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Re: Debs snd all

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I'm so sorry to hear you're not feeling well. It could be a flare from the

travel, or you could have a virus. My Mom and my brother have the same

virus I have, except mine is the only one that became an infection. The

nurse at my Dr's office said something is going around. Make sure you get

plenty of rest, and drink lots of fluids.

I'd love to set another time for a group prayer on Deb's behalf. How about

tonight at 9PM Eastern? Also, I've got your name on the list I'm keeping of

personal greetings to pass on to her. It's the only way I'll remember to

mention everyone!

If anybody would rather set a different time for the group prayer, just say


Love and hugs,


[ ] Debs snd all

I've just been able to get to my posts since last Friday. For all of you

that need prayers please know that mine are added to everyones.

I am sorry that Debs is having such a terrible time. My prayers, positive

thoughts, hugs, and love go to her. Carol, please let her know that I am

wishing her and her family all the best and that they get through this soon.

Please continue to keep us posted.

I made that trip to my daughter's and now I am paying for it. The fog, neck

and shoulders, back, legs, etc are really bad. I ache so bad and am really

stiff. My grandson, was hard to get up todayand went to neighbor's where he

usually goes when I head out for work. She is a good friend and he fits in

well with their 2 bio kids and 6 fosters and they consider him one of the

family. She has called me several times today. He is throwing up, is

cranky, refuses to eat(unlike him) and is sleeping alot. She thinks he may

have a virus. That could be what I have also, I hope so, and maybe it will

pass soon.

Let's make another time to gather together and keep Debs in our thoughts and

prayers. I'm sorry I missed the first one. I believe in the power of


Hope this finds the whole family having a good day. Jan in CA +/:=)


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I hope you feel better soon. Travel is difficult for us. I hope whatever

bug you have passes quickly. I too believe in the power of prayer. We

have to believe that our prayer chain will be heard.



> I've just been able to get to my posts since last Friday. For all of you that

> need prayers please know that mine are added to everyones.


> I am sorry that Debs is having such a terrible time. My prayers, positive

> thoughts, hugs, and love go to her. Carol, please let her know that I am

> wishing her and her family all the best and that they get through this soon.

> Please continue to keep us posted.


> I made that trip to my daughter's and now I am paying for it. The fog, neck

> and shoulders, back, legs, etc are really bad. I ache so bad and am really

> stiff. My grandson, was hard to get up todayand went to neighbor's where he

> usually goes when I head out for work. She is a good friend and he fits in

> well with their 2 bio kids and 6 fosters and they consider him one of the

> family. She has called me several times today. He is throwing up, is cranky,

> refuses to eat(unlike him) and is sleeping alot. She thinks he may have a

> virus. That could be what I have also, I hope so, and maybe it will pass

> soon.


> Let's make another time to gather together and keep Debs in our thoughts and

> prayers. I'm sorry I missed the first one. I believe in the power of prayer.


> Hope this finds the whole family having a good day. Jan in CA +/:=)




> ---------------------------------


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9PM sounds good for me. I haven¹t stopped praying for her. A group prayer

will send a loud and clear message that Debs is a very special lady and we

want her back here - healthy!

I told her that I was going to call her today, but it sounds like she

doesn¹t need to be bothered with so many calls. Please just send her hugs

from me and tell her I¹ll call when she feels up to talking.

I hope you feel better and the antibiotics work quickly. I figures that

you¹d have to get a bug just in time for your first remicade infusion.



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Dear Jan...I had to laugh...not that it is funny that

you are feeling so bad, but that we are the only

people I know that think a virus would be a good

thing! Rest well and I hope you are on the mend by

tommorrow. Hugs. Iris

--- a <paula54@...> wrote:

> Jan,

> I hope you feel better soon. Travel is difficult

> for us. I hope whatever

> bug you have passes quickly. I too believe in the

> power of prayer. We

> have to believe that our prayer chain will be heard.

> a



> >

> > I've just been able to get to my posts since last

> Friday. For all of you that

> > need prayers please know that mine are added to

> everyones.

> >

> > I am sorry that Debs is having such a terrible

> time. My prayers, positive

> > thoughts, hugs, and love go to her. Carol, please

> let her know that I am

> > wishing her and her family all the best and that

> they get through this soon.

> > Please continue to keep us posted.

> >

> > I made that trip to my daughter's and now I am

> paying for it. The fog, neck

> > and shoulders, back, legs, etc are really bad. I

> ache so bad and am really

> > stiff. My grandson, was hard to get up todayand

> went to neighbor's where he

> > usually goes when I head out for work. She is a

> good friend and he fits in

> > well with their 2 bio kids and 6 fosters and they

> consider him one of the

> > family. She has called me several times today.

> He is throwing up, is cranky,

> > refuses to eat(unlike him) and is sleeping alot.

> She thinks he may have a

> > virus. That could be what I have also, I hope

> so, and maybe it will pass

> > soon.

> >

> > Let's make another time to gather together and

> keep Debs in our thoughts and

> > prayers. I'm sorry I missed the first one. I

> believe in the power of prayer.

> >

> > Hope this finds the whole family having a good

> day. Jan in CA +/:=)

> >

> >

> >

> > ---------------------------------

> >

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