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I haven't seen the news cuz we don't have tv, and I have not searched it on the net. But I believe the vast majority of the news is lies. If they are saying that it is a chromosome defect as in heredity then I have to ask then why is it a new disease???? When I was a kid autism was a new word that every one was asking *what is that* about. Now if they are saying it is a chromosome defect that was caused by say mercury or aluminum in vaccines, or PEG in Miralax (or some other such poisoning) then I would be inclined to go with that.Susie ~margmessick wrote: On the news tonight it said that they have found out some amazing news and that is they think autism may be caused by a chromosome defect and that it will take time to find out more but that this was a break through and when there are definite answers they might be able to cure autism. They said it will take 2 to 3 years. Has anyone else seen this report? thanks marg Susie~ Please visit Trisha's site and feel free to pass it on: Busy Hands ~ Pencil Portraits and Other Handmade Gifts

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hi there,

wow, this is amazing. except a chromosome defect is not something

fixable is it?

At least if it has already happened anyway. That would be incredible

if it were.

Which news? Like cnn?

margmessick wrote:

On the news tonight it said that they have found out some amazing


and that is they think autism may be caused by a chromosome defect and

that it will take time to find out more but that this was a break

through and when there are definite answers they might be able to cure

autism. They said it will take 2 to 3 years. Has anyone else seen this

report? thanks marg

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The report also stated that this chromosonal defect was responsible for only one percent of the cases. Perhaps the gene causes a weakness, however, I cannot imagine that people from all over the world and all different races, suddenly developed a gene mutation that was responsible for autism CWangi and george wrote: hi there,wow, this is amazing. except a chromosome defect is not something fixable is it?At least if it has already happened anyway. That would be incredible if

it were.Which news? Like cnn?margmessick wrote: On the news tonight it said that they have found out some amazing news and that is they think autism may be caused by a chromosome defect and that it will take time to find out more but that this was a break through and when there are definite answers they might be able to cure autism. They said it will take 2 to 3 years. Has anyone else seen this report? thanks marg

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Susie, They said they did a study and found out that in people who took vaccines without mercury,they had a higher incidence of autism than ones who took vaccines with mercury. It was just a report and they claimed it was discovered in 1% and it would take years to get definite answers. you have to remember autism could have been in children years back but they had no names for the diseases that people had back then. Its like cancer people just died and they didn't know at that time what from. my cousin was 30 when he died and that was 40 years ago and they don't know why. They didn't do an autopsy. It doesn't always have to be a chemical or medication and it can be hereditary and a deficency ,where a bad gene or too much chromosomes or a defective gene is passed to the fetus. In my family all of us girls only have neuropathy and we were all checked and we all lack a certain protein that caused it and was told that it was a family

hereditary passed on through the genes. My one cousin had 2 boys and they both had spina bifida and his sister had a boy also with spinal bifida. So it is possible for different diseases to be passed through family and not always meds or chemicals. Also the internet doesn't always mean its good information. You have to be careful as a lot of information on internet is not always true. I don't take the news as gospel as one minute one thing is bad for you and the next minute its not. so who can you believe ????? thanks margSusie wrote: I haven't seen the news cuz we don't have tv, and I have not searched it on the net. But I believe the vast majority of the news is lies. If they are saying that it is a chromosome defect as in heredity then I have to ask then why is it a new disease???? When I was a kid autism was a new word that every one was asking *what is that* about. Now if they are saying it is a chromosome defect that was caused by say mercury or aluminum in vaccines, or PEG in Miralax (or some other such poisoning) then I would be inclined to go with that.Susie ~margmessick <margmessick> wrote: On the news tonight it said that they have found out some amazing news and that is they think autism may be caused by a chromosome defect and that it will take time to find out more but that this was a break through and when there

are definite answers they might be able to cure autism. They said it will take 2 to 3 years. Has anyone else seen this report? thanks marg Susie~ Please visit Trisha's site and feel free to pass it on: Busy Hands ~ Pencil Portraits and Other Handmade Gifts Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now.

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It's basically a cover for the fact that it's VACCINES that are the

problem. If they can blame it on a gene, they (pharmaceuticals) can

still make billions with their pawns at the CDC calling the shots --

no pun intended.

