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Keri...What wonderful news! Sometimes when we are

feeling at our lowest point and powerless to make a

change and we give it all up to God and his

angels...amazing things happen. I hope that this is

the beginning of being able to work together with your

hubby that will add the fighting spirit to your battle

against this awful disease. Men tend to internalize

anything that they don't want to be real as if it

doesn't exist if you don't recognize it. I feel for

men because they are not raised to admit to being

frightened and feel as though to admit it would be a

weakness and an admission that they can't be strong

for their families. You are a wonderful partner to

have searched so hard (even though he has fought you

every step) for ways to help your husband even though

you were not getting any feedback from him. I

congratulate you on your loving spirit and

determination. Keep up the good work. Iris

--- kapzu1992 <kapzu@...> wrote:

> I want to send out a HUGE THANK YOU to everyone that

> gave me words of

> encouragement, hope, wisdom, strength to keep my

> chin up and the

> laughs and smiles that helped me get through another

> day.


> For those of you that have not read the few messages

> that I posted on

> here, I have a spouse that has RA that has been in

> denial for almost

> 4 years. I have 2 young girls that I also have to

> take care of. It

> has been really wearing on me emotionally and

> physically. About a

> week ago we had a talk and my husband finally told

> me that he would

> at least go in for a regular check up to make sure

> things have not

> made a change for the worse. That was the last of

> any conversation

> regarding this situation(and the first in a long

> time).


> I have been doing alot of praying to God and to my

> husbands father

> that past away when my husband was eleven years old.

> This is where

> things get a little weird, neat, amazing, whatever

> you may wish to

> call it. My husband called me at work today and

> asked me to make a

> Dr. appt. for him. I do this for him often because

> he usually in a

> meeting or " fine tuning " contracts. I was elated

> that he was finally

> taking another step. THEN he said, " My dad would

> prefer that you call

> him Dad when you are talking to him! " I knew that he

> had alot of

> dreams about his dad and conversations of daily

> things but this

> caught my attention because as I was praying to him

> for help one

> evening I wasn't quite sure what to call him seeing

> as how I had

> never met the man before. Anyhow, I asked him why he

> (my spuse) said

> this. " My dad told me that you asked him to talk to

> me and told me

> that I should get into the Dr.! "


> I don't know how many of you believe in the living

> being able to

> communicate with people that have passed on but this

> is quite a

> validation for me. No, my husband did not know that

> I was praying to

> his dad for help!


> I have looked to you folks for strength. I prayed to

> God and to my

> father in law for help in getting my husband to

> understand what he

> needs to do. I have recieved the strength and my

> prayers have been

> answered, LITERALLY!


> Again, I thank all of you that have given me

> strength and

> encouragement. Angels must have put the book on the

> shelf that I read

> and found the link to THIS group to show me where I

> could find more

> Angels. Those Angels are you. ALL OF YOU!


> From the bottom of my heart.....I cannot thank you

> all enough! Please

> don't change the dynamics of this group. I have seen

> amazing things

> happen here and it would be a shame if it were to

> stop!


> All of my prayers go out to all of you and your

> families. Much love

> and many hugs!


> Keri in MI


> P.S. Thanks Al for the man's point of view!




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Hi Keri,

I can’t remember if I said welcome! If not then WELCOME!! Its great to

have you here! Thank you so much for joining us and sharing your

experiences. You are helping us to see this disease from another

perspective, that of our loved ones which can only help us grow and increase

our knowledge of what they go through as well. It’s scary but sometimes I

forget this is hard for my husband too, thank you for reminding me that he

needs my support in this as much as I need his.

You obviously love your husband very much if you are here, I hope things get

easier for you. In the meantime I hope that we can give you support and

friendship when you need it. There are a lot of shoulders here, feel free

to use as required. (In reality they might be sore but in cyber space we

all have bionic shoulders!!)

I look forward to getting to know you better. You and your family are in my





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Hi Keri,

I am amazed by your story of your husband's dream. I do believe that

angels/spirits are around us. It gives me comfort to believe that my loved

ones are close by and keeping an eye on things. I think, sometimes, that

they are giving me their strength to cope with the things that go on in my

life. Recently, my two cats have been acting strangely. Every once in a

while, they will go to the corner of my bed and stare into the corner of my

bedroom where I have a picture of my grandmother. Then all of a sudden, they

will become alert and jittery. Their hair will stand up and their tails will

get really fluffy, like they are spooked. Then they will run. I thing this

is my gram. She used to have a cat and liked to play with them. I actually

believe that I have 2 guardian angels watching over me. The other one is my

cousin, Danny. Danny had a troubled life and got mixed up with alcohol and

drugs. He got kicked out of the Marines because of this. He had a wife and

3 children when he died in a car accident in 1993, just 5 months before my

wedding. He and his wife were separated, but he was out in the middle of the

night to get milk for the babies. He didn't make it home. He was 27 years

old and he was like a brother/protector to me. We were extremely close and I

was devastated when I got the call in the wee hours of the morning. I have

had dreams of him talking to me and letting me know that he is there and

things will work out. I miss him so much, but I do believe that he is with

me at times. So your experience with your husband's dream does make sense to

me. Sorry to ramble on but this just started coming out and just kept on


Love and Hugs

Stacey in PA

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