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Re: Good News and Question on Celebrex

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Dear ...I hope your new dr can get you on the

right mix of medication to help you. I don't know if

it will help you, I take Bextra (2/day) with

prednisone. I am only on a short run of predinsone so

I don't know if that makes a difference. I have been

taking it for a week already and I can't believe how

hungry I have been. I want to eat about an hour after

dinner. That has never happened before. Is this what

everyone is talking about as far as gaining weight

when taking prednisone?

Let us know how your appt goes. Have a relaxing

weekend and remember not to try to do too much. Iris


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Hi Iris,

I guess I'm lucky in regards to Prednisone making me want to eat because it

didn't. Thank goodness because I have actively been dieting and have lost

47 pounds since May and I'm thrilled about that!!!!

I was on 3 weeks of Prednisone, thanks to the dippy doc. Not Dr. Hart or

Dr. Bronson (Rheumy) but the one prior thay helped me zip and just threw me

on Prednisone everytime. This last round started at 40mg a day for 5 days

then jumped down 10 mg every time and each dosage lasted for 5 days.

I tell you, just from the two times I've been on it...it's great while it

lasts but when you get off it, to me, at least, it seems like things that

weren't a problem have become a problem when I get off. It's like it adds

new items to the hurting/problem list.

Well, hopefully, all will go well and Dr. Bronson can get things going well

for me.

You take it easy too...I think I'm going to try to make a trial run to

Heartland West (where Dr. Bronson is located) today so that I know where and

how to go and so that, at least, won't be a big stress point for me on that

day. Then I think I'll do some shopping at the super big Walmart in St.

Joe. Hope I can last that long.

Here's wishing you and everyone a wonderfully pain free weekend and holiday.


in Missouri

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Hi ,

ongratulations on the weight loss. I have 30 lbs to

lose but it is the same 30 that has been here for the

last 10 years. I don't get any thinner but at least I

haven't gotten bigger. If I had to keep taking the

prednisone, I would probably gain a lot more weight.

I was taking it for my allergies. Yesterday was the

last day. I am in a lot of pain today so I don't

think I will do much other than rest.

I think that is a great idea checking out where your

dr is. I was late to my first rheumy appt because I

couldn't find it. Fortunately I had my cell phone and

was able to call them for the right directions. But,

it made me rather flustered and I was very uptight for

the first time I met him.

I love super walmart...you can spend days there. Have

a good weekend. Hugs Iris


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, I take the Lisinopril and Hydrochlorothiazide in combination for

my heart/and BP, and Conjestive Heart, and this combination, I have been

told is notorious for suppressing the appetite. So I am thinking this is

why the Pred. hasn't had me gaining weight or " craving " food... actually

I have to fight to keep it around 100 now. And 100 is not even normal

for me. I am 5'3 " and had always weighed around 115-20 all my teen and

adult life. I really hate seeing I am dropping this low. I feel awful.

Look worse than awful! I have always been in reverse situation of some

on this list who talk about being cruelly teased about weight. I get it

I believe, worse than the reverse. They say much more nasty things, in

my opinion, when you are underweight. (I have had women say things to me

like, " It is little people like you who SHOVE it down our throats that

we are overweight. " And this is people I don't even know, who I just

stand by in grocery lines, stores etc.! And at dinner party's for our

business I have had women say (in front of everyone) and sneer and say

things where the whole room can hear, like " If I STARVED MYSELF like

YOU...I guess I'd be that little too! " and that just isn't right of

people. I eat like a horse, by the way. It is to the point that at

dinner parties for our business, I never go to the bathroom because I

fear the next remark will be that I am " throwing it up in the bathroom "

to " stay skinny " ! Cruel remarks... or rather, CRUDE remarks, can sure

make a person paranoid!

I literally cringe when I know I have to walk into a room of people with

my husband for Bussiness or a meeting, etc. Because inevitably, at least

4 or 5 WOMEN will have to say some crude/rude remark about my size.

Discrimination works both ways, unfortunately.

But isn't it a shame how Women seem to turn on Women???

Women should support each other in every way possible!

I knew a women years ago who was being abused by her husband. A mutual

" friend " a woman... remarked that " He is soooo nice! SHE must be doing

something to PROVOKE him! He wouldn't treat ME that way, I know to treat

a man! "

I just stood amazed. After they divorced, " this woman " even helped " find

him a decient woman " !!! ....... and of course he did the same. I suppose

" this woman " thought the poor man just was having bad luck with " women " !

