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Re: Digest Number 720

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In a message dated 2/29/00 3:06:43 AM US Eastern Standard Time,

onelist writes:

<< Can anyone provide me with ideas for other ways to fall asleep and

> stay asleep?


> Thanks,

> Bekah >>

Dear Bekah, I was taking trazadone 50 mg. 2 tabs at bedtime for about a year;

along with .25 xanax. The trazadone stuffs up your nose, so I would take a

decongestant. In the last month I am only taking one trazadone and .25

xanax. NO stuffy nose with just one! I hope this helps. The trazadone must

be pretty safe, my son's Dr. is going to put all three of them on it.

Actually I have already started my boys on .50 mg and it really works for

them. I gave them mine, and their Dr. knows.

But she wanted to check with other Drs. before she wrote a prescription for

them. They weren't sleeping at all! It also stop all nightmares. They

really like the trazadone. They have been kidding me and saying I am

addicted Mom. This drug is not addictive. Good Luck!

In God's love & mine, :o)

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In a message dated 2/29/00 3:06:43 AM US Eastern Standard Time,

onelist writes:

<< Antibiotic uptake and immune responses may be inhibited by

> some drugs, and antidepressants (sertaline [Zoloft],

> fluoxetine [Prozac], amitriptyline [Elavil], maprotiline

> [Ludiomil], desipramine [Norpramin], clomipramine

> [Anafranil], nortriptyline [Pamelor], bupropion

> [Wellbutrin]), muscle relaxants (cyclobenzaprine

> [Flexeril]), opiate agonists, anticonvulsives or certain

> analgesics (oxycodone [Percodan], carbamazepine [Tegretol],

> acetaminophen/hydrocodone [Vicodin]), narcotics (codeine

> w/Penergan, propoxyphene [Darvon], morphine), antacids,

> antidiarrheas among others should not be taken, if possible,

> or gradually decreased during therapy. Some drugs (certain

> antibiotics, antidepressants, analgesics, narcotics, etc.)

> may inhibit immune responses and interfere with therapy.

> from:







> by Prof. Garth L. Nicolson


> The Institute for Molecular Medicine, 15162 Triton Lane,

> Huntington Beach, California 92649-1041


> Tel: (714) 903-2900 Fax: (714) 379-2082 E-mail:

> gnicimm@... Website: www.immed.org

> >>I feel this Dr. is way off. My children aren't taking any med's like

the above. And they are getting sicker. I finally ask the Dr. today if we

could get something stronger. She said we would try a few Tylenol 3's just

to help the body rest. When you go to the E.R. with severe pain it can raise

your blood pressure. The first thing they do is give you shots of pain

killers to help the body relax and allow the blood pressure to drop. Maybe

some CFIDers can get away without taking some of these med's, but some of us

can't. He can't take away our med's unless he has a cure. And he can't have

a cure until he knows what the case is.

We all have so many symptoms that are alike, but at the same time we also

have many symptoms that are different. I will not be his guinea pig.

Every drug he has named are the ones we take, so we can function to some

degree. Come up with a cure Dr!

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  • 1 year later...
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On 17 Mar 2001, at 18:58, darrellblackandblue wrote:

> What does yeast in stools look like? Thanks. Darrell

I've never had it myself, but people describe it as a whitish coating,

either fluffy-looking or oily.



http://www.willow-web.net Quality Web Design


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I have the professional model C-1 Hydro-San Plus colon therapy

equipment. I took the training, and have given colonics to a few friends

and my wife. Do a good through cleaning once a week, plus using some

fiber supplements to keep things open and moving.

Subscription email:

mailto:bowel cleanse-subscribeegroups

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  • 1 year later...
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Hi G, What a heart-warming story about Tanner!! It

always amazes me when I read these success stories! I have

to say, from a moms opinion as I have 3 beautiful children

who are all a gift and each have many gifts and talents,

that the little things some parents take for granted

(without realizing it of course) we find simply miraculous!!

It gives me great hope for my children who are Apraxic, that

they are destined for great things. I pray for them daily

and for all of us for strength and wisdom!!

H mom to 3 great kids! 15 (driving) Micheal

14 Apraxia (almost driving)non-progressive muscle weakness,

9 Apraxia VERY independent!!

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  • 2 months later...
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Hello Carol,

Since my husband has lost sooooo much weight, I been trying to cook extra

rich just to keep a few lbs. on his bones. (Even with taking the pred. he

will not gain any weight.) Well, he does not gain a pound, I do all of that

for him. Gained 40lbs in 18 months.

