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RE: old Dr/new Dr

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Wow, Debbie. That rheumy you've been seeing sounds awful. I'm glad your

new MD sounds so competent, and is encouraging you to change rheumy's. The

worst thing is that while this rheumatologist has been irresolute on a

diagnosis, you've been chancing permanent joint damage.

I'm so glad things are looking up and you are headed for a diagnosis. I'll

bet you do feel better to be on the right track now.

Love and hugs,


[ ] old Dr/new Dr

Hi all,

I finally saw the rheumy I hadn't seen since January, cause of the neuro

follow up, and am never going back to him. He had first said I was UCTD and

would dx with RA if RA factor was positive in October last year. In January

RA was neg and he said I had chondromalacia (knee cap). I always saw

residents, he'd pop in and leave when I started asking questions. Last week

I saw only him. I quickly told him what was up he checked range of motion

in my knees and hips, gave me a script for PT and told me to hurry to x-ray

before they closed. I asked if I should set up a follow up and he said he

would be in touch. My mind was turning with all these thoughts, and as

usual the only clues I had was what was written on the PT script and x-ray

instructions. On my x-rays he had written RA then crossed it off and wrote

chondromalacia patella. X-rays were for chondomalacia views and to r/o

congenital hip problems. On the PT he wrote chondomalacia patella, hip - A


So I get a call back from the nurse who says the Dr said to tell me my

x-rays were normal. I ask if that means I don't have chondromalacia and was

he going to do anything for the pain and stiffness in the rest of my joints?

She calls back the next day and says would I like to make an appointment?

All I wanted to know is if the x-rays are normal does that mean I don't have

chondromalacia? I told him in his office I wanted to take prednisone again

during the bad times but he changed the subject. I wonder if he even

remembers my ANA was 1:5120. Bad Dr?

Fed up with my stomach burning and feeling nauseous from going back and

forth between high doses of Motrin and asprin, I set up an appointment with

a new PC. (my old one was a rather intimidating woman). I gave him the

scoop. Told him I'm no Dr. but I have joint pain and stiffness all the time

and I think I have some kind of arthritis. He told me I need to see a

different rheumy, gave me a script for celebrex, did a ESR, CBC, Lyme and RA

blood work, said he'd call me with results and wants to see me next week.

Good Dr!

and you know I feel better already!



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Hi Debbie:

Your rheumy sounds like a jerk - you are definately

better off finding a new doctor who will listen to you

and hopefully you will be able to get some relief from

your pain. The doctor who is going to refer you to

another rheumy sounds like a real good guy - you

should be feeling better soon with the medications he

has given you. Also, your RA factor does not have to

be positive for you to have RA - mine started out

positive and then went negative - don't know what it

is now - but I definately have RA! Hang in there -

Kathe in CA


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