On the news tonight it said that they

have found out some amazing news

> and that is they think autism may be caused by a chromosome defect


> that it will take time to find out more but that this was a break

> through and when there are definite answers they might be able to


> autism. They said it will take 2 to 3 years. Has anyone else seen


> report? thanks marg


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I've attended Autism conferences and they know that one child got measels mumps and rubella NATURALLY, not from a shot and went into autism, so they say, 'If we know this happened to someone naturally, just from the disease's themselves,then why would they put it in a shot" The us gov also studied measels/mumps and measels/rubella in their studies, but when it came time to distribute them, they added all three..............they never studied the three all together before distributing them, this is the argument for the MMR........Andy Wakefied is doing a study right now using primates, giving one measels, one mumps, one themerysol, one mercury, one with MMR & themerysol, one with MMR & mercury,etc. to prove a causation, not an assosiation. For the animal rights advocate's.............. they say, we're just giving the same vaccine reigimn your telling us to give our children.......margmessick wrote: On the news tonight it said that they have found out some amazing news and that is they think autism may be caused by a chromosome defect and that it will take time to find out more but that this was a break through and when there are definite answers they might be able to cure autism. They said it will take 2 to 3 years. Has anyone else seen this report? thanks marg

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Ditto!! I agree with you!! Sorry to say but that report is false!!

Who do you think is the financial backer to all the air time? The

pharmacutical world!! Vaccine sales have dropped dramatically

(knowledge) and they are doing everything possible to get those sales

up! This is including threats with jail etc(most can excempt vacs). I

dont mean to sound discouraging, but if it was a chromosome issue,

there wouldnt be any hope(1%??? that is nothing).My son had all the

FragileX/FISH testing done(DNA/chromosome) and everything came back

normal! No, if it was as chrome issue it couldnt be fixed! I was so

overwhelmed with exitement when my sons came back normal, this gave

me hope for my son. I new he has hope with natural healing!! He has

overcome so much due to healing!! Only countries with vaccine

programs have issues with autism(spectrum issues), us being the

highest in the world. Countries that dont vaccinate, dont have cronic

cases of spectrum issues!! Even China's goverment recognizes the

dangers/issues with vaccines and they changed the laws to vaccinate

at later age. There are countries that have stopped it all together!!

When I was a kid, there was no such thing as autism or it was so rare

you never heard of it! We got maybe 2-3 shots! Our poor kids are up

to 40combined vacs by the time they get in school(watch out, they are

trying to mandate mandatory adult vacs now). Mercury isnt the only

neuro toxin in the shots. The Amish communities and other non

vaccinating communities have no spectrum issues what so ever!!! I

also have considered that spectrum issues are contagious(research on

the stealth). $$$$$ is a big thing with vaccines, vacs make big

bucks, said to be the second biggest money maker in the world(no one

is gonna give that up). Illness caused from the vacs, even more big

bucks for the medical world!! They like it!! You would be shocked at

the early deaths in the thousands due to vacs, wiether your 40 or 50

it doesnt matter it eventually gets you!! It is estimated that about

5000 children a " day " die from aids world wide, this does not include

adults(the estimates vary), guess where the aids virus came from???

Vaccines...we tested our first vacs in africa(I feel this was

intentional). Green monkey virus!!!! Anyways, obviously I am a little

worked up on the vac issue and need to stop!! But please dont be

fooled by the media!! There is way more science to back the vac

affects, those scientist should be considered worthy/credible also!!


On the news tonight it said that they

> have found out some amazing news

> > and that is they think autism may be caused by a chromosome


> and

> > that it will take time to find out more but that this was a break

> > through and when there are definite answers they might be able to

> cure

> > autism. They said it will take 2 to 3 years. Has anyone else seen

> this

> > report? thanks marg

> >


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It's funny how the media will jump all over a report like this and ignore other studies that do show a correlation between vaccines and autism. There was a study done somewhere in the Pacific Northwest, that came out last fall, showing a connection...they studied kids who had vaccines and kids who didn't, and found something like a 60% greater likelihood of autism in kids who had the vaccines. Also, I'm not sure if this is the study that was on the news last night, but I found an NY Times report on a recent California study, showing no difference in autism rates after thimerosal was removed. But the report acknowledges that it was still in flu shots. I have to wonder if they removed the kids who had flu shots from the study or not? If not, there's a methodology problem...I mean, doctors are recommending flu shots for young children, so even if kids weren't getting thimerosal in their regular shots, they still may have (if their parents opted to do flu shots) been getting them in the flu shots. I agree with Marge's caution, by the way, about using the Internet as a source of information. But when it comes to vaccines, or even to the dangers of Miralax, you don't have to rely on the web pages of individuals or of potentially biased organizations...it's not hard to confirm this stuff just using, for example, the CDC, the FDA, newspapers, etc. I think it's a good practice, actually, after reading a wild claim somewhere, to factcheck it using a variety of sources. Bonnie