Now I got to loose it because my health is in serious danger. ( I got AOD) I

am feeling sluggish and tired all the time, on top of getting depressed and

have killer migraines. for some time now I been looking for an address for

this weightloss thing, and I finally found it. My friend in Pa used

it a few years ago and had terrific results, and I finally got the address.

Got it just today and will send it off tomorrow.

It is a food program where the combination of the foods you eat will make

you loose body fat.

To order, just send your name and address, a 30 day postdated check for

$9.95 to

Janet McBarron, M.D., c/o Green Tree Press, Inc., Dept 555, 3603 West 12th

Street, Erie, Pa., 16505

They will send your check back if you do not start loosing weight within a

couple of weeks. That's why they ask to postdate your check for 30 days, and

even if you are not happy with the program 6 months down the road, they

still send you a full refund.

This program has been around for a while now, and like I said, my friend in

Pa lost a lot of weight in the first 6 months of using it. I think it was

something like 80 pounds.

Maybe that will help, and the best part of it is that there are no extra

chemicals to take, just good wholesome food.

I hope I could be of some help.


Message: 6

Date: Thu, 1 Aug 2002 11:16:21 EDT

From: worcspubl@...

Subject: new still's problems

Hi Loop,

I have been very fortunate. I know that. I had been feeling really good for

the most part and it lasted pretty long. But all good things seem to pass,

don't they.

I got my MRI and nerve test back and apparently the neurologist said my back

is a mess. I had back problems occasionally in my 20's and 30's when I was

into running and not stretching properly. But lately my back hasn't hurt at

all. Just having numbness in my toes and feet. Well, according to the tests,

I have two smashed discs and one's sitting directly on my psyiatica

(spelling?). He sounded like it could be from the stills. But he didn't

really know much about stills, so who knows. My husband who is a firm

believer in chiropractors asked about their services and the Doc said that

could paralzye me, so I guess I won't be going that route. Well, I'm


to go see a neuro-surgeon now. I really don't want surgery. He said I need


lose 30 pounds by the next time I see him (3 months). (I've been in OA,

unsuccessfully). For some reason, in the back of my mind, I just don't feel

like I'd make it thru surgery. Just a hunch but I've been kind of psychic at

various times in my life, so I have to take hunches seriously.

So, then I call my rhuemy because the nerve test seemed to kick off fevers.

Well, she's very concerned as I had a " cold " last month that I never seemed

to get rid of and now I have the same type of cough I had when I first got

sick. So she wants me to get more blood tests (even though I see her on 8/9)

and a chest xray and worst of all - increase my pred from 1/2mg every other

day to 10mg per day!!!!!

Boy, I have become a beligerent patient in my old age - <grin> I really

didn't plan on increasing my pred. But when I told my hubby, he insisted. My

hubby is from the school, " better living thru chemistry! " and always thinks

drugs are the answer. So this morning I took 10mgs of pred. But I was


and fighting.

You know it's funny. People will sometimes tell you that when you want to do

something you shouldn't be doing or don't want to be doing something you

should, remember it's important to follow the instructions of someone who

knows better than you. They always use the example, " if you were a diabetic,

you'd take the required insulin, wouldn't you? " Well, my problem is that I

really fight about taking the advice of anyone!!!!! And I probably wouldn't

take the insulin! But I'm taking the pred now, so there <pouting like a


year old>.

Anyway, I was really mad yesterday and now I need to lose 30 pounds while

being on a higher dose of pred. Just my luck. But I can't continue to take

cough med with codeine and try to work and drive like that. Not a good idea.

So I guess I'll do what I'm told - for a change.

Anyone else in there feel like a defiant brat today. Boy I sure do. Thank

goodness I at least trust this doctor a lot.

Hope you all are doing very well.

Love Carole

Humankind has not woven the web of life.

We are but one thread within it.

Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves.

All things are bound together.

All things connect.

... Chief Seattle

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  • 1 year later...


Try to ask the surgeon how many operations he has

done. It helps to know how many operations at a

hospital but you will want to know who the surgeons

are and how many operations they have done. One

surgeon could do only ten implants while the other do

much more. You never know.

