a little tummy lately. Can the oils in the EFA pills make my son gain weight?

Or could it just be he is eating too much?LOL He will be 3 on July 4 and is

40 pounds and quite tall.


I do think that the oils can add weight to our children. Flax seed oil is

used frequently to add weight onto children. I work in Neonatal ICU and we use

MCT Oil to add calories to formula for weight gain. Hope this helps.


Mom to 3 boys 5yrs, 3 yrs and 6months

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As far as gaining weight and efa's I have never heard

of that happening. My son Jack just turned 3 last week

and is 44lbs, and 41 " about the 98th percentile for

both and the dr. said totally normal. But I have 2

very large children so not unusual.

Good for dylan and all his therapies. You can

certainly see results when the amount of therapy type

of therapy for your child is just right.


--- Satinrockr@... wrote:

> I had Dylan's IEP last thursday and I was lucky

> enough to have his home based

> special ed teacher come with me. She is really great

> and has been seeing

> Dylan at home since February of 2000. She also knows

> the system both ways as

> she has a child with sezure disorder and CP at the

> school I am going to put

> Dylan into. I am mostly a lurker and get losts of

> info from you wonderful

> moms. Thank you! Dylan was breastfed for 1.5 yrs

> with food and formula

> supplementation. I was told to give him tubes due

> to lingering fluid from

> his very 1st ear infection at 8 months old. I chose

> not to do it. In

> retrospect, if I had to do it again, I would have

> given him the tubes-but I

> cannot go back in time. Since 18mos old he has been

> to ENTs many times, with

> normal hearing tests and 3 different ped ENT telling

> me he no longer needs

> tubes. He currently has fluid in his left ear that

> will clear up but fills

> up again as soon as he gets a cold. At abougt

> 18months I had him evaluated

> for EI and although it took me many months to get a

> fairly decent SLP (who

> diagnosed him with apraxia and suggested he get

> prompt therapy), he has been

> getting OT2x30 and more recently PT2x30, speech in

> center based 4x30 and

> speech with oral motor specialist (right now prompt)

> 2x30 at home. I was

> lucky enough to retain ALL these services even

> though I know that NYC Board

> of Ed does not dole out as much services as EI does.

> I am very happy and

> thankful to my special ed teacher that helped me so

> much. He is starting to

> string 4-5 easy words/syllables together and I am

> thankful for that. Was

> giving him Coromega for maybe 6 months, but now

> giving him 2 EFA's daily.


> Question: I noticed he is getting a little rounder

> in the face and getting

> a little tummy lately. Can the oils in the EFA pills

> make my son gain weight?

> Or could it just be he is eating too much?LOL He

> will be 3 on July 4 and is

> 40 pounds and quite tall.


> Thank you all for reading my ramblings.


> Randi

> mom to Tyler 9/5/95 (my toothless wonder) and Dylan

> 7/4/99 my Yankee Doodle

> toddler




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What is MCT oil? My daughter's 7 years old and 32 lbs. (finally gained 2 lbs

this year - she was 30 lbs. for about 3 years). I am always interested in

anything that could help her gain weight.



----- Original Message -----

From: Steve & Daphne Hardison

I do think that the oils can add weight to our children. Flax seed oil is

used frequently to add weight onto children. I work in Neonatal ICU and we use

MCT Oil to add calories to formula for weight gain. Hope this helps.


Mom to 3 boys 5yrs, 3 yrs and 6months

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Sorry I didn't get back with you sooner. MCT stands for medium chain

triglycerides and is mixed in formula to increase the calorie content. Check

out this site to get more information. www.hcrc.org/faqs/mct.html


Re: [ ] My IEP Went My Way!


What is MCT oil? My daughter's 7 years old and 32 lbs. (finally gained 2 lbs

this year - she was 30 lbs. for about 3 years). I am always interested in

anything that could help her gain weight.



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