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Where is the clapping smilie when you need him!!? Jennie, we need folks like you speaking up for us in congress or where ever the issues come up!Marg, I am super glad that we have you hear on this loop. I feel like I have my loved ones that have gone on back here with me. They come from a time that you could trust the media for the most part. I am sort of in a weird spot. I have 3 full grown children that were all fully vaxed. :o( At 41 years old I come from the time when we were only beginning to realize that there was something amis with those in charge. I now have a two year old (a wonderful surprise blessing from God). After much research I have realized that there are those that only care about their pocket books and don't give a fat rat's * & #@ (I don't curse but there is no way to express their evil agenda with normal words) what happens to my child as a result of their money making schemes. And these very same people have tons and tons of

control over the media. Marg, I am risking jail time because I KNOW that vaccines is the main cause of autism and I refuse to give one more child to the the powers that be so their wallets can fatten (And there is more that they hope to accomplish but I don't dare speak of it in a public loop). In Mississippi the only exemption from vaxs is if you can PROVE that your child will become ill as a result of taking the shots. I don't have the option of religious or philosophical exemption that you find in other states. I would not risk jail time and them taking my child from me if I was not fully convienced that vacs were evil. Me and my youngest son now suffer from thyroid issues that I believe were, in part, caused from vaccines. About the higher rate of risk of autism in those who had vaxs with no mercury....I have two thoughts. One is that it is bunk. The other is that it would support

the study done by a doctor that I heard speaking on Radio Liberty a few weeks ago. He said that most people are missing the fact that those vacx that have mercury also have lead or aluminum (I forget which, I think the latter) that also plays a roll in autism. So remove the mercury and you still have a problem.The state of this world is soooo terrible. There are those with evil agendas that are brainwashing the masses. And most of the population is so sick they wouldn't have the strenght to fight if they did see what was happening.Susie~Susie~ Please visit Trisha's site and feel free to pass it on: Busy Hands ~ Pencil Portraits and Other Handmade Gifts

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my thought is that it is not the thimerosal. I feel it

is either immune overload, or something else in the shots like aluminum

or something. There are too many studies saying that the thimerosal

removal has not changed much. I did ask for a preservative free flu

shot this year for my girl, and let me tell you she was a mess for an

entire month afterwards. I do believe that the immunizations did this

(PDD-NOS) to my girl, but I am not sure why.

Bonnie Juettner wrote:

It's funny how the media will jump all over a report like this and

ignore other studies that do show a correlation between vaccines and

autism. There was a study done somewhere in the Pacific Northwest, that

came out last fall, showing a connection...they studied kids who

had vaccines and kids who didn't, and found something like a 60%

greater likelihood of autism in kids who had the vaccines.

Also, I'm not sure if this is the study that was on the news last

night, but I found an NY Times report on a recent California study,

showing no difference in autism rates after thimerosal was removed. But

the report acknowledges that it was still in flu shots. I have to

wonder if they removed the kids who had flu shots from the study or

not? If not, there's a methodology problem...I mean, doctors are

recommending flu shots for young children, so even if kids weren't

getting thimerosal in their regular shots, they still may have (if

their parents opted to do flu shots) been getting them in the flu


I agree with Marge's caution, by the way, about using the Internet as a

source of information. But when it comes to vaccines, or even to the

dangers of Miralax, you don't have to rely on the web pages of

individuals or of potentially biased organizations...it's not hard

to confirm this stuff just using, for example, the CDC, the FDA,

newspapers, etc. I think it's a good practice, actually, after reading

a wild claim somewhere, to factcheck it using a variety of sources.


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Please remove me from these emails. Thanks for the information.

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless handheld


my thought is that it is not the thimerosal.  I feel it is either immune

overload, or something else in the shots like aluminum or something.  There are

too many studies saying that the thimerosal removal has not changed much.  I did

ask for a preservative free flu shot this year for my girl, and let me tell you

she was a mess for an entire month afterwards.  I do believe that the

immunizations did this (PDD-NOS) to my girl, but I am not sure why.

Bonnie Juettner wrote:

It's funny how the media will jump all over a report like this and ignore other

studies that do show a correlation between vaccines and autism. There was a

study done somewhere in the Pacific Northwest, that came out last fall, showing

a connection...they studied kids who had vaccines and kids who didn't, and found

something like a 60% greater likelihood of autism in kids who had the vaccines.

