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draft guidelines for locally awarded verified credits,

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Mike Savory


Subj: draft guidelines for locally awarded verified credits, hmmm?

Date: 6/2/02 12:47:34 AM Eastern Daylight Time

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Here's the link: <A

HREF= " http://www.pen.k12.va.us/VDOE/newspubliccomment.html " >http://www.pen.k12.v\


under news.

Board of Education Seeks Public Comment

on Proposed Guidelines for the Awarding

by School Divisions of Verified Credits

for a Standard Diploma The Board of Education is seeking public comment on

proposed guidelines for the awarding by school divisions, under certain

circumstances, of verified credits in mathematics, science, and history for a

Standard Diploma in cases in which a student passes a course but fails a

corresponding Standards of Learning assessment.The proposed regulations only

would apply to students who entered the ninth grade for the first time during

2000-01, 2001-02, and 2002-03. Comments may be submitted in writing to

Finley, Assistant Superintendent for Accountability, Virginia

Department of Education, P.O. Box 2120, Richmond, VA 23218 or by e-mail to <A

HREF= " mailto:cfinley@... " >

cfinley@...</A> no later than June 12.Final review of the proposed

guidelines is scheduled for the June 26 meeting of the Board of Education.

Here is the complete text of the proposed guidelines:Proposed Board of

Education Guidelines for the Award of Verified Credits for the Standard

Diploma by Local School Boards to Transition Students (Implementation of SB

609 and HB 493)Background InformationThe following Board of Education

guidelines set forth procedures and criteria for the awarding of verified

units of credit for the Standard Diploma by local school boards. To be

eligible to earn locally awarded verified units of credit in mathematics,

science, and history and social science, a student must:

Enter the ninth grade for the first time in school years 2000-2001,

2001-2002, or 2002-2003 (i.e., be a member of the " transition classes " );

Pass a high school course but not pass the associated Standards of Learning

or approved substitute test; and

Meet additional criteria established by the Board of Education. Additional


The student retests after remediation, unless the student is eligible for an

expedited retest under guidelines for implementing the Regulations

Establishing Standards for Accrediting Public Schools in Virginia,

AND scores within a 360-399 scale score range, AND

Achieves an acceptable score on the mathematics portion of a Board of

Education approved norm-referenced test-Currently Stanford 9, administered in

the fall of grade 9, mathematics composite scale score greater than or equal

to 685. Science and History and Social Science

The student retests after remediation, unless the student is eligible for an

expedited retest under guidelines for implementing the Regulations

Establishing Standards for Accrediting Public Schools in Virginia.

AND scores within a 360-399 scale score range, AND

Division effort-The school division has provided the necessary opportunities

to learn, especially in areas supported by state funding:

The superintendent documents alignment of the curriculum to the Standards of

Learning in tested areas, consistent with SOA provisions for

pre-accreditation eligibility (8 VAC 20-131-290);

Opportunities to retest following appropriate remediation were made available


Student effort-The student has made the necessary personal efforts to be

successful in class and on the assessments to attain a score falling within

the latitude recommended.

The student attends class regularly or can document exceptional

circumstances, as defined and documented by the local school division; and

The student has taken advantage of opportunities for remediation made

available by the school, as defined and documented by the local school

division. Application of the Criteria

Local school boards must adopt policies that specify procedures for

implementing Board of Education guidelines. Such policies shall include, but

not be limited to, procedures for documenting required division effort and

student effort and, if applicable, delegation of authority for certifying the

award of verified credit under such guidelines.

All students must earn two verified units of credit in English by passing the

high school Standards of Learning tests. The local school board may not award

verified credit in English.

Only one verified unit in mathematics may be earned through this process.

Seniors may be excluded from remediation requirements under the Board's

guidelines if the verified credit is needed for graduation.

Results leading to the award of verified credit(s) will become part of the

student's record.

The award of verified credit or credits will have an impact only on the

student's completion of requirements for graduation, not on a school's

accreditation status. Results will not be used to recalculate a school's

accreditation rating.

<A HREF= " http://www.pen.k12.va.us/ " >VDOE Home</A>

Mike Savory

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