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Re: Keri's Hubby/Al

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How long did it take for you to come around and realize that it was

your body and that it wasn't going away? Or were you never a

procrastinator? thought for a long time that the world was

against him. He lost a grandfather, his dad and a grandmother in a

short period of time. It made quite a dent in his faith and the

thoughts of life. He's shaking it off very slowly but it's happening!

Thanks Al. Give your wife a big hug for sticking in there she

deserves it!:)


> Hi Keri,


> And we're lucky to have you. Besides being a sweet and honest


> you add a perspective that is important to me because you are the

> wife of someone with RA.


> I am so glad to hear the appointment is set. I can understand what

> feels but knowledge is power and early detection and treatment

> key. A " positive " about having RA and other rheumatic diseases is

> that your health is closely monitored. Although you definitely get

> thrown curve balls, things don't tend to sneak up on you like


> and other illnesses.


> It's a shame about 's dad, but it's not because he went to the

> doctor that he got cancer. Fear is irrational though. He should


> in mind that it's his body and it's critical that he knows enough


> make as informed a decision as possible. His medical team should be

> advocates for him, not people to fear.


> Please keep us updated. You are in our thoughts and proyers.


> Love and hugs,


> Al

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Hi Keri,

Because I had periodic flareups at first I didn't know if it would be

chronic. When the arthritic feelings and fatigue really started

getting bad, I realised it was serious. When I was finally diagnosed,

I immediately started researching the disease because I knew only a

little about it. Plus, I wanted to know what my Rheumy was saying and

make decisions instead of her telling me what to do.

It's worked out real well and I shudder to think how I would be

physically if I didn't. I pray that never looks back at his

procrastination with regret because he is worse off than he would

have been otherwise.

It sounds like he is making steps in the right direction and I am

sure your support helps tremendously.



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