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Re: New, worried and have question on insurance

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Hi, Marsha!

I know how hard it is to get therapy and how expensive it can be.

One source you might try for low cost speech therapy --- sometimes,

universities have speech clinics. Graduate students work with clients and

are supervised by professors or accredited speech therapists. We live in

New Jersey and got some help for our son through the nearest state

university that has a very good graduate program in speech therapy.

Hope this helps!


Mom to Gordon , age 6 w/hypotonia, DSI and dyspraxia, and Noah, age 2 and 3

mos., in early intervention for expressive language delay and hypotonia.


From: happy2have3@...

Subject: [ ] New, worried and have question on insurance

Date: Fri, May 31, 2002, 9:06 PM

Hi everyone. My name is Marsha and I have a beautiful little girl who will

turn 3 in July named Grace. Grace has been with early intervention since

Sept. for speech therapy. It was believed then that she was delayed due to

chronic ear infections. She had tubes at 10 months and again yesterday and

also yesterday had her adenoids removed. They now believe she has verbal

apraxia due to her lack of progress and her inability to mimic and form the

sounds. She has several words, but no sentences or word combinations. In


she will no longer be eligible for the early intervention and my insurance

has now cut us off because they only allow a yearly benefit of $500 for

speech therapy. We are being evaluated for public school therapy in the


I really want to continue private therapy and will need to from July until

September either way. Is there any low cost speech clinics that any of you

know of? We live in VA. Her therapists now charge $100 an hour and I'm just

not sure how we're going to pay $400 a month for therapy. I am so upset by

this and so worried about Grace. This has all just hit us this week. Sorry

this is so long and I would appreciate any help any of you could give me.


Mommy to

Dylan, Blake & Grace

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  • 32 years later...
Guest guest

We have received free speech therapy through the ish Rite

speech and language clinic in San , Ca. I know that the

ish Rite foundation has other speech and language clinics

throughout the country. Ours is free for 18 months, and it has been

a great help with wonderful therapists.

If there is a college nearby, they sometimes offer low cost speech


Good luck!


> Hi everyone. My name is Marsha and I have a beautiful little girl

who will

> turn 3 in July named Grace. Grace has been with early intervention


> Sept. for speech therapy. It was believed then that she was

delayed due to

> chronic ear infections. She had tubes at 10 months and again

yesterday and

> also yesterday had her adenoids removed. They now believe she

has verbal

> apraxia due to her lack of progress and her inability to mimic and

form the

> sounds. She has several words, but no sentences or word

combinations. In July

> she will no longer be eligible for the early intervention and my


> has now cut us off because they only allow a yearly benefit of

$500 for

> speech therapy. We are being evaluated for public school therapy

in the fall.

> I really want to continue private therapy and will need to from

July until

> September either way. Is there any low cost speech clinics that

any of you

> know of? We live in VA. Her therapists now charge $100 an hour and

I'm just

> not sure how we're going to pay $400 a month for therapy. I am so

upset by

> this and so worried about Grace. This has all just hit us this

week. Sorry

> this is so long and I would appreciate any help any of you could

give me.




> Marsha

> Mommy to

> Dylan, Blake & Grace








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I just found a list of the ish Rite clinics in Virginia:

ish Rite Summer Clinic for Childhood Language Disorders

Madison University

Dept. of Communication Sciences and Disorders

Speech and Hearing Center

onburg, VA 22807

Telephone: (540) 568-6491

ish Rite Clinic for Childhood Speech and Language Disorders

Old Dominion University

Child Study Center

45th and Hampton Boulevard

Norfolk, VA 23529-0136

Telephone: (757) 683-4117

ish Rite Summer Language Clinic

Radford University

Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders

P.O. Box 6961

Radford, VA 24142

Telephone: (540) 831-7665

PACES Mobile Clinic

(Satellite Mobile ish Rite Clinic at Radford University)

Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders

P.O. Box 6961

Radford, VA 24142

Telephone: (540) 831-7665

ish Rite Childhood Language Center at Richmond, Inc.