Also, I'm not sure if this is the study that was on the news last night, but I

found an NY Times report on a recent California study, showing no difference in

autism rates after thimerosal was removed. But the report acknowledges that it

was still in flu shots. I have to wonder if they removed the kids who had flu

shots from the study or not? If not, there's a methodology problem...I mean,

doctors are recommending flu shots for young children, so even if kids weren't

getting thimerosal in their regular shots, they still may have (if their parents

opted to do flu shots) been getting them in the flu shots.

I agree with Marge's caution, by the way, about using the Internet as a source

of information. But when it comes to vaccines, or even to the dangers of

Miralax, you don't have to rely on the web pages of individuals or of

potentially biased organizations...it's not hard to confirm this stuff just

using, for example, the CDC, the FDA, newspapers, etc. I think it's a good

practice, actually, after reading a wild claim somewhere, to factcheck it using

a variety of sources.


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This documentary was probably talking about children born with it, (or were they?) not children that were normal until they received a vaccine, they don't know if it could be handed down to the offspring of people vaccinated either, and the way they vaccinate at birth, how do we know they were born with it? Unless, you had an autistic child that wasn't vaccinated and had Autism, then it would make me wonder if it was handed down or something done to the Mother while carrying them. Sounds like another ploy to say it's not the vaccine's to me..........What about the children that were normal until they received a vaccine? There was nothing wrong with their chromosome's before they received it? JOHN WRIGHT wrote: The report also stated that this chromosonal defect was responsible for only one percent of the cases. Perhaps the gene causes a weakness, however, I cannot imagine that people from all over the world and all different races, suddenly developed a gene mutation that was responsible for autism CWangi and george wrote: hi there,wow, this is amazing. except a chromosome defect is not something fixable is it?At least if it has already happened anyway. That would be incredible if it were.Which news? Like cnn?margmessick wrote: On the news tonight it said that they have found out some amazing news and that is they think autism may be caused by a chromosome defect and that it will take time to find out more but that this was a break through and when there are definite answers they might be able to cure autism. They said it will take 2 to 3 years. Has anyone else seen this report? thanks marg

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why haven't you filed a lawsuit concerning your children and all the problems they have gone through and are still going through? have you ever talked to a lawyer about your concerns about the causes that may have harmed your children? you also have to be cautious about lawyers as they too do it for the money,just like the drug companies and some doctors. I have a law suit going on now, me verses a drug company and you need to really research lawyers and get honest ones and I had to have a lot of legal documentation and proof in my medical records and they checked my hospitizations and pharmacies i went to before they agreed to even. take my case. they did take my case and its been. over 2 years and is about to go to court. i just wanted to tell you this as its not easy to prove that one thing is causing harm. believe me and I am 71 years old and still fighting. you need proof and lots of it as the drug company will fight you as they have the

bucks! margJeanie Ward wrote: I've attended Autism conferences and they know that one child got measels mumps and rubella NATURALLY, not from a shot and went into autism, so they say, 'If we know this happened to someone naturally, just from the disease's themselves,then why would they put it in a shot" The us gov also studied measels/mumps and measels/rubella in their studies, but when it came time to distribute them, they added all three..............they never studied the three all together before distributing

them, this is the argument for the MMR........Andy Wakefied is doing a study right now using primates, giving one measels, one mumps, one themerysol, one mercury, one with MMR & themerysol, one with MMR & mercury,etc. to prove a causation, not an assosiation. For the animal rights advocate's.............. they say, we're just giving the same vaccine reigimn your telling us to give our children.......margmessick <margmessick> wrote: On the news tonight it said that they have found out some amazing news and that is they think autism may be caused by a chromosome defect and that it will take time to find out more but that this was a break through and when there are definite answers they might be able to cure autism. They said it will take 2 to 3 years. Has anyone else seen this report? thanks


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alot of hereditary problems don;t always occur in childhood but do in adult hood and I.my sister and brothers are good examples of diseases occurring later in life and its all happened to us at adulthood so you can't say it happens always in the fetus or in the baby as it can happen later in life and does. margJeanie Ward wrote: This documentary was probably talking about children born with it, (or were they?) not children that were normal until they received a vaccine, they don't know if it could be handed down to the

offspring of people vaccinated either, and the way they vaccinate at birth, how do we know they were born with it? Unless, you had an autistic child that wasn't vaccinated and had Autism, then it would make me wonder if it was handed down or something done to the Mother while carrying them. Sounds like another ploy to say it's not the vaccine's to me..........What about the children that were normal until they received a vaccine? There was nothing wrong with their chromosome's before they received it? JOHN WRIGHT <butterflycwprodigy (DOT) net> wrote: The report also stated that this chromosonal defect was responsible for only one percent of the cases. Perhaps the gene causes a weakness, however, I cannot imagine that people from all over the world and all different races, suddenly developed a gene mutation that was responsible for

autism CWangi and george wrote: hi there,wow, this is amazing. except a chromosome defect is not something fixable is it?At least if it has already happened anyway. That would be incredible if it were.Which news? Like cnn?margmessick wrote: On the news tonight it said that they have found out some amazing news and that is they think autism may be caused by a chromosome defect and that it will take time to find out more but that this was a break through and when there are definite answers they might be able to cure autism. They said it will take 2 to 3 years. Has anyone else seen this report? thanks marg

