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RE: dtp/mmr question

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Hi Lori,

I'm totally in the same boat with my 4 year old!!! I am going to get the MMR

split. One theory is that its the combination of the three together that can

potentially cause reaction. Also ask your doctor if they use

mercury/thermosil in their shots (just to make sure).

Good Luck!! Lillian

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Hi Lori,

Chances are good that most children won't have reactions but personally I

wouldn't risk it. I saw it set my son into regressions lasting 1 1/2 years each

time. Once was after the dpt/mmr shots at 17 months. He lost all 80+ words of

vocabulary within a month! Not only that but his language deteriorated until he

lost the words. " Kitty " became " key " which became " geo " and then no more word

for " cat " . It was devastating. When he finally did begin speaking again he had

aphasia (receptive and expressive) so bad that we still struggle to understand

what it is that he is saying. The second major regression came in Kindergarten

when I set him up for his Hep B series. He is just now coming around (about

December of 2nd grade before he did).

One fairly easy suggestion is to have your son titer tested (a blood test) to

test for immunity to measles. If he is (and he has a 95% chance of being so)

then have your pediatrician sign off on the medical release that he doesn't need

the second MMR at all! Another wonderful thing, the DPT shot is now being made

with thermerisol. You can ask your doctor to make good and sure that they are

now using the new DPT but it is easily available now. I have allowed my

children to have this shot, but it's the only shot they get at that visit. I

take them in between visits to " catch up " so that they get shots one every few

months as necessary. Our doctor doesn't charge for office visits that are just

to receive a vaccination. I personally haven't heard of any adversive reactions

to the IPV (polio shot) and it does not contain thermerisol. I know four people

who contracted polio after taking the OPV (oral) form or being around someone

else who did. I just had my 5 year old daughter who is dyspraxic and has

sensory integration disorder into the pediatrician last Friday. The doctor

signed off on her measles because she has the antibodies (from the titer test)

and I allowed her to have the DPT and IPV both of which did not contain


Another idea is to just tell the doctor no. I've told mine no a few times about

shots. Stand your ground if that is your decision. You have to look out for

whatever you believe to be in the best interests of your child. As for school

policy, here in Oregon the cutoff is in February and if it's the same where you

are, then your child can start school without any problem from the school until

February. I too hate dealing with this shot stuff. I believe they are

worthwhile but I disagree with how they are currently administered. So we set a

schedule (the dr. and I ) that we could both live with.

Congratulations to your son for making such great progress! Isn't it just

amazing what that EFA can do?!

Good luck,


[ ] dtp/mmr question

Hi All

I'm asking everyone there opinion on this one........ My son has had his

shots up to this point and luckily there have been no reactions. He is now 4

and is due for his mmr/dtp/polio AGAIN! I dread these shots!!! My son is

adhd/apraxic and has sensory issues as well. He's been on proefa and he's in

therapy 5 x a week and he's doing great. We have so much improvement. BUT NOW


year check up for 2 months now cause Im scared to death that the shots will

set him back.

My question is this? Since the prior shots never gave a side effect does that

mean he'll be ok with this one, OR can he still have a reaction......

Im so upset with these shots!


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Hi ,

It IS the combination in the shots that causes the problem - if you

look back through the MMR thread there is an explaination why .

The MMR is three live virus' so dosen't contain Thimerosal but the

Dpt does.

If you get a titre test done you will know if your child is one of

the 90% of children who gain full immunity from the first shot - in

which case your child has absoloutely no need for the second !

And finally , my friends child was developing normally after first

shot and then developed autismn after his second aged three years and

four months.

The MMR does not 'inject autism' - the measles virus injected into

the body gets into the gut and thrives there - it breaks down the

lining of the gut and the gut leaks . When the gut starts to leak

proteins escape into the bloodstram and when they hit the brain they

are in substance similar to morphine ( caseomrphine and

glutomorphine ). This causes brain damage which manifests itself as

autistic symptoms .

That is Doctor Wakefields THEORY and it sits perfectly with what I

experienced with my son -and with the experience of the several

thousand people who are suing - and with the several other thousand (

including me ) who reduced their childs symptoms by removing the

relevent proteins from their diet .

Hope this helps -



-- In @y..., " McDermott, Lillian " <mcdermott@b...>


> Hi Lori,

> I'm totally in the same boat with my 4 year old!!! I am going to

get the MMR

> split. One theory is that its the combination of the three together

that can

> potentially cause reaction. Also ask your doctor if they use

> mercury/thermosil in their shots (just to make sure).

