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Miracle Max

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Hi All,

I would love to address each individually this afternoon, but it's

just not going to happen today. Gotta pick up our grandson from

daycare in a bit while his mom goes to school, cook their dinner, our

dinner, and go to visitation for a friend who passed away. I made

quite a sight this afternoon cutting the lawn, with ace bandages on

my ankles, knees & wrists, Ron's garden gloves padded with washcloths

to absorb vibrations from the mower. but I got the job done, and I'm

glad I did it!

If you ever saw the movie " The Princess Bride " you'll remember

Miracle Max who brought the handsome guy back from being mostly

dead. I have a rosebush I named Miracle Max, because first of all, I

started it over 20 years ago from a cut rose given to me by a little

boy I took care of. It grew into a nice rosebush, but when our sewer

collapsed, the guys dug it up with a backhoe and left it (in

february) in the yard. I moved it to another place, but had to move

it again the next year after a neighbor's peony plants overshadowed

it. Then came the year that it just didn't grow any green leaves.

April came and went, and I dug it up and set it by the trash can. A

week later I noticed some little green sprouts near the root, so I

quick planted it again. Three years ago when we moved from Illinois

to Indiana (late February) I dug it up and put it in a big garbage

bag and brought it with me. Where I go this bush goes! Little over

a year ago I moved it here to where we live now. Still this brave

little rosebush comes back year after year and blooms. This year we

have had an awful drought, and it was looking pretty bad. I went out

in the yard last week and nearly cried, but I said " Come on, Max, I

need you to bloom again. " As long as that bush grows, I feel I have

hope to overcome anything. I looked out this morning, and lo and

behold, Max has a whole bunch of new green branches growing!! This

rosebush continues to be my inspiration, and I hope maybe yours too.

I'd send you each a bloom if I could.

My prayers to Debs, and all of you who suffer, whether physically or

emotionally or both. To Tess, love yourself and remember you are

worth whatever it takes. I've been there, will share it with you


Happy Wednesday,

God Bless,


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Judi...thanks for sharing your story...it reminded me

to look for the little buds in life because it can't

be full bloom all the time. Hugs, Iris.-



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