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my mom is now also a part of a lawsuit (for HRT) that

is just about to go to court. I am hoping she gets a lot of money...it

gave her breast cancer, and then the chemo damaged her heart. Since

she can no longer work much, they should at least give her enough money

to be comfortable. The attorneys wrote this wonderful information

about how the evil pharmaceutical companies told women/doctor's in the

1980's/1990's that HRT would help her from getting breast cancer and

heart disease. She ended up with both FROM the medication. It is

awful. Why am I posting this? Because it just shows to go ya that the

pharmaceutical co's either do not test things enough to know the long

term effects, or they lie to make money, or BOTH. I may lose my mom

because of it. And now,. my daughter is suffering from autism spectrum

that we feel was caused by the shots.....there is a class action going

on right now but I was too late to get in on it. I am looking for

another one...if anyone knows of one...please let me know.

Marg Messick wrote:

why haven't you filed a lawsuit concerning your children and all

the problems they have gone through and are still going through? have

you ever talked to a lawyer about your concerns about the causes that

may have harmed your children? you also have to be cautious about

lawyers as they too do it for the money,just like the drug companies

and some doctors. I have a law suit going on now, me verses a drug

company and you need to really research lawyers and get honest ones

and I had to have a lot of legal documentation and proof in my medical

records and they checked my hospitizations and pharmacies i went

to before they agreed to even. take my case. they did take my case and

its been. over 2 years and is about to go to court. i just wanted to

tell you this as its not easy to prove that one thing is causing harm.

believe me and I am 71 years old and still fighting. you need proof and

lots of it as the drug company will fight you as they have the bucks!


Jeanie Ward <dreamjeaniesbcglobal (DOT) net>


I've attended Autism conferences and they know that one child

got measels mumps and rubella NATURALLY, not from a shot and went into

autism, so they say, 'If we know this happened to someone naturally,

just from the disease's themselves,then why would they put it in a

shot" The us gov also studied measels/mumps and measels/rubella in

their studies, but when it came time to distribute them, they added all

three..............they never studied the three all together

before distributing them, this is the argument for the MMR........Andy

Wakefied is doing a study right now using primates, giving one measels,

one mumps, one themerysol, one mercury, one with MMR & themerysol,

one with MMR & mercury,etc. to prove a causation, not an

assosiation. For the animal rights advocate's..............

they say, we're just giving the same vaccine reigimn your telling us to

give our children.......

margmessick <margmessick> wrote:

On the news tonight it said that they have found out some

amazing news

and that is they think autism may be caused by a chromosome defect and

that it will take time to find out more but that this was a break

through and when there are definite answers they might be able to cure

autism. They said it will take 2 to 3 years. Has anyone else seen this

report? thanks marg

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Your getting kind of personal there Marg..........Marg Messick wrote: why haven't you filed a lawsuit concerning your children and all the problems they have gone through and are still going through? have you ever talked to a lawyer about your concerns about the causes that may have harmed your children? you also have to be cautious about lawyers as they too do it for the money,just like the drug companies and some doctors. I have a law suit going on now, me verses a drug company and you need to really research

lawyers and get honest ones and I had to have a lot of legal documentation and proof in my medical records and they checked my hospitizations and pharmacies i went to before they agreed to even. take my case. they did take my case and its been. over 2 years and is about to go to court. i just wanted to tell you this as its not easy to prove that one thing is causing harm. believe me and I am 71 years old and still fighting. you need proof and lots of it as the drug company will fight you as they have the bucks! margJeanie Ward <dreamjeaniesbcglobal (DOT) net> wrote: I've attended Autism conferences and they know that one child got measels mumps and rubella NATURALLY, not from a shot and went into autism, so they say, 'If we know this happened to someone naturally, just from the disease's themselves,then why would they put

it in a shot" The us gov also studied measels/mumps and measels/rubella in their studies, but when it came time to distribute them, they added all three..............they never studied the three all together before distributing them, this is the argument for the MMR........Andy Wakefied is doing a study right now using primates, giving one measels, one mumps, one themerysol, one mercury, one with MMR & themerysol, one with MMR & mercury,etc. to prove a causation, not an assosiation. For the animal rights advocate's.............. they say, we're just giving the same vaccine reigimn your telling us to give our children.......margmessick <margmessick> wrote: On the news tonight it said that they have found out some amazing news and that is they think autism may be caused by a chromosome defect and that

it will take time to find out more but that this was a break through and when there are definite answers they might be able to cure autism. They said it will take 2 to 3 years. Has anyone else seen this report? thanks marg Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Yahoo! Search.

