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RE: Dr's Appt

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sorry to hear about pleurisy, i have heard that can be very painful. please

rest and take care of yourself. i have to go back to the dr tomorrow to pick

up my bladder bag. my kidney function is decreased and he says i have alot of

protien. what a fun weekend i'll be having!! i am still running a fever and

have no energy. my rheumi thinks the trazadone is too strong for me. i have

had many bladder infections throughout my life. my grandma on my moms side

died of kidney failure. the last urologist just told me some women have

blood in the urine. no big deal. (i didn't like him much) so i get to have my

cooler in th bathroom with me. maybe i can pack a picnic basket too!! kathy

in il

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Al, thanks so much for the hug and the friendship. I went to the Dr. and he

was concerned. He called the nurse from the study, to ask about medications

we can use to treat this. She wasn't there, but he left a message to have

her return his call. He doesn't think I have an infection, so that's good

news. He does think it's pleurisy, and that it's pretty severe this time.

He thinks it's from the flare, but wants to be sure it's not from the


He gave me Percocet 10 mg for the weekend, which I've never taken before.

That's very strong medicine, and I'm going to have to go lie down. It

certainly has helped my pain, though! Tonight I'm sure I'll sleep.

Have you heard anything about the results of your tests yet?

I hope you're feeling good today, and have some fun plans for the weekend.

Love and hugs,


[ ] Last Update



> Hi Family,


> I am having a VERY bad time right now. My right leg won't move

and bend

> quite right when it is out of the brace. The swelling is extreme

and I

> have

> a walnut size lump where he drained the hematoma. The pain now

goes from

> my

> ankle up to my hip. I can't even lay in bed. The pain is so


> before

> it was just the movement that would cause pain. Now when I get

out of bed

> to

> go to the bathroom, I can put -0- weight on it without the pain


> absolutely excruciating and then the leg collapses. The pain

pills and

> muscle relaxants offer no relief at all. Ron says that we should

go to

> the

> ER. But I know how that will go, they will take an x-ray and

they will

> say

> see your doctor in the morning and give me 1 percocet (because

they have

> nothing stronger there), Oh, I can't believe how much pain that

I am in.

> The day turned into night and the whole thing just got


> worse.

> I hope that the doc has some answers for us, I doubt it, but I

sure hope

> that

> in this case I am wrong. Still running a temp and the family is


> around the house in their winter clothes. I just went to move my

toes and

> even that is excruciating.


> I can see that I have a very long night ahead of me.



> Deb



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Hi Carol,

I am so glad you were given something for the pain. I hope it's not

from the Remicade because you were doing so well. Once the flare

subsides, I guess you'll know. I'll pray for you.

I have yet to hear anything and am not too surprised. Hopefully, by

the beginning of next week.

I am doing okay, thanks. I don't have big plans for the weekend. We

have an annual neighborhood picnic tomorrow which should be fun.

Mostly, I recharge on the weekends so I can make it through the work


I hope you get the rest you need and that you start feeling better.

Love and hugs,


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Hi Kathy,

It sounds like you have a long weekend ahead of you, too. Your picnic

sounds like so much fun! ;-)

Why does your rheumy think the trazodone is too strong for you? I think we

started on it about the same time, and I'm not sure I want to continue with

it either. My doctor said it's OK for me to go back to the ambien for now

if I prefer. I have heart palpitations after I take it. Not severe, but

still disturbing. And now I'm having the problem with pleurisy. I want to

make sure there's no connection.

I hope everything turns out OK with your kidneys, and that your fever

subsides soon.

Love and hugs,


Re: [ ] Dr's Appt

sorry to hear about pleurisy, i have heard that can be very painful.


rest and take care of yourself. i have to go back to the dr tomorrow to


up my bladder bag. my kidney function is decreased and he says i have alot


protien. what a fun weekend i'll be having!! i am still running a fever


have no energy. my rheumi thinks the trazadone is too strong for me. i


had many bladder infections throughout my life. my grandma on my moms side

died of kidney failure. the last urologist just told me some women have

blood in the urine. no big deal. (i didn't like him much) so i get to have


cooler in th bathroom with me. maybe i can pack a picnic basket too!!


in il

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It¹s a relief that infection has been pretty much ruled out. I hope the

percocet helps the pain and you get some much needed relief and SLEEP!

Pleurisy is so painful. It¹s rotten luck that you have to be flaring when

starting on Remicade. It¹s hard enough to watch for symptoms without adding

a flare in the mix. Since you¹ve reported such an improvement in your

joints, I hope the remicade isn¹t the cause of your chest pain. Get lots of

rest and feel better.