Where I got implanted, at least two surgeons do 100 to

125 operations a year. I didn't know this at the time

I asked my surgeon how many he did prior to my

surgery. He did over 800 operations with a very low

complication rate. Yes, I asked about that too!

Have a great anticipation period!


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  • 6 months later...
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Ferguson's pictures are self-portraits. I do not know how anyone could

consider them exploitative.

Are you aware of the controversy surrounding scoliosis screening?

I commend you for the community work you are doing.

Re: Digest Number 720

In a message dated 5/31/2004 10:21:18 AM Eastern Daylight Time, Ka1kpm writes:

> I can understand the negative reactions, as they arise from

> our legacies of

> negative body image and shame.

Let me go on the redord here. I've never been ashamed of my body. All my life

I've been very confident. I was approached once to be in a photo shoot for some

ad about the Navy Family shortly after the birth of #2. Not only did I say

no...I said HE** NO!

Some might even think I'm conceited, but that's their problem not mine. I know

who I am.

I just don't believe in using the scoliosis body for financial gain. Unless

all proceeds go to benefit scoliosis research. If that were the case I'd hope

there would be opportunity for more scoliosis voices to be heard. But that's

just me.

There are other ways to get scoliosis noticed. I visit schools in my local

area and I speak about scoliosis. Thus far I've met 7 young girls who have the

disease. One may be a surgical candidate. On June 15th I am visiting a private

school to speak about it yet again. It seems everybody knows somebody who has


I am also looking at national exposure and am being real cautious. I don't

want this disease to be presented in such a way where people think we're a bunch

of freaks. But then again, you cannot control what people think or say. :)

I could go on and on expressing my passionate beliefs about how things should

or should not be done. But it's just my opinion.

My hope is that all of you will make just one telephone call to your local

high school or junior high school. Tell them you are an adult with scoliosis who

struggled with the disease as a young school person and ask if their school

nurse does screening for scoliosis. If the answer is no...tell them they should.

You'd be surprised just how many schools have stopped screening for scoliosis.

I wish the artist well. But if I ever meet somebody on the street who wants me

to hunch over so they can take a pix of my back because they saw an exhibit one

time I'm gonna punch 'em. LOL Juuuuust kidding.


Support for scoliosis-surgery veterans with Harrington Rod Malalignment

Syndrome. Not medical advice. Group does not control ads or endorse any

advertised products.

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You make some excellent points. Thank you for your thoughtful post.

Re Upcoming Event

I really love Ferguson's art. Last year I purchased the Crouching

Figure and kindly granted me permission to incorporate the image into a

poster presentation I did for an audience of nurses. It was well received,

and I

actually was asked to present it a second time for a different audience.

I can understand the negative reactions, as they arise from our legacies of

negative body image and shame. We are all at different points in our lives

with this. However, I feel strongly about the worth of the art for a wide


of viewers, and see 's work as bigger than any one of us.

I am personally horrified at the messages reality-based TV is sending to

young people with shows like The Swan. Art such as 's is a powerful way


counter a very narrow definition of normacy. I could really get on a soapbox

about this. I have strong feelings about the value of difference. My own

comfort with my body image lags a little behind my more abstract ideals here,


I am always looking to expand my horizons.

I would go to the exhibit in a heartbeat. Unfortunately, won't get to DC in

June but may have an opportunity in July.

Sherry Kahn

Support for scoliosis-surgery veterans with Harrington Rod Malalignment

Syndrome. Not medical advice. Group does not control ads or endorse any

advertised products.

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What is the controversy surrounding scoli screening? I am in charge of the

commmittee at school next year and would love a heads up. I've never heard that

it was controversial here in Alabama, although pretty much everything else is!!


> From: " poetryperson " <poetryperson@...>

> Date: 2004/06/02 Wed AM 02:10:55 EDT

> < >

> Subject: Re: Digest Number 720


> ,


> Ferguson's pictures are self-portraits. I do not know how anyone could

consider them exploitative.


> Are you aware of the controversy surrounding scoliosis screening?


> I commend you for the community work you are doing.



> Re: Digest Number 720



> In a message dated 5/31/2004 10:21:18 AM Eastern Daylight Time, Ka1kpm



> > I can understand the negative reactions, as they arise from

> > our legacies of

> > negative body image and shame.


> Let me go on the redord here. I've never been ashamed of my body. All my

life I've been very confident. I was approached once to be in a photo shoot for

some ad about the Navy Family shortly after the birth of #2. Not only did I say

no...I said HE** NO!