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you have to go to the bottom and click on unsubscribe.........kylejbabcock@... wrote: Please remove me from these emails. Thanks for the information. Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless handheld Re: Re: AUTISMmy thought is that it is not the thimerosal. I feel it is either immune overload, or something else in the shots like aluminum or something. There are too many studies saying that the thimerosal removal has not changed much. I did ask for a preservative free flu shot this year for my girl, and let me tell you she was a mess for an entire month afterwards. I do believe that the immunizations did this (PDD-NOS) to my girl, but I am not sure

why.Bonnie Juettner wrote: It's funny how the media will jump all over a report like this and ignore other studies that do show a correlation between vaccines and autism. There was a study done somewhere in the Pacific Northwest, that came out last fall, showing a connection...they studied kids who had vaccines and kids who didn't, and found something like a 60% greater likelihood of autism in kids who had the vaccines. Also, I'm not sure if this is the study that was on the news last night, but I found an NY Times report on a recent California study, showing no difference in autism rates after thimerosal was removed. But the report acknowledges that it was still in flu shots. I have to wonder if they removed the kids who had flu shots from the study or not? If not, there's a methodology problem...I mean, doctors are recommending flu shots for young children, so even if kids weren't getting thimerosal in their regular shots, they still may have (if

their parents opted to do flu shots) been getting them in the flu shots. I agree with Marge's caution, by the way, about using the Internet as a source of information. But when it comes to vaccines, or even to the dangers of Miralax, you don't have to rely on the web pages of individuals or of potentially biased organizations...it's not hard to confirm this stuff just using, for example, the CDC, the FDA, newspapers, etc. I think it's a good practice, actually, after reading a wild claim somewhere, to factcheck it using a variety of sources. Bonnie

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OMG, this so hits home. Sammy had the flu shot two weeks ago, and he's been a horror show ever since - overly sensitive/reactive to comments, etc., says one thing one minute and another the next - actually started watching him for deeper symptoms of bi-polar (his dad was). But then the flu vac timing kicked into my brain. Just to refresh, Sammy has had no spectrum dx's and is 7-1/2 years old.angi and george wrote: my thought is that it is not the thimerosal. I

feel it is either immune overload, or something else in the shots like aluminum or something. There are too many studies saying that the thimerosal removal has not changed much. I did ask for a preservative free flu shot this year for my girl, and let me tell you she was a mess for an entire month afterwards. I do believe that the immunizations did this (PDD-NOS) to my girl, but I am not sure why.Bonnie Juettner wrote: It's funny how the media will jump all over a report like this and ignore other studies that do show a correlation between vaccines and autism. There was a study done somewhere in the Pacific Northwest, that came out last fall, showing a connection...they studied kids who had vaccines and kids who didn't, and found something like a 60% greater likelihood of autism in kids who had the vaccines.

Also, I'm not sure if this is the study that was on the news last night, but I found an NY Times report on a recent California study, showing no difference in autism rates after thimerosal was removed. But the report acknowledges that it was still in flu shots. I have to wonder if they removed the kids who had flu shots from the study or not? If not, there's a methodology problem...I mean, doctors are recommending flu shots for young children, so even if kids weren't getting thimerosal in their regular shots, they still may have (if their parents opted to do flu shots) been getting them in the flu shots. I agree with Marge's caution, by the way, about using the Internet as a source of information. But when it comes to vaccines, or even to the dangers of Miralax, you don't have to rely on the web pages of individuals or of potentially biased organizations...it's not hard to confirm this stuff just using, for example, the CDC, the FDA, newspapers, etc. I

think it's a good practice, actually, after reading a wild claim somewhere, to factcheck it using a variety of sources. Bonnie

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Interesting off-the-beaten-path news tidbit about Sorbitol, diarrhea and weight loss. See my earlier posts - my son is practically addicted to Trident gum and has been fairly regular since he found this passion. Interesting to see, though, that too much of a good thing can cause problems in people w/o motility issues. http://www.local6.com/health/15027843/detail.html

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Please consider homeopathy or NAET for a vaccine remedy as soon as

possible. It will be the best investment you will make this year IMO


It's funny how the media will jump all

over a report like this and ignore other studies that do show a

correlation between vaccines and autism. There was a study done

somewhere in the Pacific Northwest, that came out last fall, showing

a connection...they studied kids who had vaccines and kids who

didn't, and found something like a 60% greater likelihood of autism

in kids who had the vaccines.