> Good Luck!! Lillian

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Hi ,

OK It's late , I'm tired , my husband is away and I am obviously

feeling reckless .....

You say he had his previous shots with no problem ...

Was he claerly and to your knowledge ADHD and apraxic before his

dtp and MMR?

Do you have a family history of ADHD /autism/apraxia that makes you

feel that these issue are genetic.

OF COURSE you may say YES to these and you may be comfortable ( I

know that is not the right word !!) that these genetic conditions

were sitting in your family tree waiting to jump up and bite you

but ...if not ...

Does he show any signs of heavy metal toxicity - have you had him

tested ?

Does he have any odd behaviour , food intolerances or limited diet ?

Does he look pale ...or have circles around his eyes ...does he seem

to hold on to his bowel movements or alternatively have loose stools

for his age ?

Does he sweat a lot , especially at night ? Does he ever get red

ears .

Does he eat a lot of sweets and sweet food or has he had an itchy

bottom or issues re yeast ?

AGAIN all the answers to these questions may be NO, NOT AT ALL but

Before you all start to scream at me (- and quite rightly too - I

know I am raising provocative issues !!)- I am just trying to point

out that the unbelieveable increase in autism is not the only thing

that has been on the increse in recent years and that the crossover

in many of these conditions is becoming more and more pronounced . A

VERY high number of my sons classmates also have ADHD and ADD ( which

dosen't really sit with the classic Kanners autism as personified in

Rainman does it ) and increasing number also have apraxia as opposed

to the simple reluctance to speak which again was the classic verbal

issue for kids with autism

If I was smarter than I am I would reproduce for you graphs showing

the breakdown of reported adverse reaction re MMR , the dtp /hib and

the measles vaccination .

It is of course reactions reported BY PARENT who are silly emotional

and irrational creatures so you must take that into account !!

For tha MMR the HIGHEST reported reaction was not autism

but ....speecch problems !! 2nd is autism and third is behavioural

problems ! ( from sample of 1480 reporting adverse reactions )

For DTP /polio/HIB - top is epilepsy with developmental problems

and ...you've guessed it ...SPEECH problems equal second !! ( much

smaller sample , only 126 )

There are , of course , adverse reactions after these diseases occur

in nature. And I have no proof of any connection at all ...but I

range around sites for speech delay , autism , ADD/ADHD etc etc -

even alternative health sites and when you put all of them together

the boundaries are getting more blurred by the day and the numbers

just seem to be growing . It has just got me thinking .

I don't want to make anyone mad ( although it may not seem that way )

I just can't believe what I am seeing and I compare it to my growing

up with a huge family and a very wide range of aqauitence and I can't

see that the numbers are showing an increase in any way proportional

to the improved diagnostics .

I am going to bed now - and I am missing my husband and very

miserable so please feel free to duisagree with me - but try not to

shout at me . I am just trying to make sense of what on EARTH is

going on with our kids . Probably wide of the mark .I'm just throwing

this out there and willprobably be contrite in the morning .

Good night !


Deborah Dore


> Hi All

> I'm asking everyone there opinion on this one........ My son has

had his

> shots up to this point and luckily there have been no reactions. He

is now 4

> and is due for his mmr/dtp/polio AGAIN! I dread these shots!!! My

son is

> adhd/apraxic and has sensory issues as well. He's been on proefa

and he's in

> therapy 5 x a week and he's doing great. We have so much

improvement. BUT NOW


off his 4

> year check up for 2 months now cause Im scared to death that the

shots will

> set him back.

> My question is this? Since the prior shots never gave a side effect

does that

> mean he'll be ok with this one, OR can he still have a


> Im so upset with these shots!

> *****Lori*****

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How much time between each of the three shots??

RE: [ ] dtp/mmr question

> Hi Lori,

> I'm totally in the same boat with my 4 year old!!! I am going to get the


> split. One theory is that its the combination of the three together that


> potentially cause reaction. Also ask your doctor if they use

> mercury/thermosil in their shots (just to make sure).

> Good Luck!! Lillian






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I believe my doctor does them 9 months apart. My appointment is next month,

we haven't done it yet. I hope that's not too vague.

Re: [ ] dtp/mmr question

How much time between each of the three shots??

RE: [ ] dtp/mmr question

> Hi Lori,

> I'm totally in the same boat with my 4 year old!!! I am going to get the


> split. One theory is that its the combination of the three together that


> potentially cause reaction. Also ask your doctor if they use

> mercury/thermosil in their shots (just to make sure).

> Good Luck!! Lillian






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