> Some might even think I'm conceited, but that's their problem not mine. I

know who I am.


> I just don't believe in using the scoliosis body for financial gain. Unless

all proceeds go to benefit scoliosis research. If that were the case I'd hope

there would be opportunity for more scoliosis voices to be heard. But that's

just me.

> There are other ways to get scoliosis noticed. I visit schools in my local

area and I speak about scoliosis. Thus far I've met 7 young girls who have the

disease. One may be a surgical candidate. On June 15th I am visiting a private

school to speak about it yet again. It seems everybody knows somebody who has


> I am also looking at national exposure and am being real cautious. I don't

want this disease to be presented in such a way where people think we're a bunch

of freaks. But then again, you cannot control what people think or say. :)

> I could go on and on expressing my passionate beliefs about how things

should or should not be done. But it's just my opinion.

> My hope is that all of you will make just one telephone call to your local

high school or junior high school. Tell them you are an adult with scoliosis who

struggled with the disease as a young school person and ask if their school

nurse does screening for scoliosis. If the answer is no...tell them they should.

You'd be surprised just how many schools have stopped screening for scoliosis.


> I wish the artist well. But if I ever meet somebody on the street who wants

me to hunch over so they can take a pix of my back because they saw an exhibit

one time I'm gonna punch 'em. LOL Juuuuust kidding.


> xoxo's





> Support for scoliosis-surgery veterans with Harrington Rod Malalignment

Syndrome. Not medical advice. Group does not control ads or endorse any

advertised products.




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I'm just going to put the topic of Ms. Ferguson's choice of artwork to rest on

my part. I voiced my opinion and certainly understand communications get 'messed

up' when one reads words as opposed to hears them. Text interpretation lacks the

luxury of immediate questioning of intent. A reader may go hours believing an

individual posted harsh words when in fact intention was otherwise on the part

of the writer. I openly stated my opinion because I believe artists love

compliments, controversy, and all other points of view regarding their works.

Artists are passionate individuals whom I do hold a great deal of respect for.

I'm certain there are different controversial issues regarding school

screenings in different areas. I've certainly encountered different schools of

thought on topic as we've journeyed up and down this east coast as a military

family. Having said that, I attempt at making it all too clear in the belief a

school nurse merely opens the door with a positive screening. Some school nurses

recognize girls go through puberty at an even younger age nowadays and encourage

contacting the board of education to screen in elementary schools.

Somebody questioned whether scoliosis was a disease. The team of 12 army

doctors who performed my original surgery when I was 11 years of age explained

scoliosis is a bone deformation. Further concurring such a deformity is often

times referred to as a disease. I've also met many more docs over the years

refer to it that way. Personally, I prefer it to be titled a disease as opposed

to a deformity. But then again, that's just my opinion, my viewpoint, and the

way I like it.

Diane, I'm sorry you're leaving. This is a support group and a darn good one.

We all go through ups and downs as we approach the next doctor visit, the next

MRI, and/or the revision surgery. I don't see this group as being that much

different than my quilt guild. Different people...different likes and dislikes.

This group is strong in knowledge.

Eleanor Roosevelt is famous for this quote; " Nobody can make you feel a certain

way without your permission. "

I'm hoping this isn't a good bye. I hope it's just a little break.

When one or more people agree or disagree on a topic, I don't view it as

'ganging up' or an 'implied club.' I view it as discussion. Let's face it, if we

cannot share our thoughts, then what's the point of this forum?

Diane, I voiced my concerns about my visit with Dr. Rand, went through a roller

coaster of emotions, finally leading my mind to a nice peaceful calm as to my

next step. Somehow back then you felt a need to clarify you weren't " in the

club " of bashing Dr. Rand. I then explained I didn't lump you in to anything

because it was my own experience not anybody else's. The same goes with my

thoughts on how the scoliosis body should or should not be displayed.

I have further found out Dr. Rand has missed my 6 degree progression of my

curve. Getting second even third opinions is something I learned from this

group. So to everybody I reiterate advice given me from members of this

group...get multiple opinions. I saw Rand who made no mention of my curvature

progression. I saw doctor #2 who did mention it. I then saw doctor #3 who saw

the progression as well. Do I think Rand is a bad doctor...no I do not. I

believe him to be a skilled surgeon.


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