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Stacey in PA

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LOL, Stacey!! Yes I think that qualifies… but I’m sure you are more graceful

than you think :-) I laughed even more as I’m so clumsy I can picture myself

in that scenario.

LOL, :-o I think my mention of sharing Jody might have come out wrong, you

know what I mean…

I seem to be picking up some interesting vibes from you about this chap… :-)

that’s so great, just take it easy and enjoy the feeling. Probably best to

follow your instincts on the other one, you deserve only the best my friend.

I’m so glad Wyatt enjoyed his first day at school, wow its’ amazing that he

has the same teacher you had at school.

Sorry you had such a rough day, hope today is better- IT’S FRIDAY!! :-)



Stacey wrote:

From: bintherdunit@...

Subject: Re: Hi Heidi


With my luck, I would twist and ankle in those pumps, fall and break a hip,

then get run over by the ambulance that came to pick me up. But you could

still classify that as " stopping traffic. " Right? LOL.

Yes, Jody would have to be a private cabana boy. I'm not into sharing in

that area if you know what I mean. You are right about the other guy too.


know that I have a weakness where he is concerned, so I am just not going to

go out of my way to contact him. Actually, I saw that he was online last

night (through my instant messaging) and I clicked to appear off-line. I

just wasn't in the mood. When I first e-mailed him, I was hoping that he


grown up a little, but it doesn't seem to have happened. Oh, well, I guess

when the time is right.......

Yesterday was a rough day around here. I woke up late so Wyatt missed the

bus. The car wouldn't start and when it finally did, we got a couple of

miles up the road and realized that we forgot his lunch. We turned around

and went back to get it and finally got Wyatt to school exactly 2 minutes

after the tardy bell. One funny thing though, When I came out of the

driveway, Jody was sitting across the street in a store parking lot in his

police car, but when we had to turn around to come back, he was gone. It

could have only been a matter of 2-3 minutes at the most. But I did notice.

Funny huh?

Love and Hugs

Stacey in PA


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