> Al, thanks so much for the hug and the friendship. I went to the Dr. and he

> was concerned. He called the nurse from the study, to ask about medications

> we can use to treat this. She wasn't there, but he left a message to have

> her return his call. He doesn't think I have an infection, so that's good

> news. He does think it's pleurisy, and that it's pretty severe this time.

> He thinks it's from the flare, but wants to be sure it's not from the

> Remicade.


> He gave me Percocet 10 mg for the weekend, which I've never taken before.

> That's very strong medicine, and I'm going to have to go lie down. It

> certainly has helped my pain, though! Tonight I'm sure I'll sleep.


> Have you heard anything about the results of your tests yet?


> I hope you're feeling good today, and have some fun plans for the weekend.


> Love and hugs,

> Carol


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she thinks trazadone is too strong because i called and told her i felt ill.

i should've just left it alone. i'll bet i have an infection. that's probably

why i have so much blood and why i'm tired with a fever. i cut my trazadone

in half last night. blood in the urine is one of the side effects. so we will

see. i picked up my plastic container. this is only like 1/2 gallon

container. the other seemed musch bigger. like collapsable 5 gallon jug. she

told me i did npt have to keep it cool. so i guess the picnic is off for

tomorrow. however i found out there is a greek festival a couple miles away.

i will try nd talk to my son if he will go with me later. that will depend on

what his friends are doing though. who knows.....maybe i'll run into al and

family!!! kathy in il

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So sorry to hear that you have pleurisy - that must be

very painful. Good that he gave you the pain

medication and hope that it helps you to get some

sleep. How to they treat pleurisy? Is it connected

to the RA? Feel better my friend.

Kathe in CA


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Hi Kathy,

I LOVE Greek festivals! We used to go to them all the time. The music, the

dancing..the FOOD. Unfortunately, if Al were there you could bump right

into him and not realize it's him.

I hope you feel better soon. I'm all stuffed up and flu-like today, too.

Just one thing heaped on another.

Love and hugs,


Re: [ ] Dr's Appt

she thinks trazadone is too strong because i called and told her i felt ill.

i should've just left it alone. i'll bet i have an infection. that's


why i have so much blood and why i'm tired with a fever. i cut my trazadone

in half last night. blood in the urine is one of the side effects. so we


see. i picked up my plastic container. this is only like 1/2 gallon

container. the other seemed musch bigger. like collapsable 5 gallon jug. she

told me i did npt have to keep it cool. so i guess the picnic is off for

tomorrow. however i found out there is a greek festival a couple miles away.

i will try nd talk to my son if he will go with me later. that will depend


what his friends are doing though. who knows.....maybe i'll run into al and

family!!! kathy in il

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well i don't think i'll be going as of coarse my fever has spiked and my

chest is also kinda painful. i just might have to get into the dr again next

week. i'll run the test tomorrow first so hopefully i will only have one

co-pay!!! kathy in il

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Hi Kathe,

There's not much he can do to treat the pleurisy except treat the RA. (he

said he thinks they're connected) They can give prednisone for it, or

steroid inhalers, but I can't take either because of the study I'm in. I

guess it's just a waiting game. I'm comfortable with the pain meds, and I'm

going to laze in bed and read a good book. Sometimes you just have to

realize your limits.

I hope you are having a great weekend!

Love and hugs,


RE: [ ] Dr's Appt


So sorry to hear that you have pleurisy - that must be

very painful. Good that he gave you the pain

medication and hope that it helps you to get some

sleep. How to they treat pleurisy? Is it connected

to the RA? Feel better my friend.

Kathe in CA


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Hi Carol and Kathy,

I don't think we are going this year. We did last year and it was

fun. I need to get a recent digital photo and upload it to the group

site. At least it would provide a face to go along with my name.

Have a great weekend!


> Hi Kathy,


> I LOVE Greek festivals! We used to go to them all the time. The

music, the

> dancing..the FOOD. Unfortunately, if Al were there you could bump


> into him and not realize it's him.


> I hope you feel better soon. I'm all stuffed up and flu-like

today, too.

> Just one thing heaped on another.


> Love and hugs,

> Carol



> Re: [ ] Dr's Appt


> she thinks trazadone is too strong because i called and told her i

felt ill.

> i should've just left it alone. i'll bet i have an infection. that's

> probably

> why i have so much blood and why i'm tired with a fever. i cut my


> in half last night. blood in the urine is one of the side effects.

so we

> will

> see. i picked up my plastic container. this is only like 1/2 gallon

> container. the other seemed musch bigger. like collapsable 5 gallon

jug. she

> told me i did npt have to keep it cool. so i guess the picnic is

off for

> tomorrow. however i found out there is a greek festival a couple

miles away.

> i will try nd talk to my son if he will go with me later. that will


> on

> what his friends are doing though. who knows.....maybe i'll run

into al and

> family!!! kathy in il





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