Guest guest Posted November 23, 2007 Report Share Posted November 23, 2007 Entering the Portal of Love and Gratitude By DL ZetaThere are times when you feel your energy slip and darkness surroundsyou. While the circumstances that trigger these slips come in manydifferent flavors, they are all at the heart helping you remember toreturn to a place of love and gratitude.You find yourself at times sailing tranquil waters or turbulent seas.At other times, amazing synchronicities arrive at your door. Thentimes arrive when everything seems to "fall apart" or "go wrong." Wewill explain how these vastly different circumstances arrive and howyou can choose more carefully the seeds you plant in your garden of life.What we have been describing here at all points on your spectrum ofexperience are varying degrees of spiritual alignment. Throughintention and awareness you create circumstances in your life wherepeace and love abound. From this place, amazing synchronicitiesunfold each day. So why do you move from this place of peace and loveto a place of emotional turmoil and upset?To understand these turnarounds, you must keep in mind that theuniverse is constantly changing. As an energetic being in thisever-changing universe, you are called upon to stay attuned to thisconstant flow. It may be there are times when you have put fourthgreat effort to raise the vibration of your existence and feel theneed for "time out." There is nothing "wrong" with this ebb and flowin your journey of spiritual expansion. You will notice with thecycles of the Earth how the dormancy of winter in time yields spring'snew green. So it is in your life as well.But times of rest and renewal do not have to be times of sleepycomplacency. As a lightworker, you will learn to hold these times ofdormancy in great awareness. From this place of awareness, you areable to stay attuned to the flow of the universe. At the heart ofthis flow pulses a frequency of love and peace. In this place ofattunement, you awaken from cycles of rest with the vibrancy of a newblade of grass reaching through the warming Earth toward the spring sun.Until you learn to stay attuned even in times of rest and renewal, youmay find yourself dozing off and becoming less conscious during thesetimes. That is when you fall further from alignment with your spirit.You miss important signals and take long detours from your path. Youkeep switching channels on your universal radio, but cannot find thebroadcast of love and peace. Disharmony swirls around you; the airaround you feels dead and stale. Every day is a struggle.But here is the good news. These "speed bumps" are there to jolt youawake. As a conscious being, you are able to read these "reversals offortune" as signals that you need to "tune in."You may remember times in your past when you would have interpreteddifficult events as judgments against you. You may have taken on orinternalized this energy and continued to create more of it in yourlife. But as you began to spiritually awaken, you realized that allcircumstances in your life are helping you progress on your spiritualpath. Your experience of these events can be transformed throughgratitude and understanding.So how does this transformation take place? It happens through thedoorway of your emotions. If, for example, your lover leaves you, youmay feel great emotional distress. This is a natural response, butyou do not have to stay in this place of distress. We can guaranteeyou that anger, disappointment, blame and all negative emotions willcreate more of the same. You have may have encountered people whocontinue to swim in a soup of anger for years after the event thattriggered the original emotion. It does not have to be this way.When you find yourself experiencing negative emotions, you can chooseto accept that the circumstances you are experiencing are helping youprogress on your spiritual path. They are like the grooves on theside of the freeway that make a noise to alert you that you're aboutto run off the road! If you drift off to sleep when you're driving,your tires passing over these grooves makes a loud noise to jolt youawake. If this has ever happened to you, you may recall the gratitudeyou felt for those grooves that helped you stay on the road.So it is with times of difficulty that arrive in your life. Holdthese times in your awareness and express gratitude for the help theyare giving you. As you move from negative emotions to emotions oflove and gratitude, you begin transforming the circumstances of yourlife. When you center yourself in gratitude and love, your "universalreceiving station" once more attunes itself to the frequency of loveand peace. This frequency weaves itself throughout the moments ofyour days. You begin to sew seeds and of love in your garden of nowthat will spring open the flowers of a bright future.By entering the Portal of Love and Gratitude, you learn to stayattuned to spirit, even in those times of rest and renewal when youare not taking great steps on your spiritual path. Even those timeswhen you fall into less awareness and less attunement are just wakeupcalls, reminding you to come back to center of your heart. From aplace of gratitude and love, you can see these difficult times as the"speed bumps" that they are - spirit helping you return to a place ofpeace and alignment. As you embrace difficult times with love andgratitude, they are transformed. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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