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Dear June,

I am so sorry to hear about . She must be terribly frightened. It is

good that she has family with her all the time. Where was she burned on her

body? I will pray for her to have a speedy and scarless recovery. I know

that burns can be devastating. Which Children's Hosp is she in? It is

really nice of the dr. to treat the family with such caring. We need more

like him.

Now on to you. It is good to hear that you had such a good time. I missed

your posts. Is the ulcer on your foot getting any smaller? I hope that you

can get some progress with it soon. These things also can become pretty

nasty. I hope this doesn't happen with you.

Love and Hugs

Stacey in PA

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First of all,I missed each and every one of you. I am so sad to read about Deb

and immediately started my prayer candle. Please let her know that her Canadian

friend is pulling for her .

I spent a week and a half with 2 other patient partners at a cottage owned by

one of the girls family. It is a 4400 sq ft place on 2-1/2 acres of landscaped

property. Every immenity you could wish for including a hot tub. One girl is

Korean and the other SriLankin,so we had some interesting and tasty food. I

couldn't go in the lake because of my foot which is still infected.I will know

in 2 weeks if I have to have a skin graft.

I did receive some upsetting news. My nephew and his two children,Colin 7 and

13 are in Washington DC camping and some how had a pot of boiling

water tip on er leaving her with 2nd degree burns. She is in Childrens Hospital

where a surgeon used a new technique not in Canada of covering the burns with

some kind of skin. Don and Colin are staying at Mc house. All our

American friends have treated the entire family wonderfully and gone out of

their way to help. The surgeon told Don not to worry about money because if his

insurance didn't cover the entire cost,he would waive his fee. Their Mother(they

are divorced) drove down last night and will stay a couple of days and bring

Colin back. Don will stay with until the surgeon feels it is safe to

transfer her to Children's Hospital here. Sorry to ramble on like this but

is very close to me and I just wanted you all to know how much it has

helped having so many strangers jump in and give any help they can.



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Hi June:

Your poor granddaughter - how that must hurt. Isn't

it nice when your faith in mankind can be restored in

strangers helping each other? That is wonderful about

what the surgeon said about waiving his fee - there

are some very caring people out there.

Mcdonald House is a very good place - we stayed in one

down in San Diego with one of my son's surgeries -

it's so nice that the families can stay close to their

children while they are hospitalized. We'll be

keeping in our prayers too -

Kathe in CA


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Sure hope your foot heals soon. Glad to hear you had what sounds like

a great trip.

I am sorry to hear about your nephew's daughter, . I don't know

if the name has changed, but I assume she is in the National

Children's Hospital and Burn Center in Washington, D.C.? I have

volunteered in that hospital and known many people whose children

have been treated there. It is truly an outstanding hospital and I

never met anyone who was less than totally committed to the patients

and their families there.

I also was in an organization that contributed heavily to the

building of the Mc House there and was priveledged to

tour the facility before it opened. It is a wonderful place if you

have to be there ---- not wonderful the circumstances that bring you


I pray will have a rapid recovery without complications. It is

great to hear they are treating and her family so well.

Take care and God bless you all.

Elaine in Vegas

> First of all,I missed each and every one of you. I am so sad to

read about Deb and immediately started my prayer candle. Please let

her know that her Canadian friend is pulling for her .


> I spent a week and a half with 2 other patient partners at a

cottage owned by one of the girls family. It is a 4400 sq ft place on

2-1/2 acres of landscaped property. Every immenity you could wish for

including a hot tub. One girl is Korean and the other SriLankin,so we

had some interesting and tasty food. I couldn't go in the lake

because of my foot which is still infected.I will know in 2 weeks if

I have to have a skin graft.


> I did receive some upsetting news. My nephew and his two

children,Colin 7 and 13 are in Washington DC camping and some

how had a pot of boiling water tip on er leaving her with 2nd

degree burns. She is in Childrens Hospital where a surgeon used a new

technique not in Canada of covering the burns with some kind of skin.

Don and Colin are staying at Mc house. All our American

friends have treated the entire family wonderfully and gone out of

their way to help. The surgeon told Don not to worry about money

because if his insurance didn't cover the entire cost,he would waive

his fee. Their Mother(they are divorced) drove down last night and

will stay a couple of days and bring Colin back. Don will stay with

until the surgeon feels it is safe to transfer her to

Children's Hospital here. Sorry to ramble on like this but is

very close to me and I just wanted you all to know how much it has

helped having so many strangers jump in and give any help they can.


> Hugs

> June




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I am so sorry that has such severe burns to warrant this kind of

treatment, but glad they are available. I hope when they work their

miracles, she will be healed with minimal scarring. Being treated so well

at a time like this is so comforting.

I am keeping both of you in my prayers. Your foot has me very worried.

What are they doing for it?

Your vacation sounds wonderful. You¹ve met some wonderful people at patient




> First of all,I missed each and every one of you. I am so sad to read about Deb

> and immediately started my prayer candle. Please let her know that her

> Canadian friend is pulling for her .


> I spent a week and a half with 2 other patient partners at a cottage owned by

> one of the girls family. It is a 4400 sq ft place on 2-1/2 acres of landscaped

> property. Every immenity you could wish for including a hot tub. One girl is

> Korean and the other SriLankin,so we had some interesting and tasty food. I

> couldn't go in the lake because of my foot which is still infected.I will know

> in 2 weeks if I have to have a skin graft.


> I did receive some upsetting news. My nephew and his two children,Colin 7 and

> 13 are in Washington DC camping and some how had a pot of

> boiling water tip on er leaving her with 2nd degree burns. She is in Childrens

> Hospital where a surgeon used a new technique not in Canada of covering the

> burns with some kind of skin. Don and Colin are staying at Mc

> house. All our American friends have treated the entire family wonderfully and

> gone out of their way to help. The surgeon told Don not to worry about money

> because if his insurance didn't cover the entire cost,he would waive his fee.

> Their Mother(they are divorced) drove down last night and will stay a couple

> of days and bring Colin back. Don will stay with until the surgeon

> feels it is safe to transfer her to Children's Hospital here. Sorry to ramble

> on like this but is very close to me and I just wanted you all to know

> how much it has helped having so many strangers jump in and give any help

> they can.


> Hugs

> June




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June, sorry to hear your bad news.

I will put Nichole in my prayers tonight. Hope she recovers nicely. The

things the medical profession can come up with these days is remarkably. We

are so fortunate to be living in these times.

take care,

Judy in Indy

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