> Also, I'm not sure if this is the study that was on the news last

night, but I found an NY Times report on a recent California study,

showing no difference in autism rates after thimerosal was removed.

But the report acknowledges that it was still in flu shots. I have to

wonder if they removed the kids who had flu shots from the study or

not? If not, there's a methodology problem...I mean, doctors are

recommending flu shots for young children, so even if kids weren't

getting thimerosal in their regular shots, they still may have (if

their parents opted to do flu shots) been getting them in the flu



> I agree with Marge's caution, by the way, about using the Internet

as a source of information. But when it comes to vaccines, or even to

the dangers of Miralax, you don't have to rely on the web pages of

individuals or of potentially biased organizations...it's not hard to

confirm this stuff just using, for example, the CDC, the FDA,

newspapers, etc. I think it's a good practice, actually, after

reading a wild claim somewhere, to factcheck it using a variety of



> Bonnie








> ---------------------------------

> Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.

Try it now.


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what is NAET?



mommtlc wrote:

Please consider homeopathy or NAET for a vaccine remedy as soon as

possible. It will be the best investment you will make this year IMO


It's funny how the media will jump all

over a report like this and ignore other studies that do show a

correlation between vaccines and autism. There was a study done

somewhere in the Pacific Northwest, that came out last fall, showing

a connection...they studied kids who had vaccines and kids who

didn't, and found something like a 60% greater likelihood of autism

in kids who had the vaccines.


> Also, I'm not sure if this is the study that was on the news last

night, but I found an NY Times report on a recent California study,

showing no difference in autism rates after thimerosal was removed.

But the report acknowledges that it was still in flu shots. I have to

wonder if they removed the kids who had flu shots from the study or

not? If not, there's a methodology problem...I mean, doctors are

recommending flu shots for young children, so even if kids weren't

getting thimerosal in their regular shots, they still may have (if

their parents opted to do flu shots) been getting them in the flu



> I agree with Marge's caution, by the way, about using the Internet

as a source of information. But when it comes to vaccines, or even to

the dangers of Miralax, you don't have to rely on the web pages of

individuals or of potentially biased organizations...it's not hard


confirm this stuff just using, for example, the CDC, the FDA,

newspapers, etc. I think it's a good practice, actually, after

reading a wild claim somewhere, to factcheck it using a variety of



> Bonnie








> ---------------------------------

> Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.

Try it now.


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It's funny how the media will jump all

> > over a report like this and ignore other studies that do show a

> > correlation between vaccines and autism. There was a study done

> > somewhere in the Pacific Northwest, that came out last fall,


> > a connection...they studied kids who had vaccines and kids who

> > didn't, and found something like a 60% greater likelihood of


> > in kids who had the vaccines.

> > >

> > > Also, I'm not sure if this is the study that was on the news


> > night, but I found an NY Times report on a recent California


> > showing no difference in autism rates after thimerosal was


> > But the report acknowledges that it was still in flu shots. I

have to

> > wonder if they removed the kids who had flu shots from the study


> > not? If not, there's a methodology problem...I mean, doctors are

> > recommending flu shots for young children, so even if kids weren't

> > getting thimerosal in their regular shots, they still may have (if

> > their parents opted to do flu shots) been getting them in the flu

> > shots.

> > >

> > > I agree with Marge's caution, by the way, about using the


> > as a source of information. But when it comes to vaccines, or

even to

> > the dangers of Miralax, you don't have to rely on the web pages of

> > individuals or of potentially biased organizations...it's not

hard to

> > confirm this stuff just using, for example, the CDC, the FDA,

> > newspapers, etc. I think it's a good practice, actually, after

> > reading a wild claim somewhere, to factcheck it using a variety of

> > sources.

> > >

> > > Bonnie

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > ---------------------------------

> > > Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo!


> > Try it now.