The Earl H. Wicker Building at the ish Rite Temple

4202 Hermitage Road

Richmond, VA 23227-0136

Telephone: (804) 266-6699

Fax: (804) 264-5988



ish Rite Masonic Language Disorders Clinic

Inquiries: Ancient and Accepted ish Rite

622 Avenue, S.W.

Roanoke, VA 24016-3532

Telephone: (540) 343-6666

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I don't know if they are the same everywhere, but here in Hawaii it

is a half day preschool like program (5 days a week) where they

receive speech therapy daily. It comes highly recommended here. Even

our ped neuro sent his daughter there. their website address is

http://mn-mason.org/language.html The website tells about the

program and list all their locations.


> Pardon my ignorance, but what do they do there? I also live in SW




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How did you manage to get the speech therapy for free at ish

Rite? The closest one to me is about an hour away.


> > Hi everyone. My name is Marsha and I have a beautiful little girl

> who will

> > turn 3 in July named Grace. Grace has been with early


> since

> > Sept. for speech therapy. It was believed then that she was

> delayed due to

> > chronic ear infections. She had tubes at 10 months and again

> yesterday and

> > also yesterday had her adenoids removed. They now believe she

> has verbal

> > apraxia due to her lack of progress and her inability to mimic


> form the

> > sounds. She has several words, but no sentences or word

> combinations. In July

> > she will no longer be eligible for the early intervention and my

> insurance

> > has now cut us off because they only allow a yearly benefit of

> $500 for

> > speech therapy. We are being evaluated for public school therapy

> in the fall.

> > I really want to continue private therapy and will need to from

> July until

> > September either way. Is there any low cost speech clinics that

> any of you

> > know of? We live in VA. Her therapists now charge $100 an hour


> I'm just

> > not sure how we're going to pay $400 a month for therapy. I am so

> upset by

> > this and so worried about Grace. This has all just hit us this

> week. Sorry

> > this is so long and I would appreciate any help any of you could

> give me.

> >

> >

> >

> > Marsha

> > Mommy to

> > Dylan, Blake & Grace

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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Hi Suzi,

Do you know if there are any ish Rite clinics in Orange County, Ca?

On Sat, 01 Jun 2002 04:23:34 -0000 " luckygmstwife "

<suzi_knowles@...> writes:

>We have received free speech therapy through the ish Rite

>speech and language clinic in San , Ca.

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I got a form from the clinic. I had to have our physician fill out

some of the information, and I had to have our current speech

therapist provide a report.

After that, the girls were put on a waiting list. I think it took

maybe 3-6 months. At first, only 1 of the girls got speech, and

then about 6 months later my other daughter got it.

The only problem has been turnover. Our first therapist quit, and

it was probably 4-5 months without a speech therapist. Now, our

second speech therapist has quit, and the new person has not started.

I live in the Silicon Valley, and our whole community has been in

quite a bit of turmoil the past 2 years. I don't think other

communities would have as much turnover.

I also don't know what services the other clinics provide.

I will say, that the therapist at the ish Rite Clinic were the

first therapists to work on oral motor control. They pointed me in

the right direction. My daughters really made progress with them.

Our first private speech therapist did not do this, and the first

school speech therapist did not do this.


> How did you manage to get the speech therapy for free at ish

> Rite? The closest one to me is about an hour away.

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Here's the website where I got my information:


It looks like the closests clinics are:

ish Rite Clinic for Childhood Language Disorders

ish Rite Temple

855 Elm Avenue

Long Beach, CA 90813-4491

Telephone: (562) 436-7787

ish Rite Childhood Language Disorders Center

Los Angeles ish Rite

6310 San Vicente Blvd., Suite 300

Los Angeles, CA 90048-5426

Telephone: (323) 936-2153

San Diego ish Rite Clinic for Childhood Language Disorders

ish Rite Masonic Center

1895 Camino Del Rio South

San Diego, CA 92108-3683

Telephone: (619) 291-2506

Good luck.

> Hi Suzi,


> Do you know if there are any ish Rite clinics in Orange

County, Ca?

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Thank you all so much for your help. I will be calling the closest ish

rite temple tomorrow. We live in Lynchburg VA and the closest one is in

Richmond. That is still 2 hours away, but I would be willing. I am also going

to call the University of Virginia's speech clinic. I read on their website

that they do have a sliding pay scale and that is only an hour away. That is

the closest university with a speech clinic. Thanks again for all of your

suggestions. I feel like no one else, except Dh, knows how upset I am right

now. I am so glad I found this group. Even the few emails that I have read

since finding you has been so helpful.


Mommy to

Dylan, Blake & Grace

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