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pdd question?

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hi all,

my youngest son josh, is diagnosed with pdd. After I sent the information

about the autism article someone posted about the metals in the child's


I have read from the digest that chelatin, was used to take out the metal

toxins from the child's system, do any of you know alot about and are using

this method? I am also looking in to the amino acid supplement carnosine.

Because josh's very limited diet, cheerios,cheese, yogurt, bread and butter,

peanut butter and jelly, he is very picky and won't try new things or eat

vegtables. I don't want to put him on a glutin free casin free diet, he is

only 31 pounds, afraid of any changes he will loose weight, and not eat at

all. I am seeing Dr. Agin tomorrow for a re-eval. He also has exzema and

allergies. He was on zyrtec but was asked to take him off because he is using

a topic ointment anti imflamatory for his exzema. Any imput would help.

Thanks .

jeanne buesser

president, apraxia network of bergen county

outreach coordinator of cherab


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I've just been reading ' " Special Diets for Special Kids " and I

quote from the text:

'The biggest clue is when a child self-limits his diet - especially to milk

and wheat. This is no longer seen as a " need for sameness " but as a

biological addiction....'

I am going CF (possibly GF) this summer only because if I don't I will *never

know*. It has taken me a loooong time to come to this decision and I did

start off by saying that I would never be able to do GFCF. This remedy is

non-invasive and costs relatively little compared with, say, paying for

private speech therapy for my son.

Just my thoughts.

London UK

In a message dated 5/28/2002 18:02:48 PM GMT Daylight Time,

jbmistletoe@... writes:

> Because josh's very limited diet, cheerios,cheese, yogurt, bread and butter,


> peanut butter and jelly, he is very picky and won't try new things or eat

> vegtables. I don't want to put him on a glutin free casin free diet, he is

> only 31 pounds, afraid of any changes he will loose weight, and not eat at

> all.

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Hi ,


He is picky because he only wants the gluten and casein fix......

which makes his autistic symptoms worse.........................

which increases the cravings....................................

which limits his diet further.................................. -

You have a perfect vicious circle which will not stop until you break

it !

Starting the diet can be scarey because it can seem initially that he

is refusing everything you put in front of him ...which he will

because he is not " being picky " - he is selecting the foods that feed

his craving . Why on earth ( from his point of view) is he going to

eat something that does not give him that " high " ?? My son ate almost

the same foods as yours for nearly a year before I reached the

conclusion that this was not an autistic symptom - this was a very

unhealthy craving and giving him gluten and casein ( AGAIN IN MY

VIEW ) was damaging his brain further . After that it became a fairly

easy choice for me .

Until you take him off gluten and casein he is unlikely to extend

his diet to anything other than more gluten and casein based foods.

Unless he finds he gets a really food hit off say sugar from candida.

I do not know of aANYONE using chelation who has not first used some

kind of dietary intervention, to reduce the damage to their childs

gut before the difficult process of chelation.

If you believe that mercury has damaged your child the FIRST step

would be to get his diet sorted out before you can think about doing

anything else.

I am concious of sounding a little short - which I don't mean to ,

but my little one needs his tea.

I am happy to help with this if you are interested and can give you

some gfcf sites AND sites telling where you can get testing and

medical support for chelation . Chelation is a BIG step and quite a

way down a route that you haven't even contemplated starting yet .

Once started it can result in huge increases in yeast problem and

food cravings which - if you haven't found out what and how your

child reacts too , you will have no idea how to recognise or

counter .You can't say - oh that bits too tough , just give me the

painless cure - I hope that was not the impression I had given in my

earlier post !!!!!

But I don't think you can or should follow this route until you know

more about it and have started gfcf .

Sorry again to sound terse --really just in a rush



> hi all,

> my youngest son josh, is diagnosed with pdd. After I sent the


> about the autism article someone posted about the metals in the


> system.

> I have read from the digest that chelatin, was used to take out

the metal

> toxins from the child's system, do any of you know alot about and

are using

> this method? I am also looking in to the amino acid supplement


> Because josh's very limited diet, cheerios,cheese, yogurt, bread

and butter,

> peanut butter and jelly, he is very picky and won't try new things

or eat

> vegtables. I don't want to put him on a glutin free casin free

diet, he is

> only 31 pounds, afraid of any changes he will loose weight, and not

eat at

> all. I am seeing Dr. Agin tomorrow for a re-eval. He also has

exzema and

> allergies. He was on zyrtec but was asked to take him off because

he is using

> a topic ointment anti imflamatory for his exzema. Any imput would


> Thanks .

> jeanne buesser

> president, apraxia network of bergen county

> outreach coordinator of cherab

> www.apraxia.cc

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