> > >

> >

> >


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I had answered you before on this and I'm not getting personal,I am concerned as you publised your childs problem and even had records to view. margJeanie Ward wrote: Your getting kind of personal there Marg..........Marg Messick <margmessick> wrote: why haven't you filed a lawsuit concerning your children and all the problems they have gone through and are

still going through? have you ever talked to a lawyer about your concerns about the causes that may have harmed your children? you also have to be cautious about lawyers as they too do it for the money,just like the drug companies and some doctors. I have a law suit going on now, me verses a drug company and you need to really research lawyers and get honest ones and I had to have a lot of legal documentation and proof in my medical records and they checked my hospitizations and pharmacies i went to before they agreed to even. take my case. they did take my case and its been. over 2 years and is about to go to court. i just wanted to tell you this as its not easy to prove that one thing is causing harm. believe me and I am 71 years old and still fighting. you need proof and lots of it as the drug company will fight you as they have the bucks! margJeanie Ward <dreamjeaniesbcglobal (DOT) net> wrote: I've attended Autism conferences and they know that one child got measels mumps and rubella NATURALLY, not from a shot and went into autism, so they say, 'If we know this happened to someone naturally, just from the disease's themselves,then why would they put it in a shot" The us gov also studied measels/mumps and measels/rubella in their studies, but when it came time to distribute them, they added all three..............they never studied the three all together before distributing them, this is the argument for the MMR........Andy Wakefied is doing a study right now using primates, giving one measels, one mumps, one themerysol, one mercury, one with MMR & themerysol, one with MMR & mercury,etc. to prove a causation, not an assosiation. For the animal rights advocate's.............. they say, we're just giving the same vaccine reigimn your telling

us to give our children.......margmessick <margmessick> wrote: On the news tonight it said that they have found out some amazing news and that is they think autism may be caused by a chromosome defect and that it will take time to find out more but that this was a break through and when there are definite answers they might be able to cure autism. They said it will take 2 to 3 years. Has anyone else seen this report? thanks marg Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Yahoo! Search.

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bonnie, I would like to see that report or find out where i can get it. thanks margBonnie Juettner wrote: It's funny how the media will jump all over a report like this and ignore other studies that do show a correlation between vaccines and autism. There was a study done somewhere in the Pacific Northwest, that came out last fall, showing a connection...they studied kids who had vaccines and kids who didn't, and found something like a 60% greater likelihood of autism in kids who had the vaccines.

Also, I'm not sure if this is the study that was on the news last night, but I found an NY Times report on a recent California study, showing no difference in autism rates after thimerosal was removed. But the report acknowledges that it was still in flu shots. I have to wonder if they removed the kids who had flu shots from the study or not? If not, there's a methodology problem...I mean, doctors are recommending flu shots for young children, so even if kids weren't getting thimerosal in their regular shots, they still may have (if their parents opted to do flu shots) been getting them in the flu shots. I agree with Marge's caution, by the way, about using the Internet as a source of information. But when it comes to vaccines, or even to the dangers of Miralax, you don't have to rely on the web pages of individuals or of potentially biased organizations...it's not hard to confirm this stuff just using, for example, the CDC, the FDA, newspapers, etc. I

think it's a good practice, actually, after reading a wild claim somewhere, to factcheck it using a variety of sources. Bonnie

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Hi Marg,I don't have the link...I just read about it in the news a few months ago...but maybe you can find it via Google...BonnieOn Jan 14, 2008 12:26 AM, Marg Messick <

margmessick@...> wrote:

bonnie, I would like to see that report or find out where i can get it. thanks margBonnie Juettner <bjuettner@...

> wrote: It's funny how the media will jump all over a report like this and ignore other studies that do show a correlation between vaccines and autism. There was a study done somewhere in the Pacific Northwest, that came out last fall, showing a connection...they studied kids who had vaccines and kids who didn't, and found something like a 60% greater likelihood of autism in kids who had the vaccines.

Also, I'm not sure if this is the study that was on the news last night, but I found an NY Times report on a recent California study, showing no difference in autism rates after thimerosal was removed. But the report acknowledges that it was still in flu shots. I have to wonder if they removed the kids who had flu shots from the study or not? If not, there's a methodology problem...I mean, doctors are recommending flu shots for young children, so even if kids weren't getting thimerosal in their regular shots, they still may have (if their parents opted to do flu shots) been getting them in the flu shots. I agree with Marge's caution, by the way, about using the Internet as a source of information. But when it comes to vaccines, or even to the dangers of Miralax, you don't have to rely on the web pages of individuals or of potentially biased organizations...it's not hard to confirm this stuff just using, for example, the CDC, the FDA, newspapers, etc. I

think it's a good practice, actually, after reading a wild claim somewhere, to factcheck it using a variety of sources. Bonnie Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo your homepage.

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