Women... ALL women are sisters. We probably more or less go back to same

genetic structure! So why do so many " attack " each others self esteem? I

just don't understand. A group of women never stand in a crowded mall

and say, " Look at that MAN ... look at his HAIR and clothes! " They

always find another innocent woman walking by them to say some remark

and giggle to each other, like... " Would you LOOK at THAT hair! Who does

she THINK she is?!!! " " Well look at HER! She just thinks she's 'all

that', don't she! "

I love this group.... I don't think I have met one judgemental person on

this list. All " us women " here have always pull together here, and give

comfort, praise, and loving advice. Through email we " see " no size,

shape, color or inperfections. Through email, you " fall in love with the

PERSON first... " and after that, no visual aspects matter. It is truly

what is " in the heart " of a person.

Oops... sorry this got long. I stepped up on my soap box, and guess

maybe I shouldn't have? I'm off again. I will return to " Lurk Mode "



W. wrote:

> Hi Iris,

> I guess I'm lucky in regards to Prednisone making me want to eat

> because it

> didn't. Thank goodness because I have actively been dieting and have

> lost

> 47 pounds since May and I'm thrilled about that!!!!

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Hi Susie:

I agree with you totally - people are way to quick to

jump to judgements on the basis of a person's weight,

race, religion, etc. And women are sometimes very

" catty " towards each other which I hate - you are

right, we are all women together in this world, large

or small, and need to support each other without

judgements. Getting to know people on the internet is

very different - you feel more free to speak your mind

and be yourself without having to be face to face with

someone and wondering what they are really thinking

about you. I know that others in the group have

discussed their weight issues - large or small - and

we have all offered encouragment to both. That's what

friends are for - to support each other without

judgement - to listen and offer advice - or to simply

be the shoulder to lean on through tough times. This

group is great that way - I consider you all very good

friends indeed.

Kathe in CA


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Sorry, , for not answering earlier. You didn't have to go a day

without any meds, and I hope you didn't.

When I was looking around about typical dosages of Celebrex in RA, most

of the recommendations were totals of either 200 or 400 mg per day. With

your appointment coming up so soon, you can ask your rheumatologist

what he thinks on the 9th. The amount of Celebrex prescribed depends on

what your physician thinks the diagnosis is, how severe your symptoms

are, the other meds you may be taking, and so on. For OA, the usual

dosage seems to be 200 mg per day. The physician can use his or her

discretion when deciding on the dosage though.

I'm glad you are finally getting the help you need. Good luck with your

appointment, and please let us know how it goes. I hope this will be the

beginning of the end of your ongoing flares.

Here is the manufacturer's recommendation about Celebrex dosage for RA:

Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA): CELEBREX has demonstrated significant

reduction in joint tenderness/pain and joint swelling

compared to placebo. CELEBREX was evaluated for treatment

of the signs and symptoms of RA in approximately 2,100

patients in placebo- and active-controlled clinical trials of up

to 24 weeks in duration. CELEBREX was shown to be superior

to placebo in these studies, using the ACR20 Responder Index,

a composite of clinical, laboratory, and functional measures

in RA. CELEBREX doses of 100 mg BID and 200 mg BID were

similar in effectiveness and both were comparable to naproxen

500 mg BID.

Although CELEBREX 100 mg BID and 200 mg BID provided

similar overall effectiveness, some patients derived additional

benefit from the 200 mg BID dose. Doses of 400 mg

BID provided no additional benefit above that seen with

100.200 mg BID.



[ ] Good News and Question on Celebrex

> Hi Everyone,

> First my good news! I have my first appointment with a Rheumy on Sept


> It's at 8:45 am so will have to leave here at 6 am to get there on


> That's okay, though, because my symptoms are so horrendous in the


> 1 - 2:00 pm they simmer down just a bit. My new doc, Dr. Hart, called


> apologized for not getting back to me but Dr. Bronson (Rheumy) has

been out

> of the country!


> Needless to say I'm not only excited but scared! This is a really big



> Okay, now for the question. Dr. Hart gave me samples of Celebrex to

take (3

> per package for a total of 30 capsules). They are 200 mg each and she


> me to take 1-2 every day!! Sure seems like a high dosage - 400mg.


> since I've been on a big Prednisone taper, she told me to start the


> when I was off the Predniszone. So today was my last Prednisone.

Should I

> not take anything tomorrow or can I just jump in with the Celebrex? I

> didn't know if I had to spend an entire day with nothing.


> I'm sorry I haven't been posting but my flares are endless. These

have been

> since I first when do the dippy doc back in the beginning of July.


> I hope that when things get to be a bit less painful I can post.

Typing is

> a horrendous painful endeavor at the moment. However, I'm with

everyone in

> heart and spirit and read every single post every single day.


> Hugs and a painfree weekend and holiday to everyone!



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