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Stopping and restarting ProEFA causes another surge

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When I found out we were going to do an EEG on my 24 mo daughter (it

is tomorrow) I stopped the proefa. But, Dr Laveman reassured me the

proefa would make no difference in her EEG and I just finished

reading the lcp solution, so I was pumped up to get her back on the

proefa. Initially, she was on it for 3 weeks. In the 1st week we saw

some changes, but then nothing the next 2 weeks. (I think it is also

important to note she was also sick during these 2 weeks - does

being sick work against you?) During the week we stopped the proefa

she was not sick and did not regress. When I put her back on the

proefa within 24 hours she was moving her tongue back and forth on

her lips and up and down and making the " o " sound. She also brought

me a rock and said " ock " . She has been running all around with

minimal falling (usually we fall every few steps). My husband has

been away on business for the past 2 weeks and he said she is a

different person now. He swears by these pills and my husband

said " there is no magic pill " when I wanted to start the proefa. I

even convinced him to take them and guess what he just had his 1st

normal blood pressure reading in years. (do they lower blood


So I guess my ? would be when I see a drop off in progression should

I take her off the pills and then put her back on hoping for a new

surge? Has anyone ever done this or do you just increase dosage? I'm

a little worried about increasing dosage because she is only 2.0 and

only weighs 21 pounds. She is very little. But according to Dr

Stordy's book, she should have 240 mg of DHA a day and right now she

only gets 99 mg. The book seems to focus on older children though.

Thanks! Traci mom to Kennedy 2.0 and Hunter 4.6

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Good question Traci!

-unfortunately nobody knows the answer for sure. Dr. Stordy

http://www.drstordy.com answered this to our group (it's in the

archives) that she believes that the fatty " stores " in the brain get

depleted when off, and then go back to where they would have been if

you just left them on when put back on. I also heard the brain is

like a sponge like that -the stores takes time to build up and takes

time to deplete. (and yes they say it takes up to three months

to " work " -but most of us see changes with EFAs in a few days to three

weeks -with here or there four or five weeks)

Again -if you blot off the oil on a slice of pizza at the fair it's

more than you are giving your child in one capsule of ProEFA -the

Omega 3/6 formula that works at the lowest dosage. I think that's

why after a bit, unless parents take their child off -they begin to

think the surge would have happened anyway -or start to credit other

stuff. I think most of us believe the expression " to good to be

true " and it's hard not to doubt something so cheap and easy and

simple -in such a small dose, just a few drops really can make such a

difference in your child, especially something that has no clinical

proof -again -that is till you take them off. (all of you try it -

lots of us did and yes that's why we are so sure)

You may have to follow your mom instinct on this. By taking your

child off and putting them back on you will prove to all the doubters

including somewhere within you that the EFAs do " work " Off course if

you think about it - it's obvious if your child regresses or stops

progressing quick when off, then when back on and the stores are

replenished the surge will happen again and be more dramatic than if

you just left them on straight through....but is the stopping and

starting good for our children -or not?

Since I've been supplementing Tanner for three years -I have

complete confidence in the EFAs working and that it's good for him.

Taking Tanner off once was horrible enough -and in switching

formula's we've had our share of regressions too -and the surge when

back on the right formula we've seen too (especially children like

mine that regress off) Somehow since my son Tanner regresses so

fast off the right Omega 3/6 formulas (DHA, EPA with low amounts of

GLA) I know it's something his body needs somehow -and since I

personally no longer need proof it's working, I'd rather just keep

giving him what's good for him and explore the additional EPA and the

carnosine to the ProEFA for additional surges. (could all of you

imagine if we looked for this much change and proof when giving our

children Flintstone's Daily Multis or something)


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I would agree that I should not put her on and off the pills. I

would like to try increasing. I'm not as much worried about the

oils as I am the vitamin E. She also takes a multi w/ vitamin E. Do

you know where I can get a multi w/out vitamin E?

BTW, yesterday morning Kennedy got up and came up to me and did all

her signs one after another and stood there w/ this big " look what I

can do " smile. Sometimes she would use a sign if I requested and

showed her. Since then she has been using her signs w/out request. I

guess this would be considered motor planning? Now if I can just get

her to put the words w/ the signs!

Traci mom to Kennedy 2.0 and Hunter 4.6

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