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Being a Yankee in the Deep South

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Dear Suzanne; I can relate to funny moments. I once asked a Southern born and

bred collelague when I could shed the Yankee image(At that point I had lived in

the South for almost 15 years).I liked the South aand had no intention of moving

back to the place of my birth-New York. He said I stopped being a Damn Yankee

when I established a permanent address in the South. But I was always going to

be known as a Yankee because of my place of birth. I told him from then on I

wanted it on my Nursing license in the State of Alabama as R.N. B.S.N. D.Y. AND-

He was still pissed off for the " War between the States " (up North known as the

Civil War). Some Alabamians insist it was not because of slavery-but " States

Rights " . I then told him he was pissed off still because he couldn't OWN

anyone.We are still friends to this day but it amazes me that something that

happened >140 years ago was still so fresh in some peoples minds. Now I know I

have offended someone in our group so I apologize ahead of time! Louise in


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Louise....I love this....I was told a long time ago I

was the worst kind of DY beiing from NH and staying in

OK that the true definition of a DY was one that came

south and stayed.......I loved you explanation to the

doc...you go girl......Kathi in OK

--- Louise Neustadter <RNLouise@...> wrote:

> Dear Suzanne; I can relate to funny moments. I once

> asked a Southern born and bred collelague when I



Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